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Buddies not Bullies

Buddies not Bullies. A bullying p revention p rogram for middle school students adapted from the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Created by Brittanie Mosbaugh Ball State University. FOUNDATION. BELIEFS AND PHILOSOPHY.

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Buddies not Bullies

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  1. Buddies not Bullies A bullying prevention program for middle school students adapted from the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Created by Brittanie Mosbaugh Ball State University

  2. FOUNDATION BELIEFS AND PHILOSOPHY 60% of previous bullies have been convicted of at least one criminal charge by age 24 • Schools with a high instance of bullying perform 3%-6% lower on standardized tests • Victims of bullying can suffer from distress and have trouble adjusting to social situations

  3. FOUNDATION BELIEFS AND PHILOSOPHY • We agree: • All students deserve a safe learning environment • All students are responsible for reporting bullying behaviors • All students will know the consequences for bullying

  4. FOUNDATION MISSION • The mission for Buddies Not Bullies is to provide all students with a safe and facilitative learning environment based on the state guidance standards in collaboration with teachers and school staff to prepare students for success in high school and beyond.

  5. FOUNDATION DOMAIN • Standard 3: Citizenship Development • Respecting Self and Others • 6-8.3.3 : Discuss responsibility for reporting bullying incidents to an adult • 6-8.3.5 : Describe how assertiveness can be used to help prevent bullying

  6. DELIVERY SYSTEM GUIDANCE CURRICULUM • SESSION 1 • Pre-test administered • Define bullying • Bullying statistics • Nationwide • Statewide • Schoolwide • SESSION 2 • What is bullying? • Myths about bullying • Bullying behaviors

  7. DELIVERY SYSTEM GUIDANCE CURRICULUM • SESSION 3 • Causes of bullying • Ask students to share real-life bullying examples • Discuss feelings associated with above examples • SESSION 4 • What is assertiveness? • Assertiveness vs. aggressiveness • How can assertiveness help prevent bullying?

  8. DELIVERY SYSTEM GUIDANCE CURRICULUM • SESSION 5 • Who is responsible for bullying? • Who is responsible for reporting bullying? • Who should you report bullying to? • SESSION 6 • Bystanders – types • Identify what bystanders can do to stop bullying • Reporting bullying • Activity

  9. DELIVERY SYSTEM GUIDANCE CURRICULUM • SESSION 7 • Short-term effects for victims and bullies • Long-term effects for victims and bullies • Effects bullying has on schools • SESSION 8 • Summary of previous sessions • Ask students to sign an anti-bullying pledge • Administer post-test

  10. DELIVERY SYSTEM Individual Student Planning Systems Support The school counselor will work with teachers, administrators, and parents to improve the bullying prevention program • Students identified as victims of bullying or bullies will be referred to the school counselor for individual counseling and goal setting

  11. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTS • This bullying prevention program will decrease the number of student discipline referrals for bullying • The school counselor will present the program to all students during their regular homeroom class periods • The school counselor is responsible for coordinating with teachers to present the lessons • The school counselor is responsible for data collection

  12. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS USE OF DATA AND STUDENT MONITORING • Students will be given a pre-test and a post-test measuring their knowledge and perceptions of bullying • The results will be compared. The results of the post-test are expected to show an increase in knowledge in students and a decrease in the number of bullying incidents • Teachers will be asked to monitor student behavior • It is expected that there will be a decrease in bullying discipline referrals

  13. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS USE OF DATA AND STUDENT MONITORING • PRE-TEST AND POST-TEST • 5-point Likert scale • 1 = never or not at all • 5 = always or very much so • I have picked on another student • I have been picked on by another student • I have reported conflicts between students to a teacher or adult • I know how to solve conflicts peacefully

  14. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS USE OF DATA AND STUDENT MONITORING • PRE-TEST AND POST-TEST • I know the effects of bullying • I am responsible for reporting bullying • I know the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness • I have witnessed conflicts between students • I think bullying is a problem at my school

  15. ACCOUNTABILITY RESULTS REPORTING • Long term effectiveness will be measured through: • Attendance • Morale • Test scores • Discipline referrals • Students will be asked to rate perceptions of bullying and the bullying prevention program


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