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Climate Change Fighters: Empowering Students for a Sustainable Future

Join the Erasmus+ project aimed at enhancing language, ICT, teamwork, and critical thinking skills while raising awareness about climate change. Engage in various activities like logo design, presentations, and environmental studies to combat climate issues together. Experience short exchanges with partner schools in Croatia, Greece, Poland, Italy, and the Netherlands to foster global cooperation. The project kickstarted in October 2018 with enthusiastic participation from students and teachers. Let's work together to make a positive impact on the environment and create a better future for all.

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Climate Change Fighters: Empowering Students for a Sustainable Future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alytaus r. Simno gimnazijaErasmus+ project 2018-2020Stop Climat Change – Together Europe Achieves More Openingceremonyoftheproject October, 2018

  2. Thepurpose of theprojectis to improvestudents' skillsinthe field of foreign languages, ICT, improvetheirteam-workskills, creativity and criticalthinking. Pupils will becomeaware of climatechanges and they will try to findways to mitigatethem .Withintheprojecttherearevariousactivitiesplanned, for instancetaking part inproject logo design competition, creating a presentationabouttheschool, students and the country, posters on the partner countries, measuringtheweatherregularly, attendingclimatebasedlessonsinEnglish, taking part in international environmentaldays, studyingclimatechanges, ways of reducingcarbonfootprint, ways of protectingendangeredanimals and plants.

  3. Withintheprojectthereare 6 short-termexchanges of groups of pupils and theirteachers to partner schoolsplanned: • - Osnovnaškola Bartola Kašića, Vinkovci, Croatia • - 1st Gymnasium of Cholargos, Athens, Greece • - Szkola Podstawowa Nr12, Gdynia, Poland • InstitutoComprensivoSant’Elia a Pianisi, Sant’Elia a Pianisi, Italy • BC Broekhin Roermond, Roermond, theNetherlands

  4. Theprojectcoordinator Rasa Ručienėpresentedtheproject, itsobjectivesandactivitieson October18

  5. Thegeographyteacher Gediminas Kanapickas presentedthesituationofclimatechanangeinLithuania

  6. Studentsofthe 7 gradesharedtheirimpressionsaboutCleanupDayin Meteliai regionalpark

  7. Thebiologyteacher Rima Pavolienepresentedwhatactionshavealreadybeendoneinourgymnasium to reduceeffectofclimatechange

  8. Logodesignsexibitionwasorganised

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