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Comparative Study of Frankenstein and Blade Runner: Context and Meaning

This essay explores the distinctive contexts of Frankenstein and Blade Runner through a comparative study, emphasizing the values, attitudes, and ideas conveyed in both texts. It analyzes the relationship between text and context, and how language forms, features, and structure shape meaning and influence response.

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Comparative Study of Frankenstein and Blade Runner: Context and Meaning

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  1. Preparing for your assessment taskComparative Study of Text and ContextFrankenstein/ Blade Runner

  2. Focusing on the question • In what ways does a comparative study accentuate the distinctive contexts of Frankenstein and Blade Runner? • Your essay should focus on: • Considering the texts in their contexts and comparing values, attitudes and attitudes they convey. • Coming to a heightened understanding of the relationship, meaning and significance of each text. • Demonstrating how language forms and features and structure of texts shape meaning and influence response.

  3. Looking at HSC Feedback • “These responses embedded an evaluation of the relationship between text and context in the analysis of the texts” • “incorporated an analysis of the ways in which a comparative study invited deeper understanding of the concepts suggested by the question” • “clear understanding of how context influenced the values and ideas in both texts”

  4. Looking at the marking outcomes (1) • Argues skilfully the ways in which a comparative study accentuates the distinctive contexts of the prescribed texts. • List five ways this is achieved and how you could do this.

  5. Looking at the marking outcomes (2) • Demonstrates skilfully an understanding of the relationship between texts and contexts using well-selected and detailed textual references. • List five ways this is achieved and how you could do this.

  6. Looking at the marking outcomes (3) • Composes a perceptive response using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form. • List five ways this is achieved and how you could do this.

  7. Activity: • In groups you will be asked to brainstorm the context, general textual form and features and values/ ideas for your two texts. As you do this, you may want to consider how these factors link.

  8. Crafting a thesis statement • The ideas/understanding you have gained from your study of both texts in terms of context, values and ideas. • These ideas/concepts become the framework and drivers for your response. • Your thesis integrates your response! • Respond immediately to the question or statement. You could agree or challenge it. • Develop a thesis or line of argument that relates to the question or statement and sustain this throughout your response. • Use both texts to support or challenge your thesis. • Developed and supported by judicious textual analysis.

  9. Exercise • Craft 3 viable thesis statements you could possible use for your essay. • Write some example topic sentences to go with it.

  10. How to structure your response • Introduction – thesis statement; broad contextual overview linking to thesis • Body paragraphs – thematic approach; emphasis on Frankenstein • Conclusion • Exercise write a plan for your essay.

  11. Getting that top result – hints and tips • Read top sample responses. • Expand vocabulary. • Be aware of contextual influences and movements. • Complex sentence structure is a must, with use of indefinite clauses. • Nominalisation. • Structure paragraphs appropriately – use the TXXXXC model. • Cohesion is a must – connectives, reference words, word association. • Focus on conceptual approach. • Evidence – use the best, not the easiest piece. • End off with a strong statement. • Draft, draft and draft!!!

  12. Reviewing the scaffold • Review the scaffold provided. This is only one way to do it. • Trace the thesis statement. • Choose one paragraph and annotate the structure of it. • Highlight all parts where connectives occur. • Look at vocabulary. • Reflect: How could you use this for your piece???

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