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ING Group OECD meeting 19 June 2001

ING Group OECD meeting 19 June 2001. ING Group New challenges:. Internationalization / Globalization Increasing attention stakeholders Liberalization capital markets Sustainability CNN World Information Technology. Governments. SEATTLE. Business. Civil Society. Moral Environment.

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ING Group OECD meeting 19 June 2001

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ING Group OECD meeting 19 June 2001

  2. ING Group New challenges: • Internationalization / Globalization • Increasing attention stakeholders • Liberalization capital markets • Sustainability • CNN World • Information Technology

  3. Governments SEATTLE Business Civil Society

  4. Moral Environment UN Core Values Society ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work Business Codes OECD Guidelines for MNEs ILO Tripartite Declaration Responding to expectations Transparancy Engagement Reporting Verification National & International Law Implementation processes Values ING Group Principles Management System UDHR Religious values & norms Policies ICC Business Charter on S.D. Responsible Care Global Sullivan Principies ICC rules on extortion and bribery Rio Declaration on S.D. Living standards

  5. Clients Shareholders Employees Society Governments Suppliers NGO’s Social Pressure Groups Analysts Trade Unions Supervisors ING Group ING’s stakeholders:

  6. ING Group New Questions: • Why do you operate in Burma? • How do you finance mining or oil activities? • What are the environmental criteria for your investment decisions? • Why did you finance the Three Gorges Dam? • Why do you invest in the life science industry?

  7. ING Group Meeting the wishes of stakeholders • Corporate responsibility • Sustainable policies • Transparency • Annual Social Report : ING in Society • Corporate values / Business Principles • Community activities

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