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Bring i ng together CMIP5 & CORDEX Data management 8 March 2011, SMHI, Norrkoeping

Bring i ng together CMIP5 & CORDEX Data management 8 March 2011, SMHI, Norrkoeping. Topics. Data management in CORDEX : Get access to CMIP5 global forcing data role of IS-ENES ? CMIP5 formatted data not CMIP5 formatted data Provide access to CORDEX results role of IS-ENES ?

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Bring i ng together CMIP5 & CORDEX Data management 8 March 2011, SMHI, Norrkoeping

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  1. Bringing together CMIP5 & CORDEX Data management 8 March 2011, SMHI, Norrkoeping

  2. Topics Data management in CORDEX : • Get access to CMIP5 global forcing data • role of IS-ENES ? • CMIP5 formatted data • not CMIP5 formatted data • Provide access to CORDEX results • role of IS-ENES ? • come as close as possible to CMIP

  3. Provide Access Provide access to CORDEX results • proposed topics at Norrkoeping: • SMHI/NCS offer CORDEX result archiving • move CORDEX DM -> CMIP5 DM • coordination in/with IS-ENES • additional topics to come

  4. Provide Access Issues • versioning ? (OBC) • AFR grid is geographical lat/lon. Why interpolate? • What kind of quality control? • File sizes

  5. CORDEX data amounts Africa 50 km (AFR) • per yr: 3.5 GB Core/Tier1 (530 GB for 56+95 scenario yrs) 16.0 GB Tier2 ( 2.4 TB for …. ) • DMI archive: Core/Tier1 • CCLM (1000 yrs) : 3.5 TB • REMO ( 500 yrs) : 1.7 TB • other models • local archives: Tier2

  6. CORDEX data amounts Africa 50 km (AFR) • mirror of DMI archive at DKRZ (Core/Tier1): • CCLM (1000 yrs) : 3.5 TB • REMO ( 500 yrs) : 1.7 TB • other models ? Is there a list of • DKRZ as local CORDEX archive (Tier2): • CCLM (1000 yrs) : 16 TB • Remo ( 500 yrs) : 8 TB • other model ? • DKRZ as local archive (raw data): • CCLM: 310 GB/yr • REMO: 380 GB/yr

  7. CORDEX data amounts Africa 25 km (AFR-22) • per yr: 14 GB Core/Tier1 (2.1 TB for 56+95 scenario yrs) 64 GB Tier2 ( 9.7 TB for …. ) • DMI archive: Core/Tier1 • CCLM ( 266 yrs): 3.7 TB • other models • local archives: Tier2

  8. CORDEX data amounts Africa 25 km (AFR-22) • mirror of DMI archive at DKRZ (Core/Tier1): • CCLM ( 266 yrs): 3.7 TB • other models ? • DKRZ as local CORDEX archive (Tier2): • CCLM (266 yrs) : 17 TB • other model ? • DKRZ as local archive (raw data): • CCLM: 1.234 TB/yr

  9. CORDEX data amounts Europa 12 km (EUR-11) • per yr: 14 GB Core/Tier1 (2.1 TB for 56+95 scenario yrs) 64 GB Tier2 ( 9.7 TB for …. ) • DMI archive: Core/Tier1 • CCLM (763 yrs): 10.7 TB • REMO (482 yrs): 6.7 TB • other models • local archives: Tier2

  10. CORDEX data amounts Europa 12 km (EUR-11) • mirror of DMI archive at DKRZ (Core/Tier1): • CCLM (763 yrs): 10.7 TB • REMO (482 yrs): 6.7 TB • other models ? • DKRZ as local CORDEX archive (Tier2): • CCLM (763 yrs): 49 TB • REMO (482 yrs): 31 TB • other model ? • DKRZ as local archive (raw data): • CCLM: 1.543 TB/yr • REMO: 1.366 TB/yr

  11. CMIP5/CORDEX file names CMOR: tas_Amon_MPI-ESM-HR_rcp45_r2i1p1_190001-192012.nc CMIP5: tas_Amon_MPI-ESM-HR_rcp45_r2i1p1_190001-192012.nc CORDEX:tas_AFR_MPI-ESM-LR_rcp45_r1i1p1_V-C5_REMO_V-RCM_mon_190001-102012.nc

  12. CMIP5/CMOR directory structure

  13. CMIP5 ESGF data node directory structure

  14. CMIP5/CORDEX directory structure CMIP5/ESGF: /CMIP5/output[1,2]/MPI-M/MPI-ESM-LR/ rcp45/mon/atmos/Amon/r2i1p1/v20110613/tas/...nc CMIP5 data set ID(publication level): CMIP5.output.MPI-M.MPI-ESM-LR.rcp45.mon.atmos.Amon.r2i1p1 CORDEX: /AFR/MPI-M/MPI-ESM-LR/rcp45/r2i1p1/REMO/V-RCM/mon/tas/...nc

  15. CORDEX Data and ESGF • no 2nd ESGF server at DKRZ: • CORDEX needs to have the same directory structure as CMIP5 • publication level can not be eliminated other solution at DKRZ: • via FTP • searchable in Cera UI if metadata provided

  16. Access to CMIP5 RCM Forcing Issues / Concerns: • CMIP5 format (time series of single variables) for RCM forcing data • CMIP5 requested (ta,ua,va,psl (6hrly)) not all needed variables • SST, … on ocean grid • SST, … not 6hrly • large volume (6hrly, model levels) with NetCDF(3)

  17. Data Volumes [MB] 1 year MPI-ESM-LR(T63L47) requested by CMIP5: • .grb.gz: 153 + 189 (spectral ta, div., vort., psl; hus) • .grb: 166 + 207 ( “ ) • .grb: 626 + 207 (grid point ta, ua, va, psl, hus) • .nc: 1238 + 409 ( “ ) • .nc.gz: 822 + 248 ( “ ) • 342 versus 1070 MB

  18. MPI-ESM CMIP5 RCM Forcing Data • optimize data transfer by providing • spectral GRIB gnu-zipped data • script to convert into gridded single-variable time series in CMIP5 NetCDF format • conversion wall clock times • 5:03 min (IBM AIX power6) • 4:44 min (Linux cluster) • 5:26 min (PC 2.4 GHz) • optional as CMIP5 NetCDF per USB • additional files with additional parameters • (all on atmosphere grid, 6 hrly)

  19. MPI-ESM CMIP5 RCM Forcing Data Access from DKRZ • CMIP5 RCM forcing do not belong to the replicated data class • non-CMIP5 formatted data: • create DKRZ data project • give accounts for • ftp access (password) incl. some metadata • to CMIP5 requested and additional parameters • CMIP5 formatted data: • via ESGF? • requested parameters only

  20. Other than MPI-ESM RCM Forcing Data Access from DKRZ through IS-ENES portal • funding/position needed

  21. The End

  22. Topics • What is CMIP5 ? • What is CORDEX ? • How will the MPI-M contribute? • The DKRZ project 555 & other funding & related activities • The CMIP5 Archive : Data and Metadata aspects • A critical assessment

  23. Topics • What is CMIP5 ? • What is CORDEX ? • How will the MPI-M contribute? • The DKRZ project 555 & other funding related activities • The CMIP5 Archive : Data and Metadata apects • A critical assessment

  24. What is COordinatedRegionalDownscalingEXperiments ? WCRP sponsored international coordinated framework for regional climate change projections • downscale a common set of CMIP5experiments • priority: 1950-2005 historical 2006-2100 RCP4.5/8.5 multiple GCMs • next: downscaleCMIP5decadal hind/forecast • common domains, resolution, grids (but different RCMs) • evaluate with ERA-interim 20 years • initial 50km for involvement of wider community, initial focus on Africa • model output protocol • WG1 (Physical Basis): Africa simulation (end 2010) • WG2 (Impact, Adaptation, Vulnerability): other experiments (~ +1 year)

  25. CORDEX common domains

  26. Topics • What is CMIP5 ? • What is CORDEX ? • How will the MPI-M contribute? • The DKRZ project 555 & other funding related activities • The CMIP5 Archive : Data and Metadata apects • A critical assessment

  27. How will the MPI-M contribute? • within the DKRZ 555 project • additional experiments on its own ressources • providing its models to other groups for additional CMIP5 / CORDEX experiments

  28. The DKRZ project 555 Titel: CMIP5 Klimasimulationen und deren Regionalisierung Models: ECHAM6/MPIOM, REMO, CCLM Projects: CMIP5, CORDEX Coordination: Stephanie Legutke (M&D)Contact ECHAM6/MPIOM: Marco Giorgetta (MPI-M) Contact REMO: Daniela Jacob (MPI-M) Contact CCLM:Klaus Keuler (BTU)

  29. Compound project 555 Why ? • ensure promptly downscaling of CMIP5 projections • cover multiple aspects of uncertainly: • using different RCMs (REMO, CCLM) • doing different realisations (ECHAM6:REMO) • doing different scenarios (RCP4.5, RCP8.5) • using different ESM CMIP5 forcing (CCLM)

  30. CMIP5 experiments with ECHAM6/MPIOM • 2587 CMIP5 experiment years with MPI-M comp. ressources • on project 555 account: 2207 (Core) + 2157 (others) • Jülich RC (Martin Schulz): • historical + interakt. aerosole + AtmChemie • RCP4.5 (T63L47/TP10L40) • COMBINEpromotes further CMIP5 experiments after 2010 WG1 deadline see proposal with complete experiment list athttp://wiki.zmaw.de/mad/CMIP5

  31. CORDEX domains used in 555 • Auflösung 0.11o • NX/NY/NZ= 440/428/40 • rotierte KoordinatenPol (-162.0, 39.25) Auflösung 0.44o NX/NY/NZ= 214/221/32 rotierte KoordinatenPol (180., 90.) contribution to WGII contribution to WGI 31

  32. Geplante CORDEX Experimente: REMO

  33. CORDEX Simulationen mit COSMO-CLM

  34. Topics • What is CMIP5 ? • What is CORDEX ? • How will the MPI-M contribute? • The DKRZ project 555 & other funding & related activities • The CMIP5 Archive : Data and Metadata apects • A critical assessment

  35. The DKRZ project 555 • 53-54 computing nodes on blizzard in 2010 together with the millennium project (ca. 22% of blizzard) • 2300 TB tape archive • the project will continue in 2011 • ECHAM6/MPIOM with T127L95/TP04L80 grid (reduced from initially planned T156) • running (technically) since yesterday • paleo runs with T63L47/TP10L80

  36. Other funding and projects • Data basis für CSC • Data requests already arriving (e.g. ClimateforCulture, KLIFF, KLIMZUG, EU projects) • BMBF Projects • “Durchführung der CMIP5 Konsortialrechnungen” • 4 positions (3 years) • “Einrichtung und Betrieb des CMIP5 Datenknotens” : • 2 positions (3 / 5 years) • 1,5 Mio. € material funding

  37. Topics • What is CMIP5 ? • What is CORDEX ? • How will the MPI-M contribute? • The DKRZ project 555 & other funding related activities • The CMIP5 Archive: Data and Metadata aspects • A critical assessment

  38. EU FP7 CMIP5/AR5 Data Management Concept Gateway BADC / IPCC DDC Gateway PCMDI Gateway WDCC / IS-ENES Data Nodes DKRZ Hadley Centre / BADC IPSL NCAR GFDL Other Centres BADC: 0.75 PByte CMIP5/AR5 Data Federation WDCC: 0.75 PByte 1.5 PB backup PCMDI: 0.75 PByte • CMIP5 Data Protocol: • Requested Variables • Directory/Filenames/Metadata Mirrors: Australia Japan Others ?

  39. EU FP7 BADC: 0.75 PByte WDCC: 0.75 PByte 1.5 PB backup PCMDI: 0.75 PByte CMIP5/AR5 Data Management Concept Data Catalog & CIM Data Publication (DOI) & Quality Control Data Nodes ESM results: raw data & CMOR2 reformatted & Add. RCM forcing ? (Meta)Data CMIP5Compliancy i.e. Entry Control IPCC AR5 Reference Data Archive: snapshot end of 2010?

  40. Meta Data for CMIP5 Archive

  41. MetaData harvesting during experiment setup Compilation ConfigurationofExperimente Run Experiment experiment.xml Data Node ... historical_r1.xml historical_r2.xml PIcontrol_r1.xml ... CMIP5GUI CMIP5 data node translate experiment.xml -> cmip5.xml

  42. www publish cmip5-x.html translate complete cmip5_*.xml METAFOR CMIP5 GUI translate cmip5_*.xml MD extraction in IMDI User‘snotebook list / diff grep cmip5*.xml ...cmip5-exp.xml ...

  43. What is CMIP5 Archive and Meta Data ?

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