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A comprehensive report from Kobe Municipal Fukiai High School on the aftermath of the earthquake, highlighting challenges faced by fire stations, hospitals, police departments, and government offices. Students reflect on the need for better preparedness and cooperation during disasters. Learn about earthquakes, floods, typhoons, and volcanic eruptions, and how to prepare for them. Emphasizes the importance of education, safety measures, and cooperation in disaster management.

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  1. Start…..

  2. Natural Disasters Youth Summit2005 Hyogo A Report Presented by KOBE MUNICIPAL FUKIAI HIGH SCHOOL

  3. Fire StationSituation After the Earthquake • Lack of water supply so the fire spread quickly • Water pressure was very weak, fire fighters had to go near the fires. • Fire departments had different types of transceivers • Roads were either destroyed or jammed • Telephone system didn’t work for many hours.

  4. HospitalSituation After the Earthquake • No electricity • 12 hospitals collapsed • Not enough medicine and medical equipment • Doctors and nurses had to take care of too many people. • No coordination among Kobe hospitals and hospitals in other cities

  5. Police DepartmentSituation After the Earthquake • Some buildings of the police department were badly damaged. • Collapse of the telephone system.

  6. Government OfficesSituation After the Earthquake • Many employees were victims. • Difficult to deliver relief supplies because of the traffic jam. • Survivors were difficult to locate. • Difficult to find a place for the dead bodies

  7. Students’ Impressions “I didn’t know that so many problems happened at that time. The earthquake occurred suddenly so we people were shocked and didn’t know what to do. Now I think we know what to do when the earthquake happens but we must be prepared for other natural disasters, too.”

  8. Students’ Impressions “Hospitals must have equipment that works even when electricity is not available.” “I understand that many policemen were in great confusion but I think they could have saved more people if they didn’t waste their time.”

  9. Students’ Impressions “We hope failure teaches success and we don’t have to make the same mistakes again. “I know the police department did their best but when I think of the people who died because of the late action, I can’t stop feeling, “Why didn’t they prepare beforehand?”

  10. Students’ Impressions “When an earthquake occurs, the government cannot immediately act efficiently so governments from other cities and prefectures have to help. I think cooperation among cities and prefectures are very important.”

  11. What we have learned about natural disasters... • Earthquakes • Floods • Typhoons • Volcanic eruptions

  12. What are earthquakes? • An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the earth which may be violent enough to cause great damage.

  13. Tectonic plate Oceanic plate Tectonic plate Rebound Oceanic plate Why do earthquakes occur? • Oceanic and tectonic plates constantly move against each other. • Friction occurs. • Energy released causes earthquakes

  14. What can we do to prepare for earthquakes? • Anchor all furniture to the wall so that it doesn’t fall over • Participate in earthquake drills • Make an escape route map • Emergency supplies kit • Learn to use fire extinguisher

  15. What are floods? • A flood is a great overflow of water to a place that is usually dry. • Floods occur because of heavy rains and inadequacy of flood prevention devices.

  16. What can we do to prepare for floods? • Plant trees in the mountains. • Make dams to prevent mudslides. • Avoid making river banks straight. • Build embankments • Closely monitor sewage systems during heavy rainfall.

  17. What are typhoons? • A typhoon is a very violent storm in tropical areas like the Pacific Ocean in which the wind moves in circles. • When warm air collides with cold air, they spin a counter clockwise direction and becomes bigger and bigger..

  18. What can we do to prepare for typhoons? • Buy candles and other emergency supplies • Be alert • Listen to weather reports • Stay indoors • Cover windows • Put dangerous things away • Don’t use an umbrella

  19. What are volcanic eruptions? • A volcanic eruption is a natural outpouring of hot rock or fluids from the earth. • Volcano erupts when the pressure of the magma inside becomes so great that the volcano splits and the magma gets out.

  20. What can we do to prepare for volcanic eruptions? • Have disaster supplies on hand • Check the location of shelters. • Move to a safe place • Don’t panic

  21. Conclusion • The need to continuously educate ourselves. • Safety in our daily life • Our roles in solving environmental issues • Understanding cultural differences • Keyword: Cooperation

  22. Cooperation between Japanese citizens and foreign communities • Develop relationships between local and foreign citizens • Develop systems to inform foreign nationals – e.g. FM WaiWai

  23. Cooperation betweengovernment and people • E.g. making a hazard map around Mt. Fuji

  24. Cooperation amongcountries • Lessons from recent tsunami • Need a specialized organization e.g. UN

  25. Conclusion • Thank you for your attention.

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