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THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED NOVEMBER 2, 2014 “ I would go so far as to say that if there was no purgatory, then we would have to invent it, for who would dare say of himself that he was able to stand directly before God. And yet we

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  1. THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED NOVEMBER 2, 2014 “ I would go so far as to say that if there was no purgatory, then we would have to invent it, for who would dare say of himself that he was able to stand directly before God. And yet we don’t want to be, to use an image from Scripture, ‘a pot that turned out wrong,’ that has to be thrown away; we want to be able to be put right. Purgatory basically means that God can put the pieces back together again. That he can cleanse us in such a way that we are able to be with him and can stand there in the fullness of life. Purgatory strips off from one person what is unbearable and from another the inability to bear certain things, so that in each of them a pure heart is revealed, and we can see that we all belong together in one enormous symphony of being.” Pope Benedict XVI A general commemoration of all the faithful departed was celebrated by the Churches of the East on the Saturday before Lent. In the eighth century a similar commemoration was found in many monasteries of the Western Church. In 998, St. Odilo of Cluny established November 2 as an annual commemoration of the dead in all the monasteries of the Cluniac federation. The celebration was spread by the new orders of the tenth-and eleventh-century Gregorian Reform. It was adopted at Rome in the fourteenth century. // In these days all of nature speaks to us of harvest. Crops are gathered into barns and our homes are decorated with the colorful fruits of the field and orchard. There is a singular beauty in this season which impels us to drive into the countryside to soak in its color and texture. But the beauty of autumnal harvest is a terrible sort of beauty, for it is the beauty of death itself. // In these days the Church celebrates the harvest of God’s faithful. On November 1 we focus our attention upon the glorious beauty of that harvest. We revel in that community of the holy which breaks through the barriers of time. We are at one in Christ with all those who have lived and died in the power of his name. Our focus today calls us back to the terrible sort of beauty that makes this harvest possible. Our completion as human beings comes only in that full and final choice for God which is possible in death. Were it not for Christ, we would come together in despair. // Christ, however, has shared our fear of entering a gateway whose other side we can not know. In him we have a glimpse of the completion which awaits us. Because of him we can celebrate the deaths of those who are responsible for our lives. Because of him we perceive the beauty of a dying which will bring us into God’s harvest. ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH MINERSVILLE, PA www.StMatthewTheEvangelistParish.org Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Phone: (570) 544-2211 Fax: (570) 544-2317 SAINT MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST WELCOMES ALL No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, ethnicity, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish! SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sr. Meg Cole (610-866-0581x19) VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Wendy S. Krisak (1-800-791-9209) WEEKDAY MASS AT 8:00 AM MON – Seminary Purgatorial Society TUE – Nick Tarris by Joseph and Verna Tarris WED – 9:00 AM – Dolores Zeledonis by John and Elaine Butcavage THU – Jan Malec by Family FRI – 7:00 PM – Living and Deceased Members of the Parish Memorial Society SAT – 4:00 PM – Sharon Fogarty LeBrun by Rose and Jim Cleary SUN – 8:30 AM – Scott Bedford by Family 10:30 AM – Patricia Wiscount by Husband, Harry ******************************************************************************************************************************************** REQUIESCANT IN PACE: May Jesus, the Lord of the Harvest, take unto Himself: KATHLEEN STAMM, a member of St. John Parish, Pottsville, who died Wednesday, October 29, and will be buried Monday, November 3; ROSE KUKTA, a former member of the former St. Francis of Assisi Parish, and a member of our Parish family, who died Friday, October 31, and will be buried from our Church Tuesday, November 4; and NICHOLAS PIZZICO, a former member of the former St. Barbara Parish, and a member of our Parish family, who died Friday, October 31, and will be buried from our Church Wednesday, November 5. May Mary, Mother of Mercy, obtain comfort from Jesus, her risen son, for their family and friends. ET LUX PERPETUA LUCEAT EIS! *************************************************************************************************************************THE WEEKLY CALENDAR: Just as Jesus died and has risen again,/ so through Jesus God will bring with him/ those who have fallen asleep;/ and as in Adam all die,/ so also in Christ will all be brought to life. (Cf. 1 Thes 4:14; 1 Cor 15:22) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 – ALL SOULS’ DAY: SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): Jesus told us to ask the Harvest Master to send laborers into his harvest. May the prayers of our participating families bear fruit. Our thanks to TOM AND LINDA BUTENSKY for hosting the FPC for Vocations this week. Sign up in vestibule. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: Our loved ones, who have stepped through the door of death, are now at rest, free of all burdens. In going home to the Lord they brought their love and concern for us with them. Death cannot totally separate families; our love binds us together forever. PRO-LIFE REFLECTION: Let us pray for all women who have lost a child due to SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome,) miscarriage, or abortion. May they find God’s healing peace in the arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. STEWARDSHIP: “Those who trust in him will understand truth, and the faithful will abide with him in love, because grace and mercy are upon his elect, and he watches over his holy ones.” - Wisdom of Solomon 3:9. Here’s the ironic thing about people who are generous. Those that give freely and cheerfully do not do it to be rewarded. They do it to show their love for God and their neighbors. Yet, because of their generosity, they typically are given more than they gave away! LAST WEEK YOU CONTRIBUTED: Sunday: $3,188; Capital Improvement: $431; Expenses: $12,319.82 (ordinary); $17,033.08 0. ANNUAL TURKEY BINGO: Doors open at 12:00 Noon; Bingo starts at 2:00 PM. Good Shepherd Cafeteria. Admission $3.00. Donations of baked goods would be apprec- iated and should be brought directly to the Cafeteria today. Just place your name on these items. Food and refreshments will be available. For more information, call Theresa (570-544-4316) or Rose Ann (570-544-5304). (Diocesan assessments, two months). Thank you for your generosity! FRATERNAL CHARITY: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY – Your donation of ALL TYPES OF MEALS IN A BOX will allow us to help the needy. Volunteer for our SVDP Society Outreach and God’s Bountiful Table by callingEdward Butler (570-544-2739). ALL SOULS’ VOTIVES:(1) SANCTUARY: IMO Jan Malecby Family. (2) ALTARS: BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: IMO Annie Socko by Daughter, Ann Marie; IMO Mary Szekeres by Ann Marie; IMO Andrew Botek by Wife, Bertha; IMO Leonard Yurkonis by Wife and Daughters. DIVINE MERCY: IMO John Socko by Daughter, Ann Marie; IMO John Szekeres by Ann Marie; IMO Michael Yurkonis by Mom and Sisters; Special Intention by Stan and Sally Gober. (3) BEFORE: ST. JOSEPH: Special Intention. ST. BARBARA: IMO Elvira Miscavage by Niece, Cheryl. ST. ANNE: For the Health of Aldona Butler. SACRED HEART: IMO Joseph Barnetsky (6thAnnv) by Wife and Family. ST. ANTHONY: For the Health of George Homa and Special Intention by Wife and Family. 570-544-2211 for votives. ALL SOULS’ FLOWERS: We gratefully acknowledge the flowers adorning the BVM Altar IMO John Consugar (Annv) by Family. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME: Begins at 2:00 AM today. Spring forward, Fall back!

  2. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 – MASS COVERAGE: Thank you to Fr. Michael Shea and Msgr. William Handges who will be covering for Father Leo while he is away at Priests’ Workshop and at Williamsburg House of Burgesses meeting this week. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 – ST. MATTHEW RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Contact our Coordinator of Religious Education, Rosalie Novack (570-544-2211). PORK & SAUERKRAUT DINNER: 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM, St. Michael the Archangel Cafeteria. Pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, applesauce, roll, beverage, homemade dessert. Adult $8; Children under ten $4. Eat-in/take-out. 570-544-4741 or 570-544-6853. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 – DEVOTIONS TO ST. PEREGRINE: 9:00 AM Mass. Ask St. Peregrine to help cancer patients and their caregivers. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 – “SOUNDS OF THE SPIRIT” CONTEMPORARY CHOIR: 7:00 PM, Church. New members are needed and welcome! Call Greg Senich at 570-544-2355 to join . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: None Today. EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR: Immediately following today’s 8:00 AM Mass, there will be Eucharistic Exposition, Adoration, and Benediction. Come and pray for vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life from our Parish and Diocese SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: None today. NATIVITY BVM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION NEW YORK CITY BUS TRIP: Bus leaves from Nativity BVM High School at 7:00 AM; Departs New York City at 7:00 PM. Cost is $40. Call Greg (570-622-1859) for more information. HELPERS OF GOD’S PRECIOUS INFANTS PRAYER PILGRIMAGE: Prayer Pilgrimage begins with 8:00 AM Mass at Notre Dame Church, Bethlehem with Msgr. Vincent York. Call 610- 674-4624 or email hogpi@hotmail.com for information. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Crafts, ornaments, jewelry, decorations, bargain table, theme baskets, baked goods and more! Food available including hot roast turkey, hot dogs, hamburgers. Call 570-622-5470. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 – THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA : SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: None today. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): STINEY AND RITA SKAVINSKY willhost the FPC this week. Call 570-399-5056 or sign-up in the Church Vestibule. We also need host families for December! SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPE: (1) FUEL: Your contribution will help defray the cost of heating oil for all Parish Buildings. (2) Please catch up with any missed envelopes. Your Church needs your consistent and generous support to meet all of its financial obligations and to serve you. Thank you for your generosity! ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** MINISTERS AT MASS FOR THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA OFF. PROC.LECTORS E. M. of H. C.ALTAR SERVERS SAT 4:00 PM Fogarty Family Theresa Kroznuski Dave Fogarty Alexandra Eades Fletcher Eades SUN 8:30 AM Bedford Family Jack Hudock Ed Davis Emily Purcell Abby Schoffstall 10:30 AM Wiscount Family Sharon KolenickMary Ann Harrison Gabriel Kuehn Bella Kuehn ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** COMING EVENTS: Please be sure to mark your calendar! NOVEMBER 11 – 2015 MASS BOOK: Opens today at 11:00 AM. Only two Sunday Masses per family will be accepted. Thank you! NOVEMBER 12 – DAY OF REMEMBRANCE: Mass: 6:00 PM in our Church; Reception by invitation only: 7:00 PM, Parish Center. GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Ricapito Annex. Call 570-544-2739. NOVEMBER 13 – RED CROSS BLOODMOBILE:1:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Good Shepherd Building Cafeteria. Donate your blood, give life! MONTHLY ROSARY: 6:15 PM in our Church. Please join us! NOVEMBER 15 – DIOCESE OF ALLENTOWN CATHOLIC MEN’S FELLOWSHIP: CHALLENGING MEN TO GROW IN FAITH: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, DeSales University, Allentown, for men high school, college and older. Spiritual conferences, Eucharistic adoration and Confession, sharing Catholic Christian fraternity. Go to www.cmfda.org to register online. NOVEMBER 16 – ANNUAL “GRIEF AND LOSS DURING THE HOLIDAYS” WORKSHOP: 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM, Covenant Home Care, Pottsville. Workshop designed to teach coping strategies for this challenging time of the year. Call 1-800-726-8761 X 4519 to register. NOVEMBER 19 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ HOLLYWOOD CASINO BUS TRIP: Pay $23; Rebate $30. Bus leaves R&J 8:30 AM; Quandel’sin Minersville 9:00 AM. Bus departs casino 4:00 PM. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413) for information. NOVEMBER 27 – SCHUYLKILL COUNTY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TURKEY DINNER: Schuylkill May all the deceased rest in God's eternal peace! Gerald F. Murphy (11-11-13)  Thelma L. Cazonie (11-14-13)  Agnes R. Gober (11-14-13)  Mildred Yupcavage (11-19-13)  Leona Donlen (11-22-13)  William Newton, Sr. (12-7-13)  Catherine Buery (12-14-13)  Daniel Venckauskas (12-17-13)  Ethel McGovern (12-27-13)  Scott R. Renninger (1-6-14)  Thomas Moran (1-9-14)  Theresa Stochi (1-21-14)  Rev. Lawrence Victor (1-25-14)  Alice Murphy (1-25-14)  Sophie Kuchta (2-7-14)  Leona Witkowski (2-15-14)  Robert J. Lipsky (2-22-14)  John A. Rodgers (2-23-14)  Helen Demcher (2-23-14)  Elizabeth Sericola (3-20-14)  Mary Klein (3-21-14)  Scott B. Bedford (5-15-14)  Joseph Leonard (5-16-14) Vanessa Lagola (5-23-14)  Debra M. Dando (6-3-14)  Elizabeth Marchowsky (6-7-14)  R. Michael Homa (6-21-14)  Anna Yakabosky (7-11-14)  Joanna C. Tuson (7-12-14) EleanoreStrencosky (7-13-14) VincenzoD’Attilio (7-28-14)  Sharon Fogarty LeBrun (9-4-14)  Margaret Pleva (9-19-14)  Joseph Zitka (9-20-14)  Helen Poppish (9-30-14)  Beatrice Watson (10-5-14)  Violet Gayesky (10-7-14) Rose Kukta (10-31-14) Nicholas Pizzico (10-31-14) County Residents in need of a Thanksgiving Day meal will be delivered a complete turkey dinner (turkey, filling, yams, gravy, vegetable, cranberry sauce, bread, dessert). If you , or someone else, needs a meal, call 570-691-1429, 570-773-0627, 570-516-4518 or 570-294- 6337. Leave your name, address, apartment number, town, phone number, number of meals needed, and any other pertinent information or E-mail kofc431@yahoo.com. Must be home to receive meal. Call to volunteer your help. DECEMBER 11 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ SANDS CASINO AND BETHLEHEM LIGHTS BUS TRIP: Pay $25; Rebate $30. Bus leaves R&J 9:30 AM; Quandel’s in Minersville 10:00 AM. Bus departs casino 5:30 PM. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413). DECEMBER 17 – HOLIDAY FOOD SALE: Homemade pierogi ($7.00 per dozen) and kielbasa ($9.00 per 2lb link). Pick-up 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM today at the Parish Center. PRE-ORDER ONLY. Call the Rectory (570-544-2211) to order. ORDER DEADLINE IS DEC. 3. DECEMBER 21 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH ANNUAL “SOUNDS OF THE SPIRIT CONTEMPORARY CHOIR HOLIDAY CONCERT”: 6:00 PM in our Church. A Free-Will Offering will be accepted. Come and experience the “Spirit of the Season” in song! ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* SEMINARY PURGATORIAL SOCIETY: Enrollees are remembered during the month of November each year in two Masses offered by all diocesan priests; in the daily Masses, Communions, prayers of our Diocesan Seminarians; in the daily prayers of our parochial school children, The Offering is $25 for an INDIVIDUAL or a HUSBAND and WIFE. For an enrollment, contact the Rectory (570-544-2211). We would encourage your participation because it supports our Seminaries and helps to educate Future Priests! ANNOUNCED MASSES: The following Mass Intentions to be said as soon as possible were given to: DIOCESAN RETIRED PRIESTS: IMO Robert V. Brehonyrequested by Ann and Jim Mains; IMO Pauline Yuravage requested by Helen Hohman; IMO Stella Gavalisrequested by Joe and Janet Purcell, Manderino and Kotch Families; IMO Alphonse Balulis requested by Joseph Senawaitis, M/M Michael Semanchick; IMO AdellaKohutka requested by St. Francis of Assisi BVM Sodality; John and Rose Kohutka; IMO Joseph Pukas requested by Vigoda Family; IMO Helen Goberrequested by John and Carol Miller. BISHOP RONALD GAINER: IMO Catherine Sincavagerequested by Grandson, Christopher Melusky; IMO Joseph Sitkus requested by M/M J. Tamalavage; IMO John J. Miller requested by Halcovage Family; IMO John Weachock requested by Lawrence Gelches Family and Mother, Helen; IMO Anne Rodgers requested by Stephen and Deborah Nouzovsky and Family; IMO Frank Ruscavage requested by M/M Francis Balkus; IMO Bernard J. Lescavage, Sr.requested by Joe and Janet Purcell; IMO Albert Donoris requested by Jane and Ron Yourey; IMO Mary Brennan requested by Mike and Mildred Semanchick; IMO John Morgalis requested by Robert Pincavage and Mary Lou Schappe. REV. MICHAEL SHEA: IMO Dolores Zeledonis requested by Gladys Spangler; IMO Nick Tarris requested by George and Joyce Macus; IMO Albert Donorisrequested by Bob Pincavage and Mary Lou Schappe;IMO Olga Lutsky requested by Mary Petruncio, William and Helen Anns; IMO Bernard J. Lescavage, Sr. requested by Cindy’s co-workers at M&T Bank; IMO Roy Brennan requested by Robert Brusock and Family; IMO Anna Peworrequested by Judy Shevokis and Girls, M/M Frank Ciko and Family; IMO Frances R. Pleva requested by Christine Lancaster.

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