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The Republic of Botswana has a range of social security programs which cover the country’s citizens, as well as people belonging to poor and vulnerable groups in rural communities. According to the National Policy for Rural Development (Government of Botswana - GoB, 2002), the aim of these programs is to reduce poverty and provide a social safety cover to all Botswanan individuals. These include the Universal Old-age Pension, the Orphan Care Program, the Labor-Based Drought Relief Program, Supplementary Feeding for Vulnerable Groups, and the Program for Destitute Persons. The Botswana Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU) is the workers’ labor federation representing the country’s laborers. In 1997, Botswana published a document now known as Vision 2016, which projects that poverty will be eradicated in the country by 2016. Pensions play a vital role in enhancing the earnings of the country’s workforce after retirement. The government is also focusing on improving the social security framework to prevent people from falling into poverty. Private employers also provide benefits to employees in addition to mandatory employee benefits. To get Details: http://www.reportscue.com/employee-benefits-in-botswana-market
Main Title Market Research Report Employee Benefits in Botswana ©reportscue
Synopsis: The report provides in-depth industry analysis, information and insights into employee benefits in Botswana, including:• An overview of state and compulsory benefits in Botswana• Detailed information about private benefits in Botswana• Insights into various central institutions responsible for the administration of the different branches of social security • The regulatory framework for employee benefits in Botswana
Report Overview:The Republic of Botswana has a range of social security programs which cover the country’s citizens, as well as people belonging to poor and vulnerable groups in rural communities. According to the National Policy for Rural Development (Government of Botswana - GoB, 2002), the aim of these programs is to reduce poverty and provide a social safety cover to all Botswanan individuals. These include the Universal Old-age Pension, the Orphan Care Program, the Labor-Based Drought Relief Program, Supplementary Feeding for Vulnerable Groups, and the Program for Destitute Persons. The Botswana Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU) is the workers’ labor federation representing the country’s laborers. In 1997, Botswana published a document now known as Vision 2016, which projects that poverty will be eradicated in the country by 2016. Pensions play a vital role in enhancing the earnings of the country’s workforce after retirement. The government is also focusing on improving the social security framework to prevent people from falling into poverty. Private employers also provide benefits to employees in addition to mandatory employee benefits.
Scope : This report provides a detailed analysis of employee benefits in Botswana:• It offers a detailed analysis of the key government-sponsored employee benefits, along with private benefits• It covers an exhaustive list of employee benefits, including retirement benefits, death-in-service benefits, short-term sickness, medical benefits, workmen’s compensation, maternity and paternity benefits, family benefits, severance benefits and private benefits• It highlights the economic and regulatory situations relating to employee benefits in Botswana
Key Highlights :• Botswana has a fragmented and unsystematic social security system.• Pensions play a vital role in enhancing the post-retirement earnings of the country’s workforce.• Most public and private sector employees, and of parastatal institutions in middle and senior levels, are covered by the Botswana Public Officers' Pension Fund (BPOPF).• Government employees who are not covered under the BPOPF are covered under the unfunded pension plan, which is financed from government revenues.• Senior managers at trade unions are given extensive non-wage benefits, such as car, housing and entertainment allowances to avoid the government salary limit on parastatal pay.
Table of Contents: 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction3 Country Statistics 4 Overview of Employee Benefits in Botswana 5 Regulations 6 State and Compulsory Benefits7 Private Benefits8 Macroeconomic Indicators9 Appendix
List of Tables: 1 Definitions 2 Botswana - Country Statistics 3 Botswana - Minimum Wage Rates List of Figures: 1 Botswana GDP at Constant Prices (US$ Billion), 2008-20122 Botswana GDP Per Capita at Constant Prices (US$), 2008-20123 Botswana GDP at Current Prices (US$ Billion), 2009-20134 Botswana GDP Per Capita at Current Prices (US$), 2009-20135 Botswana GDP by Key Sector (%), 2009-20126 Botswana Inflation Rate (%), 2008-20137 Botswana Annual Average Exchange Rate US$-BWP, 2009-2013 8 Botswana Total Population (Million), 2008-2012 9 Botswana Size of Labor Force (Million), 2008-2012 10 Botswana Urban and Rural Populations (%), 2009-2013
Reason To Buy :• Make strategic decisions using in-depth information related to employee benefits in Botswana• Assess the Botswana’s employee benefits market, including state and compulsory benefits and private benefits• Gain insights into the key employee benefit schemes offered by private employers in Botswana• Gain insights into key organizations governing Botswana’s employee benefits, and their impact on companies To Get Details: http://www.reportscue.com/employee-benefits-in-botswana-market