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Carl Dolan : Cultures & Change Lead 2ndbounce M:07970280721 E: carl@2ndbounce.co.uk. Eldisa Zhebo-Lloshi : Founder ICLA M:00355692090163 E: eldisa.lloshi@icla.co.
Carl Dolan: Cultures & Change Lead 2ndbounce M:07970280721 E: carl@2ndbounce.co.uk EldisaZhebo-Lloshi: Founder ICLA M:00355692090163 E: eldisa.lloshi@icla.co
this afternoon you will explore how…you decide to trust or distrusttrustworthy you are in your eyes & the eyes of othersto measure trust
an important question is…what causes feelings of comfort or discomfort…to trust or distrust?
LL High Likelihood to Trust Low Level of Analysis High
just trust yourself, then you will know how to live...johannwolfgang von goethe
someone who does not trust themselves can never truly trust anybody else cardinal de retz
“self-trust is the first secret of success”ralph waldoemerson
how often do you really explore how credible or trustworthy you are?...in your own eyes…and through the eyes of others?
am i credible?am i believable?am I someone people (including myself) can trust?how do you know?
Competence Results Capability Character Integrity Intent
integrity…are you congruent?intent…what is your agenda?capabilities…are you relevant?results…what is your track record?
talk straight...tell the truth & leave the right impressionsimple language
demonstrate respect...genuinely care for othersespecially those that cannot do anything for you
create transparency...truth that people can verify“as on the tin”
right wrongs...to know what is right & not do it is the worst cowardice confuciusapologise quicklypersonal humility
show loyalty...Give credit freelyspeak about people as if they are presentfirst-hand feedback
deliver results...Getting the right things doneunder promise & over deliver
get better...increase your capabilitiesseek feedbackdo not assume today’s skills will be tomorrow’s
clarify expectations...discloserevealdiscussvalidatedo not violate
practice accountability...yourselfothersresponsibilityfinger pointing
listen first...ears, eyes & heartunderstandx assume & presume x
extend trust...trust breeds trustpropensity to trustabundantlyconditionally
trust…confident realiance on another in a vulnerable situation
learning outcomes...the importance of self-trust & credibility in changeexplore trustworthy behavioursexplore how to measure trust
jack welch“live the values (character) and “deliver results” (competence)
jimcollins“extreme personal humility” (character) and “intense professional will” (competence)
I look for 3 things in hiring people. The first is personal integrity, the second is intelligence, and the third is a high energy level. But, if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.Warren buffett
warren buffett“leader of people” (character) and “leader of business” (competence)
integrityfeeling integratedcongruent inside & outcourage to live your values
integrity acceleratorsmake & keep promises to yourselfstand for somethingbe open
intentwhat’s your agenda?what are your true motiveswhat do your behaviours communicate?
intentacceleratorsconsider your true motivesopen your agendachoose abundance
abilities to inspire confidence & trusttalents, skills, attitudesknowledge, style
capability acceleratorsfollow your strengths & purposekeep yourself relevantknow where you are going