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The Church in the Life of the Faithful

The Church in the Life of the Faithful. Chapter 6. Assignment. Read 178-185 Workbook 1-8. Faith of the Faithful is the Faith. What does the word “faith” mean as it pertains to Christians? Fides qua creditur The faith by which it is believed (personal faith)

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The Church in the Life of the Faithful

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  1. The Church in the Life of the Faithful Chapter 6

  2. Assignment • Read 178-185 • Workbook 1-8

  3. Faith of the Faithful is the Faith • What does the word “faith” mean as it pertains to Christians? • Fides qua creditur • The faith by which it is believed (personal faith) • What does the phrase “Faith of the Church” mean? • Fides quæcreditur • The faith which is believed (what the church teaches)

  4. Faith of the Faithful is the Faith • Who are the faithful? • Those who believe what the Church teaches • What do you think this statement means?

  5. Different Charisms • What is a charism? • Grace (Greek) or Gift • From the Holy Spirit • Enables People of God to build up the Body of Christ • Differ according to “particular state of life”

  6. Charism • How is a charism officially recognized? • Holy Orders • Religious Life • Appointment or “job” • What is a vocation or state of life? • What is your current vocation? • What are some possible future vocations?

  7. Vocations

  8. Vocations

  9. Focus • What is “the lifelong challenge and goal that faces every Christian in living as a member of the Church”? (p. 178) • Why do Christians fall short of their calling? • What’s your favorite theology word, Czajka • How do we live our faith faithfully? • Personal holiness (sanctification) • Toward God (example) • Toward neighbor (example)

  10. Assignment • Read 185-190 • Workbook 9-14

  11. Faith Requires a Response

  12. What Does Faith Look Like? • What does the faith of the centurion look like? (cf Luke 7.1-10) • “Lord, I am not worthy” (humility) • What does the faith of the men who helped their paralyzed friend look like? (cf Luke 5.18-26) • “When he saw their faith” (merit; humility)

  13. What Does Faith Look Like? • What does the faith of the bleeding woman look like? (Luke 8.43-48) • “She came up behind him, and touched the fringe of his garment” (humility; confidence) • What does Peter’s faith look like? (Mt 16.13-18) • Confidence; boldness

  14. Focus • What was the source of St Peter’s faith in Jesus? • Gift from the Holy Spirit • What is the response that faith requires in all of us? • Humility • Trust • Confidence

  15. Focus • Where does faith begin? • Baptism • Strengthened in Confirmation • Nourished/Fed in the Eucharist

  16. Focus • On what authority should we believe what God reveals? • NOT: “It makes sense to me” or “It feels right.” • THINK: A man says, “I had a dream where God told me to do something.” The priest says, “How do you know it was not the devil speaking to you?” • THINK: What is the difference between Abraham and a psychopathic lunatic?

  17. KEY • We believe “because of the authority of God himself who reveals them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived.” • Ultimately, we trust God • That He knows what is best • That He will not deceive us • That He cannot be bribed

  18. The People of God

  19. Who is the Church • Christ • The Head of the Body • The People of God • Members of the Body

  20. Who are the People of God • The communion of all the faithful in Christ • KEY: communion – common union • KEY: Faithful – hold to the Faith • KEY: in Christ – not just any faith, but the Catholic Faith • God’s Chosen People • Ethnically diverse • Jews & Gentiles • Unified by the Holy Spirit (Acts 10)

  21. Who are the People of God • Born of Water & the Spirit • We are not God’s people because we have the right parents (natural descent) but because God is our Father (spiritual descent) • St Peter: • Chosen • Royal • Holy • Purchased

  22. Who Guides the People of God? • The Magisterium (define) • Teaching authority • Teach the Faith (fides quæcreditur) • Based on Sacred Scripture & Sacred Tradition • Given by Christ to Apostles • From Apostles to their successors • Pope and bishops in union with Pope

  23. Common Priesthood

  24. What is a Priest? • What is a priest? • Offers sacrifice • Prays for the people • Serves those in need • Priests are called by God • “To act on behalf of the people in relation to God, and • To offer gifts and sacrifices for sins” (Heb)

  25. Priesthood or Priesthoods? • How does this describe one man? • The Levites • The Apostles & their successors • How does this describe a group as one? • Israel is “a kingdom of priests” • The Church is “a royal priesthood”

  26. Priesthood or Priesthoods? • What are the two “levels” or types of priesthood in the Church? • Common priesthood • Shared by all the faithful • Ministerial priesthood • Those in Holy Orders (deacons, priests, bishops) • Service for the faithful • IMPORTANT: Both participate in the one priesthood of Christ

  27. Priesthood or Priesthoods? • What is the relationship between the common priesthood and the ministerial priesthood? • Read CCC1547 (p. 183-184) • Common = unfolding baptismal grace • In a life of faith, hope and charity • Ministerial = serve, support the common priesthood • Means Christ uses to build up & lead the Church

  28. Living the Priesthood • How do you live out the common priesthood? • Offering your life as a living sacrifice • What is a “living sacrifice”? • How do you offer yourself to others? • How do you offer yourself to God?

  29. Universal Call to Holiness

  30. Definitions • What is the universal call to holiness? • To be a saint • What is a saint? • Sacrifices selfish desires • Aligns own will with God’s will • Not doing better, but being better • “Be perfect” – How can we do that? • Always strive, aspire for greater holiness • You can always be better

  31. Being Holy • Being Holy is not just about “going to Mass” • Being Holy has three main points • Begins with Mass and daily prayer • Includes church-related activities • Also refers to everyday life

  32. St Gianna Beretta Molla • What was St Gianna’s vocation? • What was her dilemma in 1961 • What was her response to this dilemma? • What was the result of her decision? • How was her life a sacrifice or martyrdom? • How is St Gianna a model of holiness?

  33. The Liturgy

  34. Prayer & Liturgy • What is communal prayer? • What is personal prayer? • Which type of prayer is “liturgical prayer”? • How does the word “liturgy” lead to this conclusion? • Which type of prayer requires • Sacrifice of self? • Sacrifice for the good of others?

  35. Liturgy • What is the liturgy? • Communal prayer • Public work for common good • Worship on behalf of (for good of) all • Offering the world back to God in thanksgiving • Official worship of God which includes rites (words) and ceremonies (actions)

  36. Liturgy • Why did Liturgy become necessary? • THINK: Sin of Adam & Eve • Thinking that the world was theirs, rather than a gift from God • Restoring of communion in God means seeing God as giver, and us as the ones given to • KEY: Liturgy leads us to a shift in our being • thinking and believing and doing

  37. Mediator • What is a mediator? • Bridge the gap • Why is one necessary? • How was Jesus our mediator? • THINK: Passion of the Christ • How is Jesus still our mediator? • Who really celebrates Mass? • Bowing, kissing, etc.

  38. Liturgical Year • Two calendars • Festival (temporal) • Saints (sanctoral) • Describe the basic seasons • All the basic seasons revolve around which feast? • All the Sundays are little celebrations of which feast?

  39. Sacraments

  40. Seven Sacraments • Read the statement on the top of page 191 (green letters). • With bullet points, focusing on the verb, finish this statement: “Sacraments • Sanctify (holiness) • Build up (strengthen, encourage, feed) • Give worship (credit, honor, respect) • Instruct (teach) • Express (declare, tell about) • Impart (give, bestow)

  41. Definitions • What are the four key parts to the definition of Sacrament? • What is the Greek word for “sacrament”? • What does “mystery” mean? • Why is the sacrament an “oath”? • A vow, or solemn promise • You can see how this refers to Holy Matrimony & Holy Orders. How does “oath” refer to Holy Baptism?

  42. Definitions

  43. Definitions • Why is it important about understanding that the sacraments confer grace ex opereoperato (without obstacles)? • It is God’s work, not human work • Instituted by Christ, not by men • Humans cannot stand in the way of God’s grace • It is entrusted not to individuals but to the Church

  44. Baptism

  45. Baptism Begins • What does the word “baptism” mean? • When did Jesus institute Baptism? • First, by His example • Second, by His command to the apostles after his resurrection • Was Jesus’ baptism the first baptism ever? • How was St John’s baptism different than the baptism you receive?

  46. Baptism Begins • How was Jesus’ baptism a “theophany”? • Manifestation (showing) of God • What was revealed about Jesus? • Human and Divine • One of the Trinity • Beloved of Son • Entrusted with a mission • Anointed one

  47. Baptism Begins • What did Jesus said to Nicodemus that teaches us about baptism? • Read John 3 • Did Jesus baptize anyone? • What words did Jesus speak to the disciples which instituted baptism for the Church? • Name at least two examples of the someone in Acts fulfilling Jesus’ command to baptize.

  48. Baptismal Effects • What are the effects (efficacious grace) or benefits of baptism? • Removes all sin • Unites a person in Christ • Incorporates a person into the Mystical Body of Christ

  49. Catechumenate

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