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This workshop aims to provide parents with a greater understanding of how mathematics is taught in school, including the progression of the 4 operation methods through Key Stage 1. Parents will also learn about mental mathematics skills, see sample Year 2 questions, and understand how they can support their child at home.
Horrington Primary School KS1 Mathematics Parent Workshop January 2015
Contents • The New Curriculum – what’s new in Key Stage 1 • Key Stage 1 Basics • The 4 operations – including calculation methods used and progression through the key stage • Mental Mathematics: Number bonds, times tables and mental strategies • Year 2 sample questions 2016 • How you can help at home
Aims • Provide you with a greater understanding of how mathematics is taught in school. • Show you the progression of the 4 operation methods through Key Stage 1. • Enable you to see the types of different questions children are asked in the Year 2 SATs and the new testing procedures. • See the importance of mental mathematics skills and the strategies children are taught. • Help you understand how you can help your child at home.
The New Curriculum(fluency, reason mathematically, solve problems) • Year 1 • Are following the new curriculum • Are being taught the content to enable them to complete the New 2016 Key Stage 1 tests • Year 2 (this year) • Are following the objectives from the old curriculum this year. • Are including the extra objectives from the new curriculum into planning.
The New Curriculum Raised expectations in Year 1: • To count to and across 100 and to read, write numbers to 100. • Solve one step multiplication and division problems • Use addition and subtraction symbols • Recognise, find and name one-quarter and one-half
The New Curriculum Raised expectations in Year 2: • Count in steps of 2,3 and 5 from and number forwards and backwards • Use < and > symbols • Use multiplication and division facts for the 2,5 and 10 times tables • Recognise and write fractions 1/3 ¼ 2/4 ¾ • Use degrees Celsius • Tell time to the nearest 5 minutes • In statistics, interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and tables.
The basics • Recognise, read and write numbers: • Three 3 • Put numbers in order:
The basics • Count forwards and backwards in same size steps • Number bonds to 10 • Partition a number and recombine it
Addition - Year 1 • Add with numbers up to 20 • Use numbered number lines to add, by counting on in ones. Encourage children to start with the larger number and count on. +1 +1 +1 • Children should: • Have access to a wide range of counting equipment, everyday objects, number tracks and number lines (including blank number lines), missing number box sliders (teachers and children) and be shown numbers in different contexts. • Read and write the addition (+) and equals (=) signs within number sentences. • Interpret addition number sentences and solve missing box problems, using concrete objects and number line addition to solve them: 8 + 3 = 15 + = 19 5 + 3 + 1 = + = 6 • This builds on from prior learning of adding by combining two sets of objects into one group (5 cubes and 3 cubes) in Early Years. • 8 + 5 =
Key skills for addition at Y1: • Read and write numbers to 100 in numerals, incl. 1—20 in words • Recall bonds to 10 and 20, and addition facts within 20 • Count to and across 100 • Count in multiples of 1, 2, 5 and 10 • Solve simple 1-step problems involving addition, using objects, number lines and pictorial representations • Understand the place value of 2-digit numbers by partitioning into tens and ones. • Given a number, say one more or one less
Addition - Year 2 • Add with 2-digit numbers Developing mental fluency with addition and place value involving 2-digit numbers, then establish more formal methods. • Add 2-digit numbers and tens: Add 2-digit numbers and units:
Addition - Year 2 • Add pairs of 2-digit numbers, moving to the partitioned column method when secure adding tens and units: step 1 not crossing the tens boundary 23 + 34 =
Addition - Year 2 STEP 2: Once children can add a multiple of ten to a 2-digit number mentally (e.g. 80+11), they are ready for adding pairs of 2-digit numbers that DO cross the tens boundary (e.g. 58 + 43). • 58 + 43:
Key skills for addition at Y2: • Add a 2-digit number and ones bridging the tens. (e.g. 27 + 6) • Add a 2-digit number and tens (e.g. 23 + 40) • Add pairs of 2-digit numbers (e.g. 35 + 47) • Add three single-digit numbers (e.g. 5 + 9 + 7) • Show that adding can be done in any order (the commutative law) • Recall bonds to 20 and bonds of tens to 100 (30 + 70 etc.) • Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 and count in tens from any number • Understand the place value of 2-digit numbers (tens and ones) • Compare and order numbers to 100 using < > and = signs • Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and words
Subtraction – Year 1 Subtract from numbers up to 20 • Children consolidate understanding of subtraction practically, showing subtraction on bead strings, using cubes, number lines and small world objects in familiar contexts, and are introduced to more formal recording using number lines as below: Count back in ones on a numbered number line (and a blank number line) to take away, -1 -1 -1 -1
Subtraction – Year 1 Finding the difference between • This will be introduced practically with the language ‘find the difference between’ and ‘how many more to make ___?’ (Complementary addition)
Key skills for subtraction at Y1: • Given a number, say one more or one less • Count to and over 100, forward and back, from any number • Represent and use subtraction facts to 20 and within 20 • Subtract with one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero • Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects (ie bead string, objects, cubes) and pictures, and missing number problems • Read and write numbers from 0 to 20 in numerals and words
Subtraction – Year 2 Subtract with 2-digit numbers Subtract on a number line by counting back, aiming to develop mental subtraction skills. This strategy will be used for: • 2-digit numbers subtract units (by taking away / counting back) e.g. 36—7 • 2-digit numbers subtract tens (by taking away / counting back) e.g. 48—30 • Subtracting pairs of 2 digit numbers
Subtraction – Year 2 Subtracting by counting back : Subtracting by finding the difference using a number line:
Key skills for subtraction at Y2 • Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number. • Recall and use subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100. • Subtract using concrete objects, pictorial representations, 100 squares and mentally, including: a two-digit number and ones, a two-digit number and tens, and two two-digit numbers. • Show that subtraction of one number from another cannot be done in any order. • Recognise and use inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, using this to check calculations and missing number problems. • Solve simple addition and subtraction problems including measures, using concrete objects, pictorial representation, and also applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods. • Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words.
Mental Mathematics • Mental Maths Strategies: • Use number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 • Use doubles and near doubles • Counting on and backward in ones, tens • Partition into tens and units • Put the biggest number first • Add 10 then add 1 = adding 11 • Add 10 then subtract 1 = adding 9 • Subtract 10 then subtract 1 = subtracting 11 • Subtract 10 then add 1 = subtracting 9
Problem Solving • Understanding mathematical vocabulary • Applying strategies taught • Explaining process • Reasoning for why doing that • Justifying answer
Sample questions for 2016 • Sample questions: 45 ÷ 5 = 55 – 17 = ¾ of 20 =
Sample questions for 2016 Look at these signs.< = > Write the correct sign in each box. 85 58 36 36 47 74
Sample questions 2016 Tick the number sentences that are correct 2 + 6 = 6 + 2 5 × 6 = 6 × 5 6 – 2 = 2 - 6
How you can help at home • Lots of practice – in the car, online games, counting stairs, cars, trees etc • Playing games – cards, snakes and ladders, dominoes • Cooking • Telling the time • Using money at the shops