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States of Consciousness Ch. 5

States of Consciousness Ch. 5. AP Psychology Alice F. Short Hilliard Davidson High School. States of Consciousness. The Nature of Consciousness Defining Consciousness Consciousness and the Brain Levels of Awareness Sleep and Dreams Biological Rhythms and Sleep Why Do We Need Sleep?

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States of Consciousness Ch. 5

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  1. States of ConsciousnessCh. 5 AP Psychology Alice F. Short Hilliard Davidson High School

  2. States of Consciousness The Nature of Consciousness • Defining Consciousness • Consciousness and the Brain • Levels of Awareness Sleep and Dreams • Biological Rhythms and Sleep • Why Do We Need Sleep? • Stages of Wakefulness and Sleep • Sleep and Disease • Sleep Disorders Psychoactive Drugs • Uses of Psychoactive Drugs • Types of Psychoactive Drugs Hypnosis • The Nature of Hypnosis • Explaining Hypnosis • Uses of Hypnosis Consciousness and Health and Wellness: Meditation

  3. The Nature of Consciousness • Defining Consciousness • Consciousness and the Brain • Levels of Awareness • stream of consciousness – term used by William James to describe the mind as a continuous flow of changing sensations, images, thoughts and feelings

  4. Defining Consciousness • consciousness – an individual’s awareness of external events and internal sensations under a condition of arousal, including awareness of self and thoughts about one’s experiences • awareness • global brain workspace • arousal • metacognition – thinking about thinking • EXAMPLE: Thinking about why you are nervous before an exam

  5. Consciousness and the Brain • awareness – subjective state of knowing what’s going on, as occurring in a global brain workspace includes awareness of self and thoughts about one’s experiences • global brain workspace – a collection of neurons from a variety of brain areas working in parallel that include prefrontal cortex (the front-most part of the brain) and the anterior cingulate • arousal – the physiological state of being engaged with the environment determined by the reticular activating system • refers to the ways that awareness is regulated • high alert • low alert • reticular activating system – a network of structures including the brain stem, medulla and thalamus

  6. Levels of Awareness • Higher-Level Consciousness • Lower-Level Consciousness • Altered States of Consciousness • Subconscious Awareness • No Awareness

  7. 1. Higher Level Consciousness • controlled processes – the most alert states of human consciousness, during which individuals actively focus their efforts toward a goal • require selective attention • involves prefrontal cortex (usually) • Example: Focusing on learning something new.

  8. 2. Lower-Level Consciousness • automatic processes – states of consciousness that require little attention and do not interfere with other ongoing activities • Example: typing, texting, etc. after mastered • daydreaming – • b/w conscious and sleep • begin spontaneously during low-focus activates • help make plans, solve problems or come up with creative idea • help us to cope, create and fantasize

  9. 3. Altered States of Consciousness • altered states of consciousness or awareness – mental states that are noticeably different from normal awareness • Range: losing sense of self-consciousness  hallucinating • Causes: trauma, fever, fatigue, sensory deprivation, medication, hypnosis and psychological disorders

  10. 4. Subconscious Awareness • waking subconscious awareness • incubation – subconscious processing that leads to a solution to a problem after a break from conscious though about the problem • subconscious awareness during sleep and dreams • we retain some awareness during dreams

  11. 5. No Awareness • unconscious – applies to someone who has been knocked out by a blow or anesthetized • a.k.a. nonconscious • unconscious thought – according to Freud, a reservoir of unacceptable wishes, feelings, and thoughts that are beyond conscious awareness; Freud’s interpretation viewed the unconscious as a storehouse for vile thoughts

  12. A SHORT Time to Ponder • What are controlled processes and automatic processes?

  13. Sleep and Dreams • Biological Rhythms and Sleep • Why Do We Need Sleep? • Stages of Wakefulness and Sleep • Sleep and Disease • Sleep Disorders • sleep – a natural state of rest for the body and mind that involves the rerevsible loss of consciousness

  14. Biological Rhythms and Sleep • biological rhythms • circadian rhythms • suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)

  15. Biological Rhythms and Sleepp. 143 • biological rhythms – periodic physiological fluctuations in the body, such as the rise and fall of hormones and accelerated and decelerated cycles of brain activity, that can influence behavior • circadian rhythms – daily behavioral or physiological cycles, which involve • sleep/wake cycle • body temperature • blood pressure • blood sugar level • suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) – small brain structure that uses input from the retina to synchronize its own rhythm with the daily cycle of light and dark; the mechanism by which the body monitors the change from day to night (located in hypothalamus); sends information to: • hypothalamus & pineal gland (temperature, hunger, release of hormones – melatonin) • reticular formation (sleep and wakefulness)

  16. Desynchronized and Resetting • desynchronized biological clock –thrown off their regular schedule • jet lag – result of two or more body rhythms being out of sync • changing work shifts • increased risk of heart disease • gastrointestinal disorders • insomnia • resetting biological clock • daylight • melatonin • useful in eastward travel • not useful in westward travel

  17. A SHORT Time to Ponder • Would a lot of these problems exist before industrialization?

  18. Why do We Need Sleep? • avoid becoming prey • avoid injury at night • conserve energy • search for food in safer conditions (daylight) • restores, replenishing, rebuilds the brain and body • increased production of cells; reduced breakdown of proteins • enhances synaptic connections between neurons • consolidates memory for specific information, for skills and for emotional experiences • conducts activities that strengthen memory associations  long term memory (occurs in cerebral cortex)

  19. Effects of Chronic Sleep Deprivation • 8 hours sleep/night • sleep deprivation • decreases brain activity in thalamus and prefrontal cortex • reduces complexity of brain activity • shorter pathways • reduced abilities to make moral decisions • STUDY: 53 hours of wakefulness –> agree with decisions that violated personal standards

  20. A SHORT Time to Ponder • Is sleep deprivation and American epidemic? If yes, what could be the long-term consequences?

  21. Wakefulness and Sleep • Wakefulness (2 total stages) • Sleep (5 total stages) • electroencephalograph (EEG) – monitors brain’s electrical activity

  22. Wakefulness • beta waves – concentration and alertness • highest in frequency • lowest in amplitude • desynchronous • alpha waves – relaxation and drowsiness • synchronous • slow down (lower frequency) • higher amplitude

  23. Sleep (5) • Stage 1 • Stage 2 • Stage 3 • Stage 4 • Stage 5 (REM sleep) • Sleep Cycle (1-5): 90-100 minutes • Stages 1-4 sometimes referred to as non-REM sleep

  24. Stages 1 and 2 Sleep • 60% of a whole night’s sleep • light stages of sleep • “I wasn’t asleep.” • Stage 1 – drowsy sleep • myoclonic jerks (I see you!) • feeling of falling • theta waves (slower frequency; greater amplitude than alpha waves) • gradual change from alpha waves • Stage 2 – muscle activity decreases; no longer consciously aware of the environment • theta waves interspersed with sleep spindles (sudden increase in frequency)

  25. Stages 3 and 4 Sleep • 20% of a whole night’s sleep • delta waves (slowest; highest amplitude) • a.k.a. delta sleep • difficult to wake • deepest sleep • bed wetting, sleep walking, sleep talking • wake up: confused and disoriented • difficult to distinguish b/w 3 and 4 • Stage 3 • delta waves less than 50% of time • Stage 4 • delta waves more than 50% of time

  26. REM Sleep • 20% of a whole night’s sleep • REM (rapid eye movement) – figure 5.5, p.147 • dreaming • longer REM  more likely to remember • waves similar to relaxed wakefulness • role in memory and creativity • progressively longer in later sleep cycles • most likely to wake just after REM sleep

  27. Sleep Stages – EEG Patternsp. 147

  28. Sleep Though the Life Span • Children: • deep sleep  growth hormone • sleep well: • avoid caffeine • experience regular bedtime routine • have no TV in bedroom • Adolescence • cerebral cortex developing (sleep linked to brain development) • 9 hrs 25 min • shortfall  attempt to “catch up” on weekends (can’t)  • melatonin secreted • 9:30 p.m. – early adolescents • 10:30 p.m. - later adolescents • inattention in class • poor performance

  29. Sleep Through Life Span • adults • go to bed and wake up earlier • Middle Adult (40s-50s) • need less sleep • Late Adult (60s +) • 50% report problems falling or staying asleep

  30. Sleep and the Brain • neurotransmitter activity • initiated in reticular formation (core of brain stem… damage to this area can lead to coma or death) • serotonin • norepinephrine • acetylcholine • Stages 1-4  neurotransmitters drop • REM • initiated by increase in acetylcholine • ends with increased serotonin and norepinephrine • most like to wake just after REM period

  31. Sleep and Disease • Increased Occurrence During Sleep • stroke • asthma attacks • Sleeplessness • obesity • heart disease • Fighting Disease • cells produce cytokines (powerfully sleep-inducing) • Mental Disorders (freq. associated with sleeplessness) • depression • Alzheimer disease • stroke • cancer

  32. Sleep Disorders • insomnia • sleep walking and sleep talking (and eating) • nightmares and night terrors • narcolepsy • sleep apnea

  33. Insomnia • inability to sleep • 1/5 adults • more common in women and older adults • more common in people who a think, stressed or depressed • Mild Insomnia: treat with quality sleep habits (same bedtime, sleep in dark and cool environment, avoiding caffeine and naps)

  34. Sleepwalking and Talking • somnambulism = sleepwalking • stages 3 & 4 • linked to sleep deprivation and alcohol use • should wake individual • somniloquy = sleep talking • not accurate • sleep eating (rare) – Ambien side effect • buttered cigarettes, salt sandwiches, raw bacon

  35. Nightmares and Night Terrors • nightmare – a frightening dream that awakens the dreamer from REM sleep • peak at ages 3-6 • experienced by college students 4-8 times per year • night terror – features sudden arousal from sleep and intense fear • rapid heart rate • rapid breathing • loud screaming • heavy perspiration • movement • peak at ages 5-7 • occurs during slow-save stage 4 (non-REM) sleep

  36. Narcolepsy • narcolepsy – sudden, overpowering urge to sleep • involves problems with hypothalamus and amygdala • emerges in adulthood • may occur while talking or standing • can be triggered by extreme emotional reactions, such as surprise, laughter, excitement or anger

  37. Sleep Apnea • sleep apnea – a sleep disorder in which individuals stop breathing because the windpipe fails to open or because the brain processes involved in respiration fail to work • loud snoring --> silence • 12 million Americans (2006) • more common in infants and adults 65+ • more common in the obese, men, people with large necks • may factor into sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

  38. Dreams • manifest content – according to Freud (who was coo-coo-ca-choo), the surface content of a dream, containing dream symbols that disguise the dream’s true meaning • latent content – according to Freud, a dream’s hidden content; its unconscious and true meaning • 2 Most Prominent Dream Theories • cognitive theory • activation-synthesis theory

  39. Dream Theories • cognitive theory of dreaming – theory proposing that we can understand dreaming by applying the same cognitive concepts we use in studying the waking mind • dreams = subconscious cognitive processing involving information and memory • metaphorically related to a person’s preoccupation • CRITICISMS: lock of attention to the roles of brain structures and brain activity in dreaming • activation-synthesis theory – theory that dreaming occurs when the cerebral cortex synthesizes neural signals generated from activity in the lower part of the brain • dreams  brain’s attempts to find logic in random brain activity (internally generated stimuli) that occurs during sleep • primary motor and sensory areas of forebrain stimulated (create sensation of running/feeling wind, etc.) • dreams = “cognitive trash” • CRITICISM: damage to the brain stem does not necessary reduce dreaming; life-experiences stimulate and shape dreaming

  40. Psychoactive Drugs • U.S. has the highest rate of adolescent drug use of any industrialized nation. • Why do you think this is the case?

  41. Psychoactive Drugs • psychoactive drugs – drugs that act on the nervous system to alter consciousness, modify perception and change mood • Reasons / Justifications: • deal with life’s activities / escape from harsh realities of life • reduce tension • relieve boredom and/or fatigue fatigue • curious about effects • Reasons Drug Use is Stupid • losing track on one’s responsibilities • problems in workplace and in relationships • drug dependence • increased risk for serious (sometimes fatal) diseases • tolerance • addition • dependence • expensive • others to be discussed on later slides… it’s a long list

  42. Psychoactive Drugs • tolerance (need more) • physical dependence – physiological need • withdrawal • psychological dependence – strong desire • feeling of well-being / reduction of stress • addiction – physical or psychological or both on a drug

  43. How to Become and Addict… or Not (Not is Better) • psychoactive drugs  increase dopamine levels in brain’s reward pathways • reward pathway (p. 155) • ventral tegmental area (VTA) • limbic and prefrontal areas activated by dopamine produced here • nucleus accumbens (NAc)

  44. Reward Pathways for Drugs

  45. Types of Psychoactive Drugs • depressants • alcohol • barbiturates • tranquilizers • opiates (a.k.a. narcotics) • morphine • heroin • stimulants • caffeine • nicotine • amphetamines • diet pills • crystal methamphetamine (a.k.a. crystal meth, crank, tina) • cocaine • MDMA (a.k.a. Ecstasy, X, XTC) • hallucinogens • marijuana • LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)

  46. Depressants • depressants - psychoactive drugs that slow down mental and physical activity • alcohol • barbiturates • tranquilizers • opiates (a.k.a. narcotics) • morphine • heroin

  47. Depressants • alcohol • inhibitions decrease and judgment becomes increasingly impaired • extreme intoxication  coma and/or death • increases concentration of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) • to cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, amygdala, nucleus accumbens • 2nd most widely used drug (after caffeine) • 2/3 of American adults drink; 30% binge drank in past year (5+ drinks) • involved in 60% of homicides (either offender of victim) • 65% aggressive sexual acts against women – offender consumed • binge drinking increases during first 2 years of college  decreases with permanent job, marriage or cohabitation, parenthood • 11 times more likely to fall behind in school • 10 times morel likely to drive • 2 times as likely to have unprotected sex • alcoholism – a disorder that involves long-term, repeated, uncontrolled, compulsive and excessive use of alcoholic beverages • impairs as drinker’s health and social relationships (1/9 drinkers) • one-third rule (1. dead/terrible shape; 2. still fighting addiction; 3. sober or drinking socially) • alcoholism recovery • negative experience w/ alcohol • substitute dependency (meditation, exercise, overeating) • developing new positive relationships • joining a support group

  48. Depressants • barbiturates (examples Nembutal and Seconal) • decreased central nervous system activity • impaired memory and decision making • can be lethal • most often used in suicide attempts • treat insomnia • largely replaced by tranquilizers

  49. Depressants • tranquilizers (examples: Valium and Xanax) • reduce anxiety • induce relaxation • feeling of calm (small doses) • drowsiness and confusion • tolerance – takes only a few weeks • addictive • withdrawal symptoms

  50. Depressants • Opiates (a.k.a. Narcotics), examples: morphine and heroin • depresses central nervous system activity • affect synapses that use endorphins • euphoric and pain-free • increased appetite for food and sex • highly addictive • craving and painful withdrawal

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