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This study reviews the solutions implemented in different countries in terms of junk food taxation and evaluates their efficiency in reducing the consumption of taxed products and prevalence of dietary-dependent diseases.
Az előadás címe A tantárgy neve A modul neve Előadó neve – e-mail címe Modulvezető neve – e-mail címe Intézetvezető neve – e-mail címe
Az előadás címe A tantárgy neve A modul neve Előadó neve – e-mail címe Modulvezető neve – e-mail címe Intézetvezető neve – e-mail címe
Summary Background: There is about 80 of diseases proved to be dietary dependent,which have prevalence of even more than 30%in given populations. Since they have growing impacton quality of life, disabilities, as well as economic stability of health systems, many countries seek for instrumentsto modify dietary habits in populations. Aim: This study focus on reviewing solutions appliedin different countries in terms of junk food taxation, along with basic evaluation of their efficiency in reducingconsumption of products being subject to taxation and prevalence od dietary-dependent diseases. Results: There is a number of examples of sugar sweetenedtaxation implemented in different countries around the world, including Mexico, Colombia, Chile, or Hungary,Portugal and United Kingdom and France in Europe. There are different models of taxation, includingflat rates, percentage of the basic price and progressiverates depending on the amount of component beingsubjecttotaxation. Conclusions: SSB and junk food taxes turns to becontroversial and used to be subject to intensive discussions in many countries. Nonetheless, the existingevidence is that their effect in terms of assumed influenceon eating behavior seems to be positive.
Summary Background: There is about 80 of diseases proved to be dietary dependent,which have prevalence of even more than 30%in given populations. Since they have growing impacton quality of life, disabilities, as well as economic stability of health systems, many countries seek for instrumentsto modify dietary habits in populations. Aim: This study focus on reviewing solutions appliedin different countries in terms of junk food taxation, along with basic evaluation of their efficiency in reducingconsumption of products being subject to taxation and prevalence od dietary-dependent diseases. Results: There is a number of examples of sugar sweetenedtaxation implemented in different countries around the world, including Mexico, Colombia, Chile, or Hungary,Portugal and United Kingdom and France in Europe. There are different models of taxation, includingflat rates, percentage of the basic price and progressiverates depending on the amount of component beingsubjecttotaxation. Conclusions: SSB and junk food taxes turns to becontroversial and used to be subject to intensive discussions in many countries. Nonetheless, the existingevidence is that their effect in terms of assumed influenceon eating behavior seems to be positive.
Tartalom • Bevezetés • Módszerek • Eredmények • Megbeszélés • Következtetés • Ábraanyag • Függelék • Szakirodalom
Tartalom • Bevezetés • Módszerek • Eredmények • Megbeszélés • Következtetés • Ábraanyag • Függelék • Szakirodalom
A diakocka címe A diakocka tartalmi része
A diakocka címe A diakocka tartalmi része
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Összehasonlítás A B C D E F G H I J Összehasonlítás A B C D E F G H I J
Listanév • A • B • C • D • E • F
Listanév • A • B • C • D • E • F
Linktár:http://nk.unideb.hu/hu/fotoalbumok?album=2062800&viewMode=dateLinktár:http://nk.unideb.hu/hu/fotoalbumok?album=2062800&viewMode=date Szakirodalom: • KSH adatbázis: Nemzeti Rákregiszter. 2011-2012 • Hagmar, L., Brogger, A., Hansteen, I., L. et al.: Cancerriskin human predictedbyincreasedlevels of chromosomalaberrationsinlymphocytes: NordicStudy Group onthehealthrisk of chromosomedamage. Cancer Res., 54: 2919-2922, 1994 • Jakab, M., Major, J., Tompa, A.: UV-indukált DNS-repair szintézis vizsgálatok szerepe a humán rákrizikó becslésben, Népegészségügy, 89: 189-199, 2011 • Ádány, R.: A magyar lakosság egészségi állapota az ezredfordulón, Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt., 2003
Linktár:http://nk.unideb.hu/hu/fotoalbumok?album=2062800&viewMode=dateLinktár:http://nk.unideb.hu/hu/fotoalbumok?album=2062800&viewMode=date Szakirodalom: • KSH adatbázis: Nemzeti Rákregiszter. 2011-2012 • Hagmar, L., Brogger, A., Hansteen, I., L. et al.: Cancerriskin human predictedbyincreasedlevels of chromosomalaberrationsinlymphocytes: NordicStudy Group onthehealthrisk of chromosomedamage. Cancer Res., 54: 2919-2922, 1994 • Jakab, M., Major, J., Tompa, A.: UV-indukált DNS-repair szintézis vizsgálatok szerepe a humán rákrizikó becslésben, Népegészségügy, 89: 189-199, 2011 • Ádány, R.: A magyar lakosság egészségi állapota az ezredfordulón, Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt., 2003
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Köszönetnyilvánítás • a • b • c • d • e • f • g • h