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Advanced Design of Digital Control Systems via Pole Placement

Explore state feedback controller design using various methods such as controllable canonical form and Ackermann's formula. Learn how to determine feedback gain and achieve arbitrary pole placement in open and closed-loop systems. Example illustrations and Kalman controllability theory are included.

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Advanced Design of Digital Control Systems via Pole Placement

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  2. Design viaPolePlacement

  3. Design viaPolePlacement Open loopcontrolsystem

  4. Design viaPolePlacement Closedloopsystem

  5. Design viaPolePlacement Determination of feedbackgainbyusingcontrollablecanonical form

  6. Design viaPolePlacement Determination of feedbackgainbyusingcontrollablecanonical form

  7. Design viaPolePlacement Determination of feedbackgainbyAckermann’sFormula Determination of feedbackgainby a causalapproach

  8. Design viaPolePlacement Example: rank( )=2 Arbitrarypoleplacement is possible.

  9. Design viaPolePlacement Example: Determination of feedbackgainbyusingcontrollablecanonical form

  10. Design viaPolePlacement Example: Determination of feedbackgainbyusingAckermann’s Formula

  11. Design viaPolePlacement Example: Determination of feedbackgainbyusingcausalapproach

  12. Design viaPolePlacement Kalman Controllable Form Uncontrollablesystem:

  13. Design viaPolePlacement Kalman Controllable Form State Feedback Uncontrollablesystem: Themodes of can be arbitrarilyassigned. Themodes of is not influencedbystatefeedbackcontrol

  14. Design viaPolePlacement Kalman Controllable Form State Feedback Example: Themodes of can be arbitrarilyassigned. Themodes of is not influencedbystatefeedbackcontrol

  15. Design viaPolePlacement Example: Kalman ControllabilityDecomposition Desiredclosedlooppoles: -1, -2.5, -2.5 Not: We do not feedbacktheuncontrollablemode

  16. Design viaPolePlacement Example: Kalman ControllabilityDecomposition Desiredclosedlooppoles: -1, -2.5, -2.5 Not: We do not feedbacktheuncontrollablemode

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