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One of the major tasks that need to be work upon to make the task seamless is to build a better communication platform. For building better communication it is important to share the information freely that help in making a better decision and for growing the educational sector.
SCHOOL ERP MODULES All-in-One School Management Software
PRESENTATION OUTLINE SchoolERPSoftwareIntroduction DifferentModulesofSchoolERPSoftware ModulesToCommunicate WhoWeAre BasicFAQs Contact
jiSchoolERPaSchoolManagement Systemthat: Simplifiesandstandardizeoperationalfunctions Ensuresasystematicfunctioning Improvesefficiency Reducestherelianceonpaperwork Ensurescompleteaccountabilityofmoney, materials, andactivities Assistsintakingfasterdecisionsfromaccurate information
MODULES OF SCHOOL ERP SOFTWARE COREFEATURES PREMIUMFEATURES Admission SMSAlerts Dashboard DataExport StaffRecord CustomReports FeeManagement EventManagement TimetableManagement TransportManagement AttendanceManagement MultiSchoolManagement
MODULES TO COMMUNICATE SMSINTEGRATIONMODULE E-MAILINTEGRATIONMODULE Ithelpsinalertingtheparentsaboutvarious Thisisusefulandhelpfulinsendingdetailed updatesfromtheschool, acknowledgethem messagestoalargenumberofrecipientsata abouttheirchild'sperformance, time. DISCUSSIONMODULE Itmadeitpossibleforthemtointeractbyposting updatesandcommentingonthesame. Itprovesto behighlyusefulinanincreasinglyglobalizedworld.
jiSchoolERP is the one-stop paperless solution for any type of educational institutes to automate School Management Process. Our comprehensive school management system adds the quality of academic institutions by letting efficient monitoring of the day to day tasks. We have put in a scientific approach in user experience to make this tool usable so that you can reap the benefits of the tool from the moment you sign up. WHO WE ARE
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HOWISSOFTWARE PRICED? WHATABOUTDATA SECURITY? ISTHEREANYDATA BACKUPFACILITY? Priceofthesoftware depends jiSchoolERPensuresahighlevelof Thecompletedataoftheschool onthestrengthofstudentsin datasecuritytotheinstitutionsas isbackedupsecurelyandcan yourschool. pertheindustrystandards. beeasilyaccessed. CANITRACKSTUDENT & STAFFATTENDANCE? ISSTUDENTRECORDKEPT OVERTHEYEARS? Yes, youcantracktheattendanceof Yes, thestudentrecordisstoredinthe staffaswellasstudents. softwareforaslongasthedataisstoredinit.
Contact Information ADDRESS C-127, Phase 8, Industrial Area, Sector 72, Mohali, Punjab PHONE NUMBER +91-9569227788 Feel free to reach us anytime. EMAIL ADDRESS info@jischoolerp.com