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Laredo ISD Transitional Bilingual Education Program

Discover how Laredo ISD offers a full-time K-5 Transitional Bilingual Program, focusing on English language skills and cultural development to empower bilingual-biliterate students.

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Laredo ISD Transitional Bilingual Education Program

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  1. Transitional Bilingual Education Program Laredo Independent School District Multicultural Department Dr. Romeo J. Romero, Director

  2. Transitional Bilingual Program(TBP) K-5th • The Laredo Independent School District’s Bilingual Education Program is a full-time program of dual-language instruction that provides for learning academic skills in the primary language of the students of limited English proficiency who are enrolled in the program and provides for carefully structured and sequenced mastery of English language skills.

  3. Transitional Bilingual Program(TBP) K-5th • The program is designed to consider the students’ learning experiences while incorporating the linguistic and cultural aspects of the students’ background. • The Bilingual Education Program focuses on the individual student’s needs, the vision of the district’s board members to see that every student becomes a functional bilingual-biliterate student and the requirements stipulated by the Texas Education Administrative and Education Code.

  4. Instructional Goals • To assist limited English proficient students to pass academic skills via a test approved by State Board of Education; • To narrow the gap between LEP, former LEP, and non-LEP students in the mastery of English language and content area concepts and skills; • To provide the limited English proficient students with an opportunity to experience academic success by using the native language for cognitive development while gaining proficiency in the English language skills; • To provide all students the opportunity to succeed in the English language in order to acquire the academic skills which enable the students to graduate and become productive citizens.

  5. Bilingual/ESL Goals • To develop a clear set of policies and standards that reflects the aim of LISD to provide an instructional program for all children that ensures fluency in English and Spanish, dual literacy and high academic achievement in all areas of the curriculum and which provides the Limited English Proficient (LEP) students with an opportunity to experience academic success by using the native language for cognitive development while gaining proficiency in English language skills.

  6. Bilingual/ESL Goals • To develop informational programs and materials for all schools and community at large which explain and support the need for quality education in two languages. • To develop an intense leadership awareness program for school board members, administrators, parents and other local community members in the philosophy and theories which support the need for highly quality bilingual programs.

  7. Bilingual/ESL Goals • To develop a comprehensive staff development program for Bilingual/ESL certified teachers and other instructional staff in best methods of instruction and assessment of bilingual students. • To design and develop a challenging and culturally relevant curriculum in two languages to meet local policies and standards in order to narrow the gap between LEP and non-LEP students in the mastery of the English language and content area concepts and skills.

  8. Bilingual/ESL Goals • To design cultural arts programs for schools and the community that enhance self-esteem and cultural pride of students. • To create a database of students’ assessments to monitor language development and academic progress. • To develop a parental and community involvement program that promotes partnerships in the education of their children.

  9. Bilingual/ESL Goals • To improve collaboration with other programs to maximize resources in meeting the needs of all students. • To monitor and evaluate the bilingual education program yearly and use data to support changes and improvements in program design in order to provide all students the opportunity to succeed in the English language in order to acquire the academic skills that enable the students to graduate and become productive citizens .

  10. Bilingual/ESL Program Performance Objectives • Attendance by LEP students will increase by 5%. • The percent of exited/mainstreamed LEP students will increase by 1% every year. • The percent of exempted LEP students will decrease by 5% each year. • The retention rate of LEP students will be reduced yearly by 1% within each grade level.

  11. Bilingual/ESL Program Performance Objectives • The dropout rate for LEP students will be reduced by 1% yearly until it is within the state average or lower for students with identified limited English proficiency. • The percent of LEP students in Special Education will be reduced by 2% yearly until it is within the state average or lower than the overall percent as indicated by the Special Education program. • District-level performance on TAKS will continue to improve. • District-level performance on TELPAS will continue to improve.

  12. TRANSITIONAL BILINGUAL PROGRAM PROGRESSION CHART Adapted from the Houston ISD Multicultural Department

  13. Recommended Instructional Schedules

  14. SAMPLE Kindergarten Transitional Bilingual Program Classroom Schedule 80/20 Eng./Spn. (05 min.) 8:00 – 8:05 Opening Activities SPANISH (90 min.) 8:05- 9:35 Uninterrupted Reading Instruction (45 min.) 9:35 – 10:20 P.E. ENGLISH (45 min.) 10:20 – 11:05 ESL (30 min.) 11:05 – 11:35 LUNCH ENGLISH (90 min.) 11:35 – 1:05 Uninterrupted Reading Instruction SPANISH (60 min.) 1:05 – 2:05 Mathematics (Subgroup Eng. dominantstudents) SPANISH (55 min.) 2:05 – 3:00 Science / Social Studies (Subgroup Eng. dominant students) ENGLISH/ (45 MIN.) 3:00 - 3:45 Tuesday/Thursday - TPRI/Tejas LEE SPANISH Tutorials Fine Arts integrated into all Subjects and Content Areas

  15. Recommended 1st Grade Instructional Schedule 70/30

  16. Recommended 2nd Grade Instructional Schedule 60/40

  17. Recommended 3rd Grade Instructional Schedule 50/50

  18. Note: 5th grade instructional schedules pending (will be ready by Monday).

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