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Energy Efficiency Recent Updates and Highlights Prepared by Eileen Hearty, Project Manager Office of Asset Management – Denver Multifamily Hub.
Energy EfficiencyRecent Updates and HighlightsPrepared by Eileen Hearty, Project Manager Office of Asset Management – Denver Multifamily Hub
Long-term sustainability requires continued partnership between HUD and the sponsors and owners of federally supported affordable housing. We encourage continued efforts to make these projects greener, healthier, and more energy efficient. Through our collective efforts we can benefit America’s low-income households, improve communities, and have a greater impact with our federal investment. http://www.huduser.org/Publications/pdf/EnhancingEnergyEff_GreenBuildingV2.pdf
As part of President Obama's Climate Action Plan, in 2013 HUD and DOE extended the Better Buildings Challenge to include multifamily housing. • The BBC asks building owners to commit to a 20% portfolio-wide energy reduction over 10 years. • 59 multifamily residential partners (+ 29 housing authority partners) have joined the Challenge.
Current MF BBC Incentives Management Fee Incentive:Access to Add-on Fees for eligible energy and water efficiency activities. Reserve for Replacement Incentive: Expedited approval for energy and water efficiency capital improvements. Mark to Market Incentive: Incentive Performance Fee increase for meeting specific energy and water efficiency requirements. PRAC Shared Savings Incentive:Allow 202/811 PRAC properties to include energysavings associated with energy improvements as an eligible expense in the property budget.
MF BBC Incentives to come Increased distributions:Up to 100 percent for non-profit Section 8 owners, based upon properties meeting annual energy reduction targets. On-Bill Financing and Repayment Incentive:Memo on participation in on-bill repayment program in California to support energyefficiency improvements.
More about BBC • www4.eere.energy.gov • Several multifamily owners have posted showcase projects (case studies) on the BBC website. All owners are expected to post their showcase projects up this year. • May 27-29 will be the annual Summit of the BBC partners in DC. Gatherings of BBC partners for later this year. • Send questions to MFBBC@hud.gov
MF PACE – Update • January 2015 Governor Brown and Secretary Castro announced a California Multifamily PACE Pilot in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation. • The Pilot enables commercial PACE financing for certain MF properties, including specific properties within HUD, the California Department of Housing and Community Development, and the California Housing Finance Agency’s portfolios. • Policy memo to explain underwriting of PACE assessments for properties with FHA insured mortgages and/or HUD rental assistance. • portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=MF_PACE_CA_Memo.pdf
Upcoming Publications MAP Guide - Updating the methodology by which energysavings are underwritten for FHA insured loans. Draft available and public comments can be submitted until 4/30/15. Proposed: increased per unit improvements limit; use estimated energyefficiency savings in underwriting; minimum standard for energy efficiency for investments; requirements for use of CNA E-tool for FHA loan underwriting.
Upcoming Publications CNA-e Tool - A Notice on required use of a new electronic Capital Needs Assessment, which includes a required energyaudit and energyuse benchmarking. Applications for insured mortgages and 10-year updates must include calculation of annual utility consumption. Allows evaluation of the potential for achieving cost savings and reduced carbon emissions.
Upcoming Publications Utility Allowance Analysis- Housing Notice on utility analysis methodology. Multifamily Housing staff have analyzed the current practices for determining utility allowances and have developed recommendations for improving the analysis methodology in order to more accurately determine allowances and to minimize costs to HUD . RAD – Updated Notice later this month. Updates the methodology by which energy savings are underwritten for RAD deals with new PBRA contracts .
Upcoming Publications Utility Use Data Collection/Benchmarking - Collecting energy use data from existing assisted and insured properties (properties not covered by the CNA e-tool guidance) and also setting a minimum standard for energyefficiency for existing properties. This connects to the newly available EnergyStar Score for Multifamily from the EPA’s Portfolio Manager.
Looking Forward Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards – Federal Register Notices: Adoption of Energy Efficiency Standards for New Construction of HUD- and USDA-Assisted Housing (2009 energy standards, affects 9 states for MF) and Adoption of Energy Efficiency Standards for New Construction of HUD- and USDA-Assisted Housing and Solicitation of Comment (2013 standards, affects 41 states for MF). Pay-for-Success FY16 Budget Proposal for 20,000 PBRA units in energy performance contracting.