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This report analyzes issues in manpower, case detection, treatment, and ASHA involvement under the National Leprosy Eradication Program. It highlights the status of district leprosy officers, training, IEC, ASHA involvement, high endemic blocks, DPMR services, leprosy colonies, finance, and audit. The report offers action points for improvement and emphasizes the need for better coordination and resource allocation to effectively combat leprosy.
STATUS OF MANPOWER • State Leprosy Officers looking after only leprosy are in 9 states ie. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Goa, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa, Tamilnadu and West Bengal • Out of 311 sanctioned posts of DLO in 523 districts of 20 states , only 195 posts are filled and 116 posts are vacant • Few states are in process of filling up of the vacant posts of DLOs eg. Andhra Pradesh, Orissa , West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh by March 2010
ACTION POINTS FOR THE STATES Creation of additional post of District Leprosy Officers Filling up vacant posts Action Plan to be reflected in PIPs
CASE DETECTION AND TREATMENT • Low TCR reported by Haryana (71.7%), Himachal Pradesh (75.3%), & West Bengal (83.2%) IEC • Low utilization of IEC budget in 2008-09 was reported by Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand TRAINING • Bihar & Haryana reported very low expenditure in 2008-09
ASHA INVOLVEMENT • NRHM fourth training module does not include leprosy • Half-day training of ASHAs in leprosy is being conducted by states as per module developed by GOI • ASHA training not conducted by Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and West Bengal. Rajasthan, Uttarakhand informed that training is on and will be completed by 31st March 2010 • In HP and TN , work assigned for ASHA is being looked after by AWW and VHN who should also be trained in leprosy and paid incentive money • In West Bengal, ASHAs are working only for RCH and training not organized for disease control programmes
HIGH ENDEMIC BLOCKS • Out of 5902 blocks, only 3334 blocks have ANCDR < 10 per 100,000 . All the blocks should achieve the goal of ANCDR < 10 per 100,000 • 468 blocks have ANCDR > 30 per 100,000 in 2008-09. These blocks deserve priority attention and intense supervision • SLOs should review block level situations during DLOs meeting and incorporate in Action Plan in PIP of 2010-11 indicating line of action
DPMR SERVICES • States are conducting about 3000 RCS every year but Institution wise report of RCS not submitted by states • MCR footwear not provided to leprosy affected persons by Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala in 2008-09 • Few states are not paying incentive to LAPs for undergoing RCS for not producing BPL cards while guidelines says that patient belonging to BPL should be paid incentive after verification by DLO
LEPROSY COLONIES • Weekly/fortnightly visits to colonies by MO PHC/paramedical staff to be conducted for provision of ulcer care, supportive drugs, MCR footwear and dressing materials • Record of visits to colonies must be maintained by all visiting officers at respective levels • States to carry out survey to record the actual number of colonies and their inhabitants. Authentic information to be submitted to CLD on priority
FINANCIAL STATUS • States reporting low expenditure in 2008-09 : Bihar (4.3%), HP (44%), J & K (36%), Kerala (25%), Haryana (34.2%), Jharkhand (52%), & Uttaranchal (56%) • States reporting low expenditure in current financial year : Andhra Pradesh, Bihar , Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu , Jharkhand, Kerala, Punjab and West Bengal • Audit report 2008-09 not submitted by Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, Kerala , Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal • Combined audit carried under NRHM delays sending of audit report of NLEP