Group 2’s Charge: Based on the agency’s DSS vision, what actions need to be taken at the local, regional, and national levels to implement enhanced, demand-driven, risk- and impact-based services and information (including the communication of forecast uncertainty) with a focus on how we serve the needs of decision-makers? (Strategic Goal 1)
DSS actions for the next 2 to 5 years What steps do we take in each of these areas? • Develop a more detailed understanding of weather and water-related societal impacts, and how they affect our partners’ and the public’s decision making • Evolve an operational culture away from a more rigid science-centered perspective, to one which frames our service in terms of societal impacts and associated decision making. • Deliver interpretive DS information to core partners and other users in ways that best meet their future needs • Establish a professional development culture that supports the agency’s move toward DSS
Step 1: Actions • For each of the 4 large-scale topics, list concrete actions that can be taken to implement them. • These actions can either apply agency-wide, or can be specific to particular types of field offices. • For now, don’t allow various perceived challenges to overly stifle your creativity.
Step 2: HQ Support Needs • List specific things that NWS Headquarters and the Regional HQs can do to support the actions you’ve developed
Step 3: Challenges What two types of challenges must be overcome? List them. • Those that are within (or near) our spheres of influence • Those that are larger-scale and/or systemic
Topic #1: Develop a more detailed understanding of weather and water-related societal impacts, and how they affect our partners’ and the public’s decision making • Engage local, regional and national customers much more comprehensively • Using social science techniques, define how a hazard relates to a societal impact • develop office outreach stragety to determine public vulnerabilities – group effort • Develop partnerships with state agencies and academia to help define societal impacts and products
Topic #2: Evolve an operational culture away from a more rigid science-centered perspective, to one which frames our service in terms of societal impacts and associated decision making. • Must maintain/enhance quality/integrity of science while balancing with new appreciation of societal impacts • Share DSS practices peer to peer • Develop closer connections between forecasters and partners • Define special DSS forecaster roles • Provide a unified message top to bottom
Topic #3: Deliver interpretive DS information to core partners and other users in ways that best meet their future needs • Develop quick DSS feedback mechanisms: customers to forecasters • Develop more flexible approaches to policy • Leverage new technologies more quickly
Topic #4: Establish a professional development culture that supports the agency’s move toward DSS • Continue to pursue ICS and NIMS training • Establish verification and recognition processes that promote DSS • Involve forecasters more directly with customers • Social science focal points in all offices; leads/trains others • Partnering with universities on DSS/societal impact courses for future NWS employees • Better simulation capabilities that incorporate decision makers/societal impacts • Develop professional development culture that promotes constructive feedback at all levels
Step 2: HQ Support Needs List specific things that NWS Headquarters and the Regional HQs can do to support the actions you’ve developed • Top to bottom unified message. • Impact-based performance measures • Incorporate DSS in position descriptions • Customer service reps at regional/natl HQs • Robust IT infrastructures • Balance between IT security and service
Step 3: Challenges What two types of challenges must be overcome? List them. • Those that are within (or near) our spheres of influence • Overcoming reluctance to change by field staff • Balancing needs, resources and accountability • Those that are larger-scale and/or systemic
Step 3: Challenges What two types of challenges must be overcome? List them. • Those that are larger-scale and/or systemic • Local staffing profiles that meet the needs for DSS • Rapid adaptation to changing technology • Giving up some products/services to make room for newer services • Balancing agency needs, resources and accountability