This project investigates a solution for future Internet, which will overcome the serious setbacks faced by the current Internet in terms of of lack of security, management, and control. The solution is a clean slate approach that was developed after a ‘problem analysis’ of factors that contributed to the current Internet status. If we could have foreseen the growth of Internet and the related technologies, the user trends, the impact of business and commercial ventures over the Internet -what approach would we have adopted? Would we have followed the path taken by the current Internet which is today extending to its services to ‘voice’ with a routed network primarily meant for handling data, allowing commercial infiltration to subsidize service costs, and availing itself of the high speed data technologies and user preferences? Or would we have chosen the path of the telephone switched networkwith its reliable and controlled communications, but lacked the commercial infiltration to subsidize costs? We would have taken the best characteristics from each. Our proposed solution seeks to leverage the best of both systems. To create a superior Internet, the proposed solution includes an addressing scheme, a network architecture and a simple protocol stack. The system based on weel proven concepts will be highly robust, manageable and controlled and be capable of enforcing better security. A Switched Internet Architecture Application specific reliability Application interface • No routing algorithms • No routing tables • No routing decisions Application Port Service Switching Physical The Protocol Stack • Significant Outcomes of the Research • Better Control and Management • Robust and Adaptable • Scalable and Evolvable • Security • Quality Services, Better Services Control • Optical Backbone Network • Socio-Economic Impact • Work Plan • Impact study: The impact of the proposed switched architecture is potentially very wide-reaching. Introducing new Internet architecture could create great change in our global society and business environment • Transition study: The impact analysis will gauge the magnitude of the benefits that could be attained a shift to a new Internet architecture. • Technical study: The technical performance studies will be carried out using the OPNET simulation tool. • Future Work • Optical Switching: A study on how best to leverage the proposed solution to use all optical switching will be explored • Security Solutions: This will involve study of envisaged security threats under the proposed architecture, protocol and addressing scheme and the design of security solutions suited to the new solution. Sponsored – National Science Foundation Nirmala Shenoy –College of Computing and Information Sciences Victor Perotti – College of Business