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Language Enrichment Week: Vocabulary Development Activities

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Language Enrichment Week: Vocabulary Development Activities

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  1. Week 7 Words

  2. Brittney Wheeled Example: He wheeled the car around. Define: To put into a rotatory motion.

  3. Conner strained defination: strained means working really hard. example:The man strained himself plowing the field

  4. Tre sentence:he pictured how the astaroide will look like when it hits earth deffinition: to see an image in your mindmindmind picturing

  5. romp Jacob romp is to run or play in a rapid or easy maner the cattle romping though the bad lands

  6. sentence  THE KIDS WERE ROMPING THREW THE WOODS WHEN THEY WERE GOING TO FISH WHEN A FEW DEER  WERE SEEN ROMPING. tyler definition ROMP romp means to play or walk around

  7. Taylor G. Shouldered Definition Shouldered is when you but something over your shoulder to carry Example  When the little boy could not reach his dad shouldered him so he could reach

  8. Jessica lunging definition: The act of moving forward suddenly. example The deer were lunging at each other.

  9. Adam checking Definition: when somebody keeps something out of trouble, that person is checking on the thing example: the boy was checking to make sure the girl didn't have a spelling error

  10. Molly Stride Stride: Sentence The girl had a short stride when compared to the mans larger stride on the moon.  Stride: Definition Stride is the length of your step.

  11. BOUNDING Dylan DEFINITION: It means jump or pounce. SENTENCE: The deer was bounding over the corn. 

  12. strained definition: Strained means to work the hardest you can.   Example: The fish strained to get away from the whale. Kelly

  13. picturing Torie picturing:   I  am picturing seeing my grandprants  for the first time and i cant wait and I am are exited Dfiniton:   is when you are pictuering some thing in your head.

  14. Kessler WHEELED: defination It means to turn around.  sentence:The deer wheeled around.

  15. Mary Shouldered Definition: something that you caring on your shoulders to help it get back to the pasture. The farmer shouldered the lamp to take the young lamp ba

  16. Taylor Frantic Exanple: The deer was frantic when it saw thehunter. Defination:distraught with fearorotherviolentemotion.

  17. Rachel Lunging Definition: a sudden foward movement. Example:  The polar bear was lunging toward the fish. The pigs were lunging toward the pickle that dropped in the pig sty.

  18. Cole stopping, or checking the wandering ways of cows is the job of these farm dogs. the fence checked the cows and kept them going any farther.

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