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States of Consciousness. Year 12 Psychology Unit 3 – The Conscious Self Area of Study 1: Mind, Brain and Body Chapter 2 (pages 96 to 131). States of Consciousness.
States of Consciousness Year 12 Psychology Unit 3 – The Conscious Self Area of Study 1: Mind, Brain and Body Chapter 2 (pages 96 to 131)
States of Consciousness • Level of awareness of our internal state & external events. This determines how much of this information we take in & respond to. • NOT ‘all or nothing’ – our degree of awareness varies at different times, depending on what’s happening or what we are doing. • Psychologists often describe consciousness as a continuum or scale, with no clear boundaries between the different states.
States of Consciousness:DESCRIBING CONSCIOUSNESS • Awareness of objects and events in the external world and in our own internal world and mental processes • Characteristics: • Selective – you choose what you are aware of • Continuous – never ‘empty’ • Changing – new information is coming into our awareness
Categories of Consciousness Activity: 2.3 • Many different states, but psychologists generally agree on two broad categories: • Normal Waking Consciousness • Attention • Selective Attention & Divided Attention • Content Limitations • Controlled & Automatic Processes • Altered States of Consciousness • Distortions of Perception & Cognition • Time Orientation • Changes in Emotional Awareness • Changes in Self-Control
Normal Waking Consciousness • Definition: Associated with being awake & aware of internal & external experiences (feelings, thoughts, sensations, memory etc.). • To fully understand NWC, psychologists often compare these experiences with those of altered states of consciousness (see slides further on). • Characteristics: • Perception and thoughts = organised • Perceptions = real; sense of time and place • Continually shift between different states (top end of continuum)
Normal Waking Consciousness:Attention • Concentration of mental activity that involves focusing on specific stimuli & ignoring others; changing focus is like using a torch/flashlight to select different things to look at. • Way of distinguishing between different states of consciousness: states at top of continuum require more attention than those at bottom end. • Attention can be focused internally (thoughts, feelings, etc.) or externally (sounds, smells, etc.).
Normal Waking Consciousness: AttentionSelective Attention • Choosing to focus on certain stimuli while ignoring other stimuli (top of continuum). • At any time, the focus (‘flashlight’) of our attention is only on a small part of what we are capable of experiencing overall. • Research has shown that if people focus on a particular stimuli (selective attention) they fail to notice most of the other information that exists around them.
CAN YOU CONTROL THE FOCUS OF YOUR ATTENTION? • Watch the clip...Awareness Test • Can you use selective attention to follow the instructions correctly? OR • Will you become distracted by other stimuli and miss out on important information?
Normal Waking Consciousness: AttentionSelective Attention Research • Ulric Neisser & Robert Becklen (1975) showed participants two videotapes, one superimposed over the other: • Three people passing a basketball to each other (participants press button when ball thrown); • Two people playing a hand-clapping game (participants press button when hands slap). • To minimise extraneous variables, they used an independent groups design (each participant was randomly allocated to either the basketball or the hands group).
Normal Waking Consciousness: AttentionSelective Attention Research Activity: 2.8 • RESULTS: • Participants in both groups were able to selectively attend to the stimulus they were assigned (the hands or the basketball) and block out other stimuli. • Their ‘flashlight’ was so successful that out of 24 participants in the basketball group, only one noticed when the hand-clapping game finished and the two players shook hands. • This suggests selective attention may control what information enters our consciousness and what information gets left out.
Normal Waking Consciousness: AttentionSelective Attention Theories • What determines whether we will focus on a stimulus or not? • If it is personally important to us; • Cocktail Party Phenomenon – we hear our name over everything else, even if we are focused on other stimuli. • If the stimulus changes or if a new/unusual (‘novel’) stimulus is introduced; • Television advertisements use loud noise, colour, etc. • Does selective attention stop all other info? • Listening to friends in class, but open to correct page. • We process some info outside conscious awareness.
Normal Waking Consciousness: AttentionDivided Attention • The ability to distribute our attention & do two or more things at the same time (simultaneously). • Ability to divide our attention depends on how much conscious effort is required for each task. • Research shows that we can multitask as long as the tasks are not complex (minimal mental effort). • Understanding our attention limits has become important in the debate over whether we should use mobile phones while we are driving.
Normal Waking Consciousness: AttentionDivided Attention Research • Duncan (1993) asked participants to look at an object on a screen & do two things simultaneously: identify the object AND its location on the screen. • Most participants could do this with few errors. • When participants had to complete the two tasks simultaneously, for two objects at once, their errors increased significantly. • Complex tasks require selective attention.
Normal Waking Consciousness:Content Limitations • The type of information held in our consciousness is more restricted during normal waking because we can control it: we can ignore things we don’t like, pay more attention to nice things, etc. • During altered states of consciousness, we generally don’t have the same control, so the information we receive is less limited. • Normal waking content is also usually more organised & logical.
Normal Waking Consciousness:QUESTION • What are the two different types of attention that one can posses? Give an example for both. • What is the definition of consciousness? • What is one other thing you can remember from what you have covered so far?
Normal Waking Consciousness:Controlled & Automatic Processes Activity: 2.7 • Controlled Processes (use selective attention): • Usually more difficult/complex; • Require high conscious awareness & mental effort; • Can usually only perform one at a time; • E.g. learning something new, like driving a car. Over time, controlled may become automatic… • Automatic Processes (use divided attention): • Usually easier, less complex; • Require little conscious awareness or mental effort; • Do not interfere with performance of other activities.
Normal Waking Consciousness: Controlled & AutomaticThe Stroop Effect • J. Ridley Stroop (1935) tested his theory of interference by measuring participants’ errors & response speed when trying to process conflicting information (colour versus word). • Used a repeated measures design (each participant was in both the experimental & control conditions). • Controlled the order effects of practice & fatigue by making sure that half the participants saw the experimental, then the control whilst half saw them in a different order.
Stroop’s Experimental Condition (in control condition the colours matched the words)
Normal Waking Consciousness: Controlled & AutomaticThe Stroop Effect Activity: 2.5 • Stroop Effect occurs because our automatic process interferes with our controlled process: • Automatic – easy, requires minimal mental effort; • Reading words (esp. easy ones, like colours). • Controlled – complex, requires lots of mental effort; • Ignoring the word & saying a different colour. • Psychologist have found that this occurs even with non-colour words, such as ‘truck’. • Researchers found that when presented with conflicting stimuli, we cannot stop our controlled processes from taking over, even if we want to.
Altered States of Consciousness • Definition: Any state of consciousness that is distinctly different from NWC in terms of distortion of changes (level of awareness, experience, quality or intensity of sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, memories). • Distinct mental processing changes occur; cognitive processes or perceptions of self/world may change & normal inhibitions/self-control may weaken. • Some occur naturally; some are purposely induced.
Altered States of Consciousness • Psychological changes that occur in ASC vary greatly from person to person. BUT • There are some common characteristics: • Perceptual & Cognitive Distortions; • Disturbed Sense of Time; • Changes in Emotional Awareness; • Changes in Self-Control.
Altered States of Consciousness: Distortions of Perception& Cognition • Makes senses more receptive to external stimuli: • e.g. some drugs may make colours appear brighter, sounds louder, smells stronger, touch more sensitive – some people may even hallucinate and experience perceptions of stimuli that are not really there. OR • Dulls senses to the point that some sensations are not experienced at all: • e.g. in meditation the individual may be able to focus their concentration so that their normal pain threshold is increased, or they may feel no pain at all.
Altered States of Consciousness: Distortions of Perception& Cognition • Perceptions are often so distorted that people may lose their sense of identity: • They may feel that they are someone else; • They may feel like they are ‘outside themselves’ looking in.
Altered States of Consciousness: Distortions of Perception & Cognition • Thought processes are often more disorganised, both in waking ASC and dreaming during sleep: • Thinking is often illogical and lacking in sequence which may lead to difficulties in problem-solving. • People often have trouble remembering events that occur during an ASC: • Unable to recall in detail the events that occurred while intoxicated; • Short-term memory impairment & subtle changes in thinking as a result of marijuana use; • Difficulty recalling information from long-term memory in some cases, but this is usually restored in NWC.
Altered States of Consciousness: Time Orientation • Estimation of time is frequently distorted: it may appear to be quicker or to pass very slowly. • e.g. waking up from what feels like a long nap and being surprised to discover that you have only been asleep for a relatively short time. OR • e.g. waking up after getting 8 hours of sleep and feeling like you have only just shut your eyes.
Altered States of Consciousness: Changes in Emotional Awareness • ASCs may impact on emotions in a variety of ways: • Put an individual’s feelings into a state of turmoil which leads to uncharacteristic responses; • e.g. Drunken “I love you soooooo much”. • Make an individual feel emotionless; • e.g. no reaction to stimuli that normally makes them emotional. • Lead to inappropriate emotions; • e.g. laughing at tragic news or crying when told a joke. • Lead to unpredictable emotional responses; • e.g. may burst into tears or become aggressive for no reason.
Altered States of Consciousness: Changes in Self-Control Activity: 2.11 • ASCs may lead to an individual losing self-control: • Drunken lack of coordination & intense emotions; • Being more open to suggestion when hypnotised. • ASCs may also sometimes help individuals to gain more self-control: • Hypnosis to help quit smoking or other addictions, or to manage chronic pain.
Altered States of Consciousness: Daydreaming • ASC in which we shift our attention from external stimuli to internal thoughts, feelings and imagined scenarios: • More likely to occur when stationary, perhaps because active behaviour and directed attention are ‘turned off’; • May be our consciousness responding to an unchanging external world by turning inward. • Usually quite different to night dreams: • Daydreams = minimal eye movement, high levels of alpha brain waves; • Content often less organised and meaningful than night dreams.
Altered States of Consciousness: Daydreaming – Its Purpose • Freud: we use daydreams to act out in our fantasies things that we are unable to do in reality. • Wish fulfillment: reduces frustration and tension. • Empirical research provides some support for this view. • Singer: daydreams enable us to mentally try a range of options for various situations. • Schachter: daydreaming helps us to solve problems. • Researchers found that students spend about half their NWC time in daydreams!
Altered States of Consciousness: Alcohol-Induced State • Psychoactive drug: chemical that changes conscious awareness, perception or moods. • Depressant: causes initial euphoria but only by depressing activity of brain centres responsible for inhibitions, judgement & self-control. • Effect on consciousness depends on concentration of alcohol, amount, individual variables and conditions under which it is consumed. • Excessive consumption severely impacts on brain functioning and may even cause death.
Altered States of Consciousness: Alcohol-Induced State - experiences Activity: 2.12 • Shortened attention span; • Impaired perceptions; • Impaired thinking; • Impaired memory; • Slower reaction times; • Reduced self-awareness; • Impaired emotional awareness and control; • Impaired perception of time; • Less self-control; • Difficulties with voluntary muscular control and fine movements; • Deterioration in performance of complex tasks. Read pages 119 and 120
Measuring Physiological Responses of Consciousness • Consciousness can be difficult to study because it is a hypothetical construct: something that is believed to exist, but cannot be directly observed or measured. • ‘Psychological construct’: constructed to describe specific psychological activity or patterns. • We can only infer (assume) what someone’s state of consciousness is, based on their behaviour or physiological measurements.
Measuring Physiological Responses of Consciousness • Observations of behaviour are subjective (based on the researcher’s interpretation) and can be biased, so measurements of physiological responses are more reliable. BUT • Physiological responses occur for many reasons, not just because of changes in consciousness, so to look at them in isolation would be misleading – need to use a combination of measurements, observations and self-reports from the individuals.
Measuring Physiological Responses of Consciousness:Electrical Activity of the Brain • Brain wave patterns can vary in frequency (number of waves per second): this is judged by the number of waves in a cycle of activity (measured by EEG). • High frequency = faster (more waves per second); • Low frequency = slower (less waves per second). • Brain wave patterns can vary in amplitude (intensity): this is judged by the size of peaks and troughs compared to a baseline of zero activity. • High amplitude = bigger peaks and troughs; • Low amplitude = smaller peaks and troughs.
Measuring Physiological Responses of Consciousness:Electrical Activity of the Brain • Beta Waves – NWC, alert, active, concentrating; • High frequency (fast) & low amplitude (small). • Alpha Waves – NWC, relaxed, wakeful, meditative; • High frequency & low amplitude (but bigger than Beta). • Theta Waves – ASC, early stages of sleep; • Medium frequency & both high and low amplitude. • Delta Waves – ASC, deepest stages of sleep; • Slow frequency & high amplitude (large). HINT: BOYS ALWAYS THINK DIRTY
Measuring Physiological Responses of Consciousness:Heart Rate, Body Temperature & GSR • Heart rate: • May increase (e.g. substance use) or decrease (e.g. sleep). • Body Temperature: • Less variable than heart rate but there are patterns; • Most predictable ASC-related body temperature change is during sleep, when it drops by more than 1°C. • Galvanic Skin Response (GSR): • Measures changes in electrical conductivity of skin; • More sweat = more electrical conductivity = higher emotional arousal.
So what have we learned about consciousness… Activity: 2.15 • There are two main types of consciousness: • Normal Waking Consciousness (NWC); • Altered States of Consciousness (ASC). • There are no clear boundaries between the different stages of consciousness on the continuum. • Selective attention can be very focused, to the point that it excludes other information. • Our ability to multitask is affected by the complexity of the task. • ASCs can be identified by examining both psychological & physiological responses.