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Beijing's Air Pollution Progress and Challenges

Learn about Beijing's air pollution history, policies, citizen movements, and communication strategies. Discover initiatives to combat pollution and the impact of automobile policies. Explore the social aspects of pollution in China and the evolution of public monitoring. Follow the transformations in communication and government action.

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Beijing's Air Pollution Progress and Challenges

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  1. Beijing Sarah Abell Tiana The Cassie Odom Mashaela Grimes Cecilia Ritter

  2. Beijing: Air Pollution History The average measurement is 100 micrograms per cubic meters, which is about six times what the EPA deems safe

  3. Air Pollution Policy In September 2013, the State Council unveiled the “Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution”, which aimed to improve overall air quality across the country over a five-year period. -It sought to reduce the level of PM10 (particulate matter that is ten micrometers or less in diameter) at cities above prefecture level by at least 10 percent compared to 2012 levels, and concentration of fine particulate matter PM2.5 (the most health-harmful air pollutant) in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region by around 25 percent. Beijing, in particular, was asked to bring PM2.5 concentration down to around sixty micrograms per cubic meter. -By the end of 2017, China had achieved almost all the major targets stipulated in the 2013 action plan. -Beijing has allocated $3 billion to fight air pollution in 2018, this budget will be utilised to control coal use, vehicles and dust, and to support projects to replace coal with clean energy.

  4. Current Issues

  5. Current Issues • Average PM2.5 concentration lower this past winter than it has been in previous years • There were no smog “red alerts” through all of 2017 • Government efforts have shut down heavy industry plants, asked households to use cleaner energy sources • However, recent improvements may not be sustainable. • Due in part to weather conditions-- cold fronts bring in fresher, cleaner air and rain that washes pollutants out of the atmosphere

  6. Communication Prior to 2014 • weak/no communication with citizens • many officials violated environmental regulations • prevented/monitored information to citizens regarding air quality • https://www.pollutionsolutions-online.com/news/air-clean-up/16/breaking_news/why_is_china_censoring_this_pollution_documentary/33757

  7. Communication After 2014 • Officials who had violated environmental regulations were exposed • More open after Xi Jinping was elected in 2013 • Declared “war on pollution” https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/13/world/asia/china-xi-jinping-congress-pollution-corruption.html

  8. Public Monitoring • After the declared “war on pollution” in 2014, China implemented more air monitoring stations throughout the country. • They currently monitor it daily and relay the information to citizens • Have developed and pushed apps

  9. Automobile Policies/Traffic Contribution • Cars are linked to 30% of air pollution in Beijing • Taking half of the 4 million private cars off the roads on days with serious levels of air pollution- based off of license plate numbers • Critiques- people who own more than one car could potentially be able to drive everyday when restriction is in place • Critiques- government officials and civil servants are exempt- “Ordinary people are the first to be forced to pay the price for it”

  10. Automobile Policies/Traffic Contribution • License plate lottery-very difficult to obtain license • Only 1 in 725 out of the 2.7 million applicants are granted a license plate • Quota for license plates is 90,000 • Fees and penalties implemented if driving on the wrong day or driving in a license plate restricted area • Permits are available for driving in places without appropriate license plate, but it must be renewed weekly and you can’t drive during rush hours or between the hours of 6am and 10pm on some major roads

  11. Citizen Movements • The number of environmental protests in China have grown 29% each year since 1996 • Lu Yuyu, chair of protest-tracking website: environmental protests “are usually by far the largest” • Incinerators and chemical plants face the most opposition from citizens

  12. Under the Dome (2015) • Chai Jing, a Chinese journalist, released an informational documentary explaining China’s pollution problem • The documentary was viewed more than 200 million times in a week before it was removed from the internet

  13. Works cited http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-24566288 https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/29/world/asia/china-beijing-traffic-pollution.html http://www.balticasia.lt/en/naujienos/kinija/end-of-pollution-china-is-it-utopia/

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