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TIS-2020: New User Interface and Data Sharing Concept

Join us at the TIS Advisory Board in Vienna to learn about the new user interface and data sharing concept for TIS-2020. This event will cover topics like rights and roles, merging of trains, estimated time of arrival, reports for RUs, and more. We welcome your feedback and proposals for new requirements.

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TIS-2020: New User Interface and Data Sharing Concept

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  1. TIS Advisory Board 1030 Vienna, Oelzeltgasse 3/9 13. March 2019 10:30 – 15:30

  2. TIS Advisory Board Agenda • 1. Welcome of the Participants • TIS-2020 Presentation • New User Interface • New Architecture • Modified user management • Timeline, Iterations • 2. New Data Sharing Concept • Cooperating Companies sharing data automatically • General Agreements remain • 3. TIS Advisory Board • Rigths and Roles • 4. Merging of Trains • Introductions of Linking Regions • Basis for automated links • Basis for semi automated links (linking table) • Supporting procedures and tools (TrainCompositon Message) • Reports about missing links • 5. Estimated Time of Arrival • State of Play • 6. Reports for RUs • Presentation and state of play • 7. Feedback and Proposals from the Participants • New requirements ... • Misceleanous

  3. TIS 2020 - Project Objectives

  4. TIS architecture Future TIS architecture Current TIS architecture

  5. TIS-2020 first Iteration – March 2019

  6. The new TIS – visual design – Searching Engine • Based on the user report about Train Information requests, the train info page is the most used page on the TIS application. Therefore this page has our utmost attention in regard to • Usability • Desktop and Smart Devices (Smartphones, Tablets) • Performance • Export and Reporting Functions • Topology is based on RNE BIG DATA and Google Map • Simplification • Train Request page will be merged to Train Search Engine • Finally only one page will cover the Train Information Request for static and dynamic information requests.

  7. The new TIS Train Search Engine

  8. TIS-2020 – Optimized Usermanagement Approach • TIS Usermanagement • Every Company is responsible for their own users • TIS user contract as basis for the sign up • User can request account directly via TIS user interface • Validation by the company admin • Companies with TIS User Agreements flaged in the database • Deactivation of user (leaving the company) • Management of users without activity • Users will be removed automatically, set to inactive, if no action is recorded in a defined time frame

  9. TIS-2020 User Management - Workflow

  10. TIS-2020 User Management – User Experience Login or Account Creation page

  11. TIS-2020 User Management – User Experience User provides necessary details

  12. TIS-2020 User Management – User Experience User verifies email account

  13. TIS-2020 User Management – User Experience Account verification

  14. Iterative project approach • Inbound interfaces (message processing) • Pathdetails, CTT, Train Running Information • Search engine • Nerork overview • Outbound interfaces • Train Running Forecast, Train delay cause • Data defect indicators • Historical train details – DWH data • Train linking • Path section notification, train composition (subset), train interruption, train ready message • Edit train data (i.e. Train delay data) • Message performance checks

  15. Logging - Kibana Caused be a lot of inbound and outbound interfaces and millions of messages processed every day, the logging of data is essential to investigate data issues especially in regard to our clients. Therefore a professional logging tool will be used to provide information about the data processing to our client.

  16. TIS-2020 – Data Sharing New Approach • Datasharing new approach • Cooperating companies will share the data by defalt • General agreements will remain, but mutual agreemens will be obsolete • Company admin can steer the sharing of data

  17. TIS-2020 – Data Sharing Conditions • Datasharing new approach: • By signing this Agreement, the TIS User agrees to RNE sharing train information with cooperating TIS Users. • The TIS User shall have access to the Data relating to its own trains and to the trains of other TIS-Users if they cooperate in the same train run (data sharing by default). • The Data shared by default includes all messages as defined in Annex A.1 The data sharing of messages defined in Annex A.2 can be managed by the TIS User via the dashboard of TIS. • TIS-User is able to exclude cooperating TIS User/s from the data sharing of all messages defined in Annex A.1 and Annex A.2 via the dashboard of TIS. • The exclusion is set in both directions (i.e. the TIS User who is excluding cooperating TIS User will as well not see the trains of the excluded TIS User).

  18. TIS-2020 – TIS Advisory Board • TIS Advisory Board Definition: • TIS Advisory Board is an advisory body within RNE organization open to all applicants (Railway Undertakings and non-Railway Undertakings Applicants),Terminal Operators (TOs) and Wagon Keepers who have signed this Agreement with RNE. • The membership of the board is respecting the following rules: • The board is informed about TIS-related decisions and developments • The board is allowed to propose developments in TIS • The board has no decision-making rights • The board meets once or twice a year in Vienna, RNE JO; attendance is not mandatory. • The list of TIS Members (IMs) and TIS Users (as defined above) is published and regularly updated on TIS website (http://tis.rne.eu).System Availability

  19. TIS-2020 Merging Region – Linking National Train Section • TIS-2020 introduces “Merging Regions” • Merging Region will behave similar as Master Station in current version of TIS • Merging Region is composed of several points • In order for two national trains to be merged together, following conditions must be met: • Trains must start or end in the Merging Region • Trains must have same date at Merging Region • Trains must have same reference number (reference OTN) and/or same service number (OTN) • Optional: • Additional look up will be performed into mapping table, where mapping of trains numbers is defined in advance. • Advantages • Trains can be linked based on operational train number (OTN) as well, currently linking is based on Reference OTN only

  20. TIS-2020 Merging Region - Example 1 Merging Region Břeclav os.n. (CZ) Lanžhot (CZ) Merged train Incoming train Outgoing train Ref. OTN: 44750 | OTN: 44750 | 23.02.2019 Ref. OTN: 44750 | OTN: 41328 | 23.02.2019 Ref. OTN: 44750 | OTN: 44750, 41328 | 23.02.2019 Bernhardsthal Fbf (AT) Kúty (SK)

  21. TIS-2020 – Linking of Trains advanced Features • TrainCompositionMessage (TCM) • Using of optional information about AttachedOperational TrainNumber from previsous or next IM • Comparison of consecutive TCMs to find out if key information like count of wagons, wagon numbers, Load ... does vary only to a definde extend • Train driver can provide information about previous or next Reference or Operational Trainnumber • Linking of trains via User interface • Linking via user interface will be simplified and link will performed directly in the database no resending of messages will be required anymore • All above mentioned features will be obsolete as soon as the the trainid is available

  22. Overview of linked trains and not linked trains • Between 80% – 85% of trains are linked in most of cases • Some networks have very low rate of linked trains and high rate of not linked trains (IP, SZ-I, ZSR …) GYSEV SBB SNCF ADIF Infrabel SZDC Bane NOR BDK ProRail IP DBNetz TRV RFI OEBB PKP PLK BLS MAV LINKED TRAINS NOT LINKED TRAINS *data from November 2018

  23. DBNetz and neighboring networks *data from November 2018

  24. TIS-2020 Measures for solving the train linking problem • Already defined international processes • Not all stakeholders involved in train run are fulfilling defined international processes • Train ID • Expected to be available in 2024 • Possibility to link train • TIS offers several ways to link a train (manually, automatic) • Train composition pilot • Combining data from composition of a train, there is a possibility to recognize same train even if it changes train number • GPS pilot • Additional GPS data from train can provide more accurate data about train run

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