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Learn about the importance of CMS, threats to migratory species and the proposed goals and targets for conservation efforts. Get involved and support the implementation of the Biodiversity Strategic Plan.
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS) Development of a Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015 – 2023 Supporting implementation of the Biodiversity Strategic Plan & Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) • What is CMS? • Why do Migratory Species Matter? • What are Threats to Migratory Species? • Why is CMS needed? • How Does CMS Operate? • Agreements • MOUs • Appendices
Working Group • Current CMS Strategic Plan (2006-2014); • Res10.5: Future Strategic Plan for 2015-2023; • Strategic Plan Working Group (SPWG), regional representatives of the Parties; • Draft Plan by CMS COP11 in 2014; SPWG decided to link closely with overall efforts towards supporting implementation of the Biodiversity Strategic Plan & its Aichi Targets, while still retaining migratory species’ identity and added-value
Main Characteristics of the Plan • For migratory species as defined by the Convention; • Overarching framework for all efforts to conserve migratory species; • Identify and demonstrate the relevance of Aichi Targets for migratory species, and vice versa; • Provide overall targets for migratory species while allowing further tailoring to specific CMS instruments through sub-targets.
Twin Track • (1) Strategic Plan • Short, focused for overall guidance; • Long-term/high-level outcomes; • Generate political support and visibility. • (2) Companion Guide for Implementation. • Guidance for implementation; • Support for CMS Parties - resources, capacity building and technical assistance. • Recognize contributions and responsibilities of others. Also, it is important, to integrate migratory species into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).
Second Draft Plan available now • Comments by 30 June 2014 – Plan in English, French and Spanish on CMS web pagewww.cms.int • Presents proposed Goals and Targets for migratory species, based closely on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. • For all migratory species as defined by the CMS - a guiding framework for all work supporting the conservation of migratory species.
Importance of the consultation process • To develop a strong and realistic Plan. • Ensure involvement of all Parties and other stakeholders. • Reflect needs and views of the entire CMS Family. • Raise awareness of the Plan’s relevance for the implementation of the Biodiversity Strategic Plan. • Ensure support throughout the biodiversity community.
Next Steps • Mid 2014 Presentation to CMS Standing Committee; • Late 2014 Presentation to CMS COP11
Thank you! For more info see CMS website www.cms.int Or contact the SPWG • Ines Verleye, Chair inesverleye@gmail.com • Wendy Jackson, Vice Chair wendy.jackson@mfat.govt.nz • Anne Sutton, CMS Secretariat asutton@cms.int