Getting to Know Jesus Lesson 1: Christ Our Saviour: The Cross
The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) It was started in 1887 by a man named A.B. Simpson.
How did the Christian and Missionary Alliance begin? Dr. Simpson and a group of other Christians were concerned about missions. Their excitement about missions led them to start an organization where Christians work together to tell others the good news about Jesus Christ.
The C&MA has four symbols, called a logo that represents what it believes.
What is a symbol? Be Quiet Pedestrain Crossing Do Not Enter
The logo for the C&MA has four symbols. Each of these symbols represents something that Jesus has done for us. The Cross The Globe The Laver The Pitcher The Crown
Each symbol is important. The Cross
What does the cross represents? Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 that everybody has sinned. No one is perfect. No one is without sin.
His mom told him to put toys away before lunch, but he did not do it. Mom asked him a second time but Mark kept on playing.
What is Mark doing? He is being disobedient. Because Mark has disobeyed, his life is stained with sin.
Mark and his sister are quarreling. No, that’s mine. That’s mine.
Lunch time arrived. Mark’s mom asked him if he washed his hands. Mark’s reply was “Yes” but he actually did not. What did Mark do? He lied.
These stains of disobedience, quarreling, lying are all a part of what the Bible calls sin. Why did Mark do all these things? Because he is a sinner like each of us, and it is easy for him to do these things. Mark and all of us need someone to pay the price for our sins to forgive us and to remove these stains.
Who is that someone? Jesus
Why? • It is because He died for us on the cross that our sins are forgiven and our stains removed. • Romans 5:8 • “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Because God is the only one who has never sinned, only He could provide a Savior for us to save us from our sins. Jesus came into the world as a baby. He grew up to be a man and had a wonderful ministry here on earth. He taught people about His Father in heaven, healed the sick and loved everyone. It was because of His great love for people that Jesus was willing to do what no other could do. Jesus suffered, died on the cross and was buried.
This was God’s plan: He sent Jesus, who had never sinned, to die on the cross, so that He might take the punishment for all of our sins. Because Jesus was perfect, He was able to die in our place so we would not have to be punished. Then Jesus rose again, conquering death. Satan wanted the cross to be an ugly symbol of his victory over God, but the cross is a beautiful symbol of God’s love for us. It is a symbol that reminds us of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Have you ever asked someone if he thinks he will go to heaven? How do most people think they get there?
Review What denomination does our church belong to? • The Christ and Missionary Alliance • The Christian and Missionary Alliance • The Christ-followers and Missionary Alliance
What is the short form for The Christian and Missionary Alliance? • The C&MiAl • The Ch&MA • The C&MA
The C&MA started in what year? • 1887 • 1987 • 1877
The founder of The C&MA was: • A.C. Simpson • B.A. Simpson • A.B. Simpson
Why did they want to start The C&MA? • They wanted to have fun. • They were concerned about missions- wanted to tell others the good news about Jesus Christ. • They were bored and had nothing to do.
The C&MA has four symbols: • The Cross, The Basin, The Pitcher, The Crown. • The Cross, The Laver, The Pitcher, The Crown. • The Cross, The Laver, The Pitcher, The Globe.
The Connection Game Cross Sanctifier Laver Healer Pitcher Savior Crown Coming King Globe Great Commission The C&MA logo
Prayer request: Sahel Academy, Elise and Iyla’ school was closed on last Friday due to the Niger River rising again. Water is outside one of the of the walls and within 10 metres of the entrance. People have been reinforcing the walls with poles and sandbags to try to make sure they stay up. We have been able to help sandbag the homes of some of our neighbours, but unfortunately others have already lost their homes again. So we continue to ask for your prayers for the flooding here in Niger but also for continued rain in other areas that still need more rain for a plentiful crop.