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Socrates Programme « Laboratoire Climatique Virtuel »

ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze. Socrates Programme « Laboratoire Climatique Virtuel ». Clim@tic. Meeting – Liegi 27,28-01-2006. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze.

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Socrates Programme « Laboratoire Climatique Virtuel »

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  1. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze Socrates Programme « Laboratoire Climatique Virtuel » Clim@tic Meeting – Liegi 27,28-01-2006 By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  2. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze The institute “Leonardo da Vinci” was founded by the Florence City Hall at the beginning of the 20th century to provide a specialized type of Technical School. The presence of this School has been very important and particular for more than 100 years in the Florentine background. During these years, it has contributed to the productive development of our town and consequently to the improvement in the industrial sectors of Tuscan region. It has always followed the request of the industries but more often it has anticipated them. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  3. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze Hangar year 1936(Foto Bruno Baldi) By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  4. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze Department of mounting and repairing of airplanes, year 1936(Foto Bruno Baldi) By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  5. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze Aerial view of the school By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  6. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze The School offers 6 different Specialisations in the Technical Institute and 12 technical areas of study at the Vocational Institute. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  7. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze Technical Institute Electrotechnics and Automatisation Computer technology Mechanical Engineering Chemistry Building Electronics and Telecommunications By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  8. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze Vocational Institute Operator Thermal hydraulics Thermal Engineering Photographic communication Graphic industry Biologic Chemistry Dental Technicians Electronics Electricity Telecomunications Mechanical Engineering Motor mechanics Watchmaking By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  9. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze SCHOOL LIBRARY The school Library is the biggest of the school libraries in Tuscany, full of scientific and technical books, rare editions of novels, magazines and newspapers. There are almost 33.000 publications. The real pride of the library is the nineteenth century fund of 3.000 volumes and rare editions of the eighteenth century. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  10. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze The Institute has a large gym, a swimming pool, many sport yards, a great indoor stadium where the students can play a great variety of sports: Athletics, Football, Mountain Bike, Swimming, Basketball, Volleyball, Body building, Rugby, Ski, Tennis, Sail, Golf. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  11. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze The Institute has created and promoted many different activities of integration School-work. The aim of this programme is to put in a closer contact our students and the industries present in Tuscany. Every year different groups of students spend two or more weeks in the most important Florentine industries. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  12. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze An example of active learning in the study of foreign languages. To make the learning and improvement of English among the students of the Vocational Institute easier, we have simulated different real situations in which the teacher and the students played a role. The situation in the photo simulates the repair of a car. The performance in English has been filmed and studied both in the school garage and the classroom. 15 / 12 / 2003 By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  13. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci is a certified center for Trinity College Examinations Trinity's spoken English examinations for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) are a progressive series of twelve graded levels in spoken English examinations, taking students from their first steps in English to near first-language fluency. In 2000 Trinity signed a Protocol of Understanding with the Italian Ministry of Education and in 2002 an Agreement with CRUI (Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities). By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  14. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze The School is a Training Agency accredited by the Tuscan Regional County. It carries out training projects funded by the ESF for apprentices, unemployed and employed people, women and Advanced Technical Educational Course after Secondary School Diploma (IFTS Courses). It is certified Committed to Excellence in the framework of the quality model EFQM, European Foundation for Quality Management.. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  15. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze The Institute has carried out many European Projects: European Projects « Leonardo da Vinci » Programme WOTEC – Pilot Project 1998-2001- Partner The aim of the project was to introduce women to the technical professions usually considered a male prerogative. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  16. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze The Institute has carried out many European Projects: European Projects « Leonardo da Vinci » Programme ARTLUX - Pilot Project 1998-2001- Promoter This project aims at laying down the basis for a future training course about the works of art illumination, and the birth of an expert having high competences in the history of art , technical competences about the nature and the behaviour of the materials used to make a technical light and a lighting system. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  17. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze The Institute has carried out many European Projects: European Projects « Leonardo da Vinci » Programme ELS: European Languages for Secretaries – Partner The objective of the project was to develop and manage an on line Internet portal for language learning in business context of four European languages. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  18. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze European Projects « Socrates» Programme Teenagers and food in Europe - Socrates Comenius 1 School Project 2004-2005 Promoter Analysis about eating habits of teenagers and their families in four European countries and training to improve healthy eating habits. By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  19. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze Projects coordinate by Pixel for schools Socrates eurEAU@ctions Socrates MultimediART Socrates Mankind Memorial By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  20. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci is promotor of the following National Projects: Advanced Technical Educational Courses after Secondary School Diploma (IFTS Courses) : for electrical systems planners : for experts on biomedical instruments IMPEL TEC-BIOMED By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  21. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci is promotor of the following National Projects: Courses after Secondary School Diploma Training course of Domotics for buildings Training course for Precision Micromeccanics Operators By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  22. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci is promotor of the following National Projects: Projects for The Unemployed Training course of ancient clocks restoration BESTIMP Training course for plumbers Training course for thermic systems operators MMITFL By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

  23. ITI-IPIA Leonardo da Vinci Firenze Indirizzo: Via del Terzolle, 91 50127 – Firenze Tel.: +39 055 4596255 Fax: +39 055 412096 E-mail: itiprogetti@comune.firenze.it URL: http://www.leonardoinrete.org By Lucia Lachina Claudia Polverini

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