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The Dark Energy Survey and The Dark Energy Spectrograph Josh Frieman DES Project Director Portsmouth, June 2011. Massive Spectroscopy of DES Targets. Would enable (see today’s talks) :
The Dark Energy Survey andThe Dark Energy SpectrographJosh FriemanDES Project DirectorPortsmouth, June 2011
Massive Spectroscopy of DES Targets • Would enable (see today’s talks): • Clusters: cluster spec. z’s and dynamical masses from velocity dispersions: improve mass-observable calibration • WL+RSD: DESpecRedshift Space Distortions plus DES WL: powerful probe of DE and test of GR+DE vs Modified Gravity • LSS: radial BAO: H(z), and improved DA(z) • SNe, galaxy evolution: host-galaxy z’s and spectroscopic typing (metallicities, stellar masses) to control systematics • All: calibrate photo-z’svia angular cross-correlation? • Local dwarf galaxies?: small-scale probes of gravity
Weak Lensing and Redshift Space Distortions Gaztanaga, Eriksen, et al • Constraints strongest if imaging and spectroscopy cover same sky, as DES+DESpec will
Dark Energy Spectrograph: DESpec • Upgrade of DES currently under study: • multi-object prime focus spectrograph for the Blanco 4m, interchangeable with DECam, 3.8 sq. deg. FOV • λ=600-1000 nm with resolution R~3300 at 1000 nm • Use DECam infrastructure (cage, barrel, hexapod, most optics, shutter, 20 spare CCDs,…): substantial cost saving • 10 low-cost spectrographs, 4000 robotically positioned fibers • Redshifts for ~7 million DES galaxies (in ~270 nights), ~20 million from DES+LSST (~800 nights) • Enhance Dark Energy science reach of DES by factor ~several, especially testing DE vs. modified gravity: Stage IV DETF • Enhance DE science reach of Stage IV LSST • Uniquely synergize with DES and LSST: power of `same sky’
The Dark Energy Camera • DECam mounted on Telescope Simulator at Fermilab
The Dark Energy Camera • DECam mounted on Telescope Simulator at Fermilab • To first approximation, DESpec would interchange the imager with a fiber-positioning system that feeds multiple spectrographs
DESpec Concept Optical Design New C6 C5 New ADC C3 C4 C1 C2 See talk by Steve Kent
Fiber Positioner Example • FP with “Cobras”, “twirling posts” with rotating fiber. Two axes of rotation “Cobra” Fiber Patrol Radius See talk by Richard Ellis
Fiber Positioner Example • Operating fiber-positioner on Subaru with ~400 fibers. • Spines pivot from mounts near the bases • Naturally handles a varying target density because the tips are small FMOS Echidna on the Subaru See talk by Will Saunders
Rationales for Blanco Spectroscopy • Uniform, deep imaging catalogs from DES+VHS for targeting: • enable powerful new science beyond what redshifts alone • provide (e.g., WL+RSD) • Maximally enhance science reach of DES: improve all the DE • methods+enable new methods (RSD, radial BAO) • Hemispheric synergy with LSST: part of a broader eventual • strategy for LSST follow-up: extend to ~15,000 sq deg • Excellent site: 0.65” seeing (0.9” Mosaic), high number of • useable nights (80%) yield fast (hence cheap) survey • Lower cost & schedule risks by reusing/capitalizing on many • DECam components: optics, CCDs, cage, hexapod, shutter
Caveats • NOAO does not currently have plans for an Announcement of Opportunity for new instrument on the Blanco following DECam. • Future of NOAO facilities will depend on outcome of NSF Astronomy Division Portfolio Review in 2011-2012. • Need to further evaluate DESpec in the global context of planned & proposed spectroscopic survey facilities (e.g., BigBOSS, Sumire, 4MOST,…): DESpec should complement rather than compete with other projects where possible.
DESpec and BigBOSS • Both projects involve 4000-5000-fiber spectrographs on ~identical 4m telescopes, with related science goals. • DE reach increases with survey area, so ideally would survey both north (BB) and south (DESpec). • Similar survey power (area/depth per unit time) for the two concepts: BB larger FOV, DESpec higher fiber density. • DESpec uniquely covers entire survey areas of DES and LSST, maximizing synergistic science (WL+RSD). • DESpec would reuse much of the DECam infrastructure, resulting in cost savings.
Path Forward • DESpec a natural “upgrade” to the science capability of DES. Project could structurally follow the path blazed by DES: international collaboration with DOE+NSF support in the US, building on the successful DES collaboration, with opportunities for new partners. • Material above presented to Fermilab PAC last week, with very favorable response. • Revise and then release White Paper (1st draft exists) that lays out the science case, reference survey strategy & reference technical design motivated by science requirements. • Next few months: optimize target selection for keyDE probes, confirm with more detailed simulations. Continue to elaborate science case, carry out technical R&D, and build collaboration. Aim for external review in the Fall. Data release policy?