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Thomas Jefferson

Learn about Thomas Jefferson's presidency, from his election amidst political quarrels to his efforts to promote unity and expand American territory. Discover how Jefferson's decisions shaped the nation's foreign policy and led to the Louisiana Purchase.

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Thomas Jefferson

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  1. Thomas Jefferson

  2. The Third President • Jefferson served as Vice President to John Adams despite their difference in political parties. In 1800, he ran for President and chose Aaron Burr to run as VP. • The Federalists’ campaign called Republicans“godless” and Republicans argued that Federalists would bring back monarchy.

  3. The Duel • When Jefferson and Burr tied, Alexander Hamilton urged Congress to choose Jefferson, saying that he was “by far not so dangerous a man”. The Twelfth Amendment changed voting so that electors cast separate ballots for president and vice president. • Burr blamed Hamilton for his loss (twice) and challenged him to a duel. Hamilton was shot in the belly and died a few days later.

  4. Unity • President Jefferson’s first order of business was to calm the nation’s political quarrels. “Let us, then, fellow citizens, unite with one heart and one mind…Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle…We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.” -Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address Compare Jefferson’s message here with Washington’s Farewell Address. How are their messages similar and different?

  5. Neutrality • In 1803, the peace that Adams had negotiated with France was broken as France and England went to war. Each country began to attack American ships. • Remaining neutral became even harder as England began impressing, or kidnapping, American soldiers to serve in the British navy. War fever in America mounted again, only this time it was against Britain.

  6. Pirates • American ships were also under attack by pirates off the coast of North Africa. By the time Jefferson took office, the U.S. had already paid two million in tribute to the Barbary State. • Jefferson hated war, but he hated paying tribute even more. He sent a small fleet of warships to the Mediterranean to protect American shipping. Eventually, American and European forces were able to destroy the pirate bases.

  7. Foreign Policy Embargo • Although Jefferson was able to solve the problem with the pirates, he still had France and Britain to deal with. Between 1803 and 1807, they had seized at least 1,500 American ships. • Jefferson decided to impose an embargo, a complete halt in trade with other nations. He hoped that the embargo would hurt France and Britain’s economy enough that they would agree to leave American ships alone. Unfortunately, that did not happen. The embargo hurt American farmers and manufacturers more than France and Britain

  8. Marbury vs. Madison • Switch ppt

  9. Reducing the Federal Government • Even though Jefferson increased the land size of America during his presidency, he reduced the federal government. • During his presidency, the Alien and Sedition Acts expired and Congress ended many taxes • Jefferson also reduced the number of federal employees and the size of the military.

  10. Westward Expansion • In the early 1800s, United States’ territory only extended west to the Mississippi River. The land on the other side belonged to Spain and then France. • Hoping to ensure that trade in the area would not be restricted, Jefferson sent a representative to France, who was informed that the land was for sale.

  11. Debate over the Purchase • Arguments For: Democratic-Republicans (most support buying the territory) • Western farmers are demanding war to secure free use of the Mississippi (this could avoid war) • The vast resources of Louisiana will make up for the cost of the purchase • Napoleon could change his mind if we don’t act quickly • There is no time to seek a amendment. • Eliminating the French from North America will make the US safer

  12. Debate over the Purchase • Arguments for Federalists (most oppose buying the territory) • The Constitution contains no provisions for purchasing land and Jefferson has always been against loose construction of the Constitution • Jefferson is adding to the national debt • States carved out of the territory will be Jeffersonian-Republicans will gain enormous power • The frontier expansion will “decivilize” the nation • When people move, they will be a great distance from the capital. It will be impossible to control or meet the needs of these individuals and it will cause tension

  13. The Louisiana Purchase • Jefferson’s advisors urged him to make the deal to purchase the territory for $15 million before Napoleon changed his mind. • Ultimately, he decided that the government’s treaty-making powers allowed the purchase of the land. • Jefferson was hoping this land would expand American trade and provide plenty of cheap and fertile land for farmers.

  14. Lewis and Clark • Since very little was actually known about the land, Jefferson decided to sponsor an expedition to explore the new territory. • He chose Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to assemble a crew. The expedition left in 1804, working their way up the Mississippi to start. It took eighteen months and nearly 4,000 miles before Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific ocean.

  15. Native Americans’ Response • All along their way, Lewis and Clark encountered Native American groups. One young Shoshone woman named Sacagawea joined their group as a guide. • Native Americans began to lose more of their land to white settlers. Conflicts arose and Americans were furious at Britain for helping Native Americans.

  16. I have done for my country, and for all mankind, all that I could do, and I now resign my soul, without fear, to my God, – my daughter to my country. I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. End of an Era

  17. Death of a Legend • By June 1826, Jefferson’s health had deteriorated so much that he was confined to his bed. He spent his time there going over his finances and debts. • After sleeping most of the day on July 3rd, Jefferson awoke and asked his doctor “Is it the fourth yet?” These were his last words; he passed away during the early hours of the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

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