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Group 5A. Altruistic: (adj) unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others Ex: an altruistic program to help the poor Assent : (v) to express agreement (n) agreement Ex: forced to assent to their demands Benefactor : (n) one who does good to others
Group 5A Altruistic: (adj) unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others Ex: an altruistic program to help the poor Assent: (v) to express agreement (n) agreement Ex: forced to assent to their demands Benefactor: (n) one who does good to others Ex: became my benefactor in time of need Chivalrous: (adj) marked by honor, courtesy, and courage; knightly Ex: praised for this chivalrous act
Clemency: (n) mercy, humaneness; mildness, moderateness Ex: show clemency to first offenders Dearth: (n) a lack, scarcity, inadequate supply; a famine Ex: a dearth of able assistants Diffident: (adj) shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved Ex: amused by the diffident suitor Discrepancy: (n) a difference; a lack of agreement Ex: a discrepancy between their stories
Embark: (v) to go abroad; to make a start; to invest Ex: embark on the long ocean trip Facile: (adj) easily done or attained; superficial; ready, fluent; easily shown but not sincerely felt Ex: a facile writer
Altruistic Assent Benefactor Chivalrous Clemency • Leniency, forbearance, gentleness • Gallant, civil; valiant • To concur, agree, consent, accede • Selfless, rising above personal interests • One who helps others; a patron, humanitarian Define: Dearth, Diffident, Discrepancy, Embark, Facile
Dearth Diffident Discrepancy Embark Facile • Timid, bashful; unassertive, withdrawn • A disagreement, divergence, inconsistency • Easy, effortless; assured, poised; specious • An insufficiency, want, paucity • To commence, launch, begin; to board Define: Indomitable, Infallible, Plod, Pungent, Remiss
Indomitable Infallible PlodPungent Remiss • negligent, lax, slack • Unbeatable, invincible, unyielding • sharp, spicy, piquant; caustic; racy • unerring, certain • To lumber, trudge • Define: Repose, Temerity, Truculent, Unfeigned, Virulent
Repose Temerity Truculent Unfeigned Virulent • Venomous; noxious, baneful; hateful • brutal, savage, belligerent, vitriolic • Genuine, heartfelt • sleep; tranquility; a respite • Recklessness, foolhardiness; effrontery
Synonyms: 5A • Leniency, forbearance, gentleness • Timid, bashful; unassertive, withdrawn • Gallant, civil; valiant • A disagreement, divergence, inconsistency • To commence, launch, begin; to board • Easy, effortless; assured, poised; specious 7. To concur, agree, consent, accede 8. Selfless, rising above personal interests 9. An insufficiency, want, paucity 10. One who helps others; a patron, humanitarian
Clemency • Diffident • Chivalrous • Discrepancy • Embark • Facile • Assent • Altruistic • Dearth • Benefactor
Group 5B Indomitable: (adj) unconquerable, refusing to yield Ex: admire her indomitable courage Infallible: (adj) free from error; absolutely dependable Ex: his infallible judgment Plod: (v) to walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly Ex: plod wearily through the snow Pungent: (adj) causing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting (usually a smell) Ex: the pungent odor of onion soup
Remiss: (adj) neglectful in performance of one’s duty, careless Ex: remiss in doing daily chores Repose: (v) to rest; lie; place (n) relaxation; peace of mind, calmness Ex: a much-needed period of repose Temerity: (n) rashness, boldness Ex: have the temerity to answer back Truculent: (adj) fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly, destructive; scathingly harsh Ex: shocked by his truculent disposition
Unfeigned: (adj) sincere, real, without pretense Ex: the unfeigned emotions of a child Virulent: (adj) extremely poisonous; full of malice, spiteful Ex: a virulent racist
Synonyms: All • negligent, lax, slack • Leniency, forbearance, gentleness • Timid, bashful; unassertive, withdrawn • Venomous; noxious, baneful; hateful • brutal, savage, belligerent, vitriolic • Genuine, heartfelt • Unbeatable, invincible, unyielding • Gallant, civil; valiant • Recklessness, foolhardiness; effrontery • a disagreement, divergence, inconsistency
Remiss • Clemency • Diffident • Virulent • Truculent • Unfeigned • Indomitable • Chivalrous • Temerity • discrepancy
11. To commence, launch, begin; to board 12. sharp, spicy, piquant; caustic; racy 13. easy, effortless; assured, poised; specious 14. unerring, certain 15. To concur, agree, consent, accede 16. selfless, rising above personal interests 17. An insufficiency, want, paucity 18. To lumber, trudge 19. sleep; tranquility; a respite 20. One who helps others; a patron, humanitarian
11. Embark 12. Pungent 13. Facile 14. Infallible 15. Assent 16. Altruistic 17. Dearth 18. Plod 19. Repose 20. benefactor