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Climate Models Comparison: CCSM3.0 vs. PetaApps Low Res IE Control

Explore the differences between CCSM3.0 and PetaApps Low Res Interactive Ensemble (IE) models in simulating ocean and atmosphere interactions over 66 years, soon expanding to 150 years. Discover the impact of noise-induced variability on equatorial sea surface temperature anomalies and annual cycles. Engage with interactive ensemble versions, observational estimates, and spectral dynamical core simulations, revealing how coupled feedbacks influence climate dynamics.

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Climate Models Comparison: CCSM3.0 vs. PetaApps Low Res IE Control

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  1. SST Simulations • PetaApps – Low Res: Nathan’s Run • 2x2 FV Atmosphere 1x1 Ocean • CCSM3.5+ Physics • 66 years (150 soon to be available) • CCSM3.0 • Spectral Dynamical Core • CCSM3.0 Physics • 600 years • Interactive Ensemble Versions of Both Models

  2. Annual Mean SST PetaApps Low Res T85 CCSM3.0

  3. CCSM3.0 Low Res IE PetaApps Low Res IE

  4. CCSM3.0 Low Res Control PetaApps Low Res Control

  5. HRC03 PetaApps Low Res Control

  6. SST Annual Cycle CCSM3.0 LowRes IE Observational Estimate

  7. SST Annual Cycle CCSM3.0 LowRes IE PetaApps Low Res IE

  8. SST Annual Cycle Observational Estimate PetaApps Low Res IE

  9. SST Annual Cycle CCSM3.0 LowRes Control Observational Estimate

  10. SST Annual Cycle PetaApps LowRes Control Observational Estimate

  11. PetaApps LowRes Control HRC03

  12. SST Anomaly CCSM3.0 LowRes IE Observational Estimate

  13. SST Anomaly CCSM3.0 LowRes IE PetaApps LowRes IE

  14. SST Anomaly CCSM3.0 LowRes Control PetaApps LowRes Control

  15. PetaApps LowRes Control

  16. SSTA Standard Deviation PetaApps CCSM3.0

  17. CCSM3.0 Low Res IE PetaApps Low Res IE

  18. CCSM3.0 Low Res Control PetaApps Low Res Control

  19. Observational Estimate PetaApps Low Res Control

  20. Variability Driven by Noise Coupled Feedbacks? Ocean Noise?

  21. CCSM3.0 Low Res PetaApps Low Res

  22. PetaApps/3.0 IE PetaApps/3.0 Control

  23. CCSM3.0 Control CCSM3.0 IE

  24. PetaApps LowRes Control

  25. Equatorial SSTA Standard Deviation Lower Resolution: IE Control Low Resolution: IE Control

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