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Hot Topics for BACWA in 2008 Dave Williams Chair of the Executive Board January 2008

Learn about BACWA's efforts in building relationships, collaboration with Clean H2O Summit, tackling regulatory issues, and more. Find out how BACWA provides a return on investment and advocates for clean water agencies.

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Hot Topics for BACWA in 2008 Dave Williams Chair of the Executive Board January 2008

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  1. Hot Topics for BACWA in 2008 Dave Williams Chair of the Executive Board January 2008 BACWA – Leading the way to protect our Bay

  2. Team Work, Communication and Coordination across BACWA Members Building Relationships Meetings with State Board, WB and EPA Collaboration with Clean H2O Summit SSO Training and Ops Certification Issue Regulatory Issues for Permits and Basin Plans Water Recycling Collection System Issues Climate Change 2007 – A Busy Year for BACWA

  3. Completion of the Hg TMDL Watershed Permit for Hg Active and engaged Committees Cu and CN SSO Adoptions Regional Collaboration on new issues Meetings with WB and EPA Staff Staff Development – Networking across the Region and Professional Development BACWA Provides a Return On Investment

  4. Communication Collaboration Cooperation Focus on The Three C’s

  5. All participants of BACWA have been active over the last year Board and Committee Meetings Meetings with WB, EPA, SWRCB, NGOs Collaborating on Comment Letters To WB, SWRCB and EPA Providing Testimony Participation in IRWMP Regional Biosolids Collaboration Active and Visible Advocacy for Cleanwater Agencies

  6. Completing Basin Plan Amendments Cu Site Specific Objective CN Site Specific Objective Hg TMDL Adopted All three Basin Plans at EPA Region 9 for Approval Hg Watershed Permit Adopted Success on Completion of Basin Plans

  7. Compliance Schedules are no longer allowed in permits Numerical effluent limits for Dioxin New requirements for blending BACWA Permit Committee engaged and working together on these issues Comments and Appeals on all permits ED testifies at Water Board Especially Busy Year with Permits

  8. “The Importance of Recycled Water for the San Francisco Bay Area” Copies for sent to all members so you can share with your elected officials Workshop in October in cooperation with Water Reuse Foundation Committee is considering next steps Groundbreaking Water Recycling Work by BACWA Committee

  9. Annual Report provides information about the activities of the organization Article for the Pulse of the Estuary “The History of Municipal Wastewater Treatment; 35 Years of POTWs Protecting the Bay” Provides historical view of our accomplishments Prepared as part of the 35 Anniversary of the Clean Water Act BACWA As Visible Representative of Our Agencies

  10. EPA Environmental Award for Outstanding Achievement Safe Medicine Collection Events in May 2006 and April 2007 First Teng Chung Wu Award for P2 Creating a Dental Amalgam Program Outstanding CCMP Award for SF Estuary Project Pharmaceutical Collection Program Awards and Recognition for our BAPPG

  11. Provides for ability to continue land application of class B in Solano County Biosolids Committee Active on Solano County Ordinance

  12. Collections Systems Implementation of Basin Plan Amendments Permits Biosolids Strategy Special issues Dioxin and Bacteria Se TMDL Beyond Pollution Prevention Anticipated Focus for 2008

  13. BACWA’s Commitment on Collection Systems Issues is Unwavering • Fact Sheet on Laterals • Work with North Bay • Watershed Association on Model Ordinance • Continue to work on reporting via statewide electronic systems • Inspection/Audits from Regulatory Agencies

  14. Hg TMDL Local Effects determination Risk Reduction New annual reports Complete WERF study Dental amalgam for entire region Implementation of New Requirements

  15. Provides for: Dissolved objectives for specific segments Translators for deep water Implementation Plan Monitoring Plan Copper SSO – North of the Dumbarton Bridge

  16. WQBEL regardless of reasonable potential Baseline Program for P2 Advanced P2 if warranted Support of Studies Monitoring and Reporting Cu SSO Implementation in Permits

  17. New Standards for SF Bay Marine Waters Chronic 4 day average 2.9 ug/l Acute 1 Hour 9.4 ug/l Dilution Credits for Shallow Water Dischargers Implementation Plan Cyanide SSO

  18. WQBEL Influent, Effluent Monitoring and participation in RMP for ambient monitoring Source Review every 5 years If potential for CN in influent Prevent illicit discharges Inspect, Educate and Emergency response plan What to Expect In NPDES Permits

  19. Working with WB and national experts on designation and what it means for permits New Challenges – Shellfish Designation in Basin Plan

  20. BACWA working with WB/EPA and independent panel on Issue Paper Create a shared understanding of the dioxin issues for SF Bay Numerical WQBELs for Dioxin

  21. Many of the same issues as Hg Legacy WLA and Permit Limits Implementation of TMDL Adaptive management Continue development of multi-box model of the Bay and these type of legacy pollution PCB TMDL

  22. April 11, 2008 BACWA-Wide Workshop on Biosolids Issues for the Bay Area/Nor Cal Understand our issues Discuss our options Create a strategic agenda and vision for our Biosolids Committee Biosolids – What Options Do We Have?

  23. Our tool kit is getting more sophisticated Relying on our Media Relations and our dedicated staff across BACWA Members Pollution Prevention Will Play Even Bigger Role in Compliance

  24. Lab Committee is working on important issues related to analytical methods and reporting for DMR Recycled Water Committee – follow up on the successful workshop and update our chapter for the IRWMP AB 32 and GHG issues as part of AIR and participation in statewide committee Wait, There’s More

  25. Our desire is to make our mission a reality Produce cleanwater for SF Bay Don’t want to get burned Forging Alliances and Focusing on the 3Cs

  26. Leading the Way to Protect Our Bay

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