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ECVET A European tool for transnational mobilities. IVETA Conference Saint Petersburg Risto Virkkunen, Kainuu Vocational College, Finland r isto.virkkunen@kao.fi. Thanks.
ECVET A European tool for transnational mobilities IVETA Conference Saint Petersburg Risto Virkkunen, Kainuu Vocational College, Finland risto.virkkunen@kao.fi
Thanks • Thispresentation is based on the presentations of Ms Hanna Autere fromFinnish National Board of Education and Mr Mika Saarinen fromCimo , Centre of International Mobility. Also on the materialgotfromFinnish ECVET Expertprogramme.
Vocational education and training • VET is an attractive choice, about 50 % of basic education leavers (16 years old) continue in upper secondary vocational education • Number of students in initial VET has increased (from 148 000 to 172 500 during 2004-2011 • 129 independent, multi-branch providers of VET • Institutions are owned and operated mostly by municipalities or groups of municipalities
Providers of vocational education and training • Finnish tradition of VET is school-centred • VET schools are equipped to enable real hands-on learning of working skills
Three different ways of to acquire a vocational qualification • School-/curriculum based education (initial vocational education). In 2011 therewere 35 500 completedvocationalqualifications. • Competence-based examinations • Vocational qualifications indicate competence to enter employment in the field. 10 000 in 2011. • Further vocational qualifications indicate the vocational skills required of skilled worker in the field. 20 673 completed in 2011. • Specialist vocational qualifications indicate a command of the most demanding tasks in the field. 2866 completed in 2011. • Apprenticeship training
Cooperation with working life • On the job learning periods • Vocational Skills demonstrations • Individual learning pathways • Individualisation of adult education • Competence-based-qualifications for adults • Apprenticeship training
Design, assessment, validation and recognition ofcompetences / learning outcomes in Finland Design: • National qualification requirements defined by the FNBE • Qualifications divided into units • Units composed on basis of functions in working life • Preparation of VQs in tripartite expert groups
Design, assessment, validation and recognition ofcompetences / learning outcomes in Finland Assessment: • Skills demonstrations or competence–based exam. • Assessment based on qualitative criteria and achieved learning outcome • Tripartite assessment • Assessment criteria of each unit at three levels
Design, assessment, validation and recognition ofcompetences / learning outcomes in Finland Recognition: • Recognition of prior learning regulated by legislation • Recognition based on learning outcomes - not on learning time. • VET provider decides on the recognition • For theory and practice one mark in certificate
What is ECVET? European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training • ECVET is a technical framework for the transfer, recognition and, where appropriate, accumulation of individuals’ learning outcomes with a view to achieving a qualification • It enables the documentation, validation and recognition of achieved learning outcomes acquired abroad, in both formal VET or in non-formal contexts
What is ECVET? European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training • It is centered on the individual, based on the validation and the accumulation of his/her learning outcomes, defined in terms of the knowledge, skills and competences necessary for achieving a qualification. • ECVET is a system designed to operate at the European level, interfacing with national systems and arrangements for credit accumulation and transfer.
ECVET in Education Policy • Finnish Government Education and Research 2011-2016 development plan • The vocational qualification system is to be developed so that it forms a clear and systematic entity from the perspective of the competence requirements of the working life. • ECVET will be introduced in all vocational qualifications in 2015.
Steps towards ECVET implementationin Finland ECVET Implementation 2015 Implementation Plan 2010 Information and training of stakeholders…
Why ECVET? • ECVET supports pedagogical changes • Learning outcomes -approach • Working-life approach • ECVET fosters quality and transparency • Mobility is a priority – individualisation of learning pathways • National mobility • Transnational mobility
Why ECVET in transnational mobilities • The aim is to make easier the transfer, accumulation and recognition of learning outcomes • To make sure that learning abroad can be utilized as a part of the qualification • Makes possible to build individual learning paths
FINECVETNational pilot project on application of ECVET in Finland • FINECVET Phases • 1st:12/2004 – 12/2005 • 2nd: 8/2006 – 12/2007 • 3rd: 9/2009 – 12/2011 • Focus on transnational mobility, ECVET process, documentation and quality assurance • Main outcomes: FINECVET “handbook” for Finnish VET providers and qualification committees • http://www.oph.fi/english/publications/publications/2012/finecvet_as_a_pioneer
Common language in mobility • Mutual trust • Memorandum of Understanding • Learning Agreement • Units of Learning Outcome • Assessment, Validation and Recognition • Transcript of records
Templates of M of U and learning agreement • European Commission has created templates of documents. They can be edited according to the needs of the partners. • They can be found e.g. here • Kainuu Vocational College and State budget educational institution of secondary vocational education of Moscow College of communications # 54 created their own MoU in 2014 for reciprocal student mobilities.
ECVET lessons learnt • Added value of ECVET needs to be clear • Strong political commitment needed • NQF and ECVET preparations at the same time • Cooperation with all stakeholders at all levels for mutual trust • Piloting with mobility needed for understanding impact of ECVET and changes needed for implementation • Keeping it simple and understandable - focus on process and learning outcomes • Training of all stakeholders needs to be well planned and takes time
Steps towards Ecvet and its national implementation • Drawing-up implementation plan • 1st draft by FNBE to Ministry of Education 11/2010 • Consultation seminar with stakeholders 3/2011 • Revision of implementation plan 5/2011 • Cooperation group with Ed.provid. 11/2011- • Steering Committee: Min.EdC, FNBE, Social partners/other stakeholders and Working group: Min.EdC. and FNBE (16.2.2012-31.12.2014)
The main objectives of the law proposal for vocational education 1.8.2015 • To strengthen the competence based determination of vocational qualifications • To strengthen the structure based on units in order to support the buildning of individual study paths • To promote validation and recognition of prior lesrning as a part of the qualification • To take in use ECVET points instead of present study weeks
ECVET points • According to the ECVET recommendation learning outcomes of one year in full time education equal 60 ECVET points • So a vocational qualification will be 180 ECVET points • To each unit will be allocated ECVET points according to its relative importance of the whole qualification
ECVET points • The transfer of Studyweeks to ECVET pointswillnotbedonebymultiplying with 1,5. Insteaditwillbedoneaccording to principles in ECVET recommendation • The relativevalue of eachunitwilldeterminedaccording : 1. How importantit is: • for participation in the labour market • for continueing the studies on upperlevels • for social integration • How difficult, broad and comprehensiveare the learningoutcomes • How muchtime and effortsthe studenthasput in order to reachlearningoutcomes