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The Special Senses Vision, Taste, Smell

Explore the intricate structures of the eye and its accessory components, from eyelids to lacrimal apparatus. Learn about the eyeball's composition, retina layers, photoreceptors, and taste bud sensations. Delve into the physiology of taste transduction and the sense of smell in this comprehensive guide.

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The Special Senses Vision, Taste, Smell

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  1. The Special Senses Vision, Taste, Smell 15

  2. Eye and Associated Structures • 70% of all sensory receptors are in the eye • Most of the eye is protected by a cushion of fat and the bony orbit • Accessory structures include eyebrows, eyelids, conjunctiva, lacrimal apparatus, and extrinsic eye muscles

  3. Eye and Accessory structures

  4. Eyebrows Eyelids • Coarse hairs that overlie the supraorbital margins • Functions include: • Shading the eye • Preventing perspiration from reaching the eye Eyelids Protect the eye anteriorly • Palpebral fissure – separates eyelids • Canthi – medial and lateral angles (commissures)

  5. Palpebrae (Eyelids) • Eyelashes • Project from the free margin of each eyelid • Initiate reflex blinking • Lubricating glands associated with the eyelids • Meibomian glands and sebaceous glands • Ciliary glands lie between the hair follicles

  6. Lacrimal Apparatus (tear ducts) Lacrimal gland and associated ducts • Lacrimal glands secrete tears • Tears • Contain mucus, antibodies, and lysozyme • Drain into the nasolacrimal duct

  7. Extrinsic Eye Muscles • Six straplike extrinsic eye muscles • Enable the eye to follow moving objects • Maintain the shape of the eyeball

  8. Structure of the Eyeball • A slightly irregular hollow sphere with anterior and posterior poles • The wall is composed of three tunics – fibrous, vascular, and sensory • The internal cavity is filled with fluids called humors • The lens separates the internal cavity into anterior and posterior segments

  9. Structure of the Eyeball Figure 15.8a

  10. Vascular Tunic: Iris • The colored part of the eye • Pupil – central opening of the iris • Regulates the amount of light entering the eye during: • Close vision and bright light – pupils constrict • Distant vision and dim light – pupils dilate • Changes in emotional state – pupils dilate when the subject matter is appealing or requires problem-solving skills

  11. Pupil Dilation and Constriction Figure 15.9

  12. Sensory Tunic: Retina • Two-layered membrane • Pigmented layer – the outer layer that absorbs light and prevents its scattering • Neural layer, which contains: • Photoreceptors • Bipolar cells and ganglion cells • Amacrine and horizontal cells

  13. The Retina: Ganglion Cells and the Optic Disc • Ganglion cell axons: • Run along the inner surface of the retina • Leave the eye as the optic nerve • The optic disc: • Is the site where the optic nerve leaves the eye • Lacks photoreceptors (the blind spot)

  14. The Retina: Photoreceptors • Rods: • Respond to dim light • Are used for peripheral vision • Cones: • Respond to bright light • Have high-acuity color vision • Are found in the macula lutea • Are concentrated in the fovea centralis

  15. Key Points in Phototransduction

  16. Signal Transduction in Retina

  17. Channels open in the DARK- continuous release of neurotransmitter from photoreceptor- release of neurotransmitter from photoreceptor hyperpolarizes bipolar calcium channels to close- no neurotransmitter release Light- closes channels in photoreceptor/opens calcium channels in bipolar cell- neurotransmitter released- action potential in optic nerve

  18. Chemical Senses • Chemical senses – gustation (taste) and olfaction (smell) • Their chemoreceptors respond to chemicals in aqueous solution • Taste – to substances dissolved in saliva • Smell – to substances dissolved in fluids of the nasal membranes

  19. Taste Buds • There are five (maybe 6) basic taste sensations • Sweet – sugars, saccharin, alcohol, and some amino acids • Salt – metal ions • Sour – hydrogen ions • Bitter – alkaloids such as quinine and nicotine • Umami – elicited by the amino acid glutamate • Lipids? ? Most of the 10,000 or so taste buds are found on the tongue

  20. Physiology of Taste • In order to be tasted, a chemical: • Must be dissolved in saliva • Must contact gustatory hairs • Binding of the food chemical: • Depolarizes the taste cell membrane, releasing neurotransmitter • Initiates a generator potential that elicits an action potential

  21. Taste Transduction • The stimulus energy of taste is converted into a nerve impulse (action potential) by: • Na+ influx in salty tastes • H+ in sour tastes (by directly entering the cell, by opening cation channels, or by blockade of K+ channels) • Gustducin in sweet and bitter tastes

  22. Gustatory Pathway Figure 15.2

  23. Influence of Other Sensations on Taste • Taste is 80% smell • Thermoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, nociceptors also influence tastes • Temperature and texture enhance or detract from taste

  24. Sense of Smell • The organ of smell is the olfactory epithelium, which covers the superior nasal concha • Olfactory receptor cells are bipolar neurons with radiating olfactory cilia • Olfactory receptors are surrounded and cushioned by supporting cells • Basal cells lie at the base of the epithelium

  25. Sense of Smell Figure 15.3

  26. Physiology of Smell • Olfactory receptors respond to several different odor-causing chemicals • When bound to ligand these proteins initiate a G protein mechanism, which uses cAMP as a second messenger • cAMP opens Na+ and Ca2+ channels, causing depolarization of the receptor membrane that then triggers an action potential

  27. Olfactory Pathway • Impulse sent to: • The olfactory cortex (what is that smell) • The hypothalamus, amygdala, and limbic system (emotional component of smell

  28. Olfactory Transduction Process Na+ Odorant binding protein Odorant chemical Active Inactive Na+ influx causes depolarization ATP Adenylate cyclase cAMP Depolarization of olfactory receptor cell membrane triggers action potentials in axon of receptor Cytoplasm Figure 15.4

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