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This workshop focuses on the terms, concepts, and ideas that form the current body of knowledge about Systems Engineering. It explores the systemic issues, languages, models, and key principles that are vital to understanding systems. The workshop also aims to identify challenges and deliverables for Systems Engineering deployment.
BKCASE Workshop VI Tuesday 12 April SEBOK Part 2 Rick Adcock (Lead)
Part 2 team SEBOK Part 2: Systems Terms, concepts and ideas that reflect the current body of knowledge about Systems. Note: This is distinct from the principles and practices for how to engineer systems (i.e. systems engineering). Author Team Rick Adcock, Nicole Hutchision Brian Wells, Scott Jackson, Sandy Friedenthal, Cihan Dagli (active since Workshop V) Erik Aslasken, Bud Lawson, Richard Beasley
Purpose The purpose of Part 2 within the SEBoK is to give a guide to foundation systems knowledge which can be used to Provide the context within which the scope and value of Systems Engineering can be described (in SEBoK Part 1) Provide the Systems foundations of Systems Engineering Practices (in SEBoK Part 3) Provide the challenges for Systems Engineering Deployment (in SEBoK Part Part 2 of the SEBoK contains the following: Terms, concepts and ideas that reflect the current body of knowledge about Systems. Note: This is distinct from the principles and practices for how to engineer systems (i.e. systems engineering). The systemic issues and challenges arising when we think about systems in the realworld (associated with technology, finance, people, organisations, society, etc) The languages, notations and models used to represent systems and systemic issues The key System Principles, based on this system knowledge, which form the basis of the Systems Approach to complex problems
Deliverables by end of March Review Comments: Quick look, to help validate P2 structure Allocation to new Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 (accept comments from them) Initial responses Create Part 2 Top down Structure Agree KA and Topics (Wiki articles?) Write “1-2 page” overview for each KA include key sources Identify key links Create a Part 2 terminology list, terms we want to define in P2 and have everyone use Populate Part 2 bottom up (as time allows) Review 0.25 material, what do we keep? Begin to populate in detail
Adjudication Adjudication of review comments Clean up results of quick look complete Of the original 723 comments assigned to Part 2 306 comments requiring action. The others were either "noted", "declined", or allocated to other parts (211 of these, including those where we "copied" other parts for awareness but kept the comment for Part 2--these are flagged). The 306 have been allocated to Part 2 KA’s marked as (General, Overview, Types, Challenges, Models, Principles and unallocated). Detailed adjudication will be done at and after the April workshop
Consolidated Comments The following general themes came out of the review, to be considered as you look at topics “There is a need for a clearer logic to, and for links between, the parts of the SEBoK” “The sections on System are abstract and academic. You need to be clear why systems knowledge is being included in the SEBoK and what use it is to Systems Engineers….” “… and to show the link between systems thinking and Systems Engineering.” “The first chapters have to much detail and are hard to read; but the detail contain is all mostly relevant and needed” “Include some better examples, but don’t agree with the examples used” “Don’t use none standard ideas, stick to the common one, but different ideas of what common is” Some paradoxes to sort through!!!
Knowledge Areas Overview of Systems – Erik\Rick Overview of the Systems BoK System Principles – Rick\Scott Key Principles (relevant to SEBOK) Types of Systems – Brian Focus on Engineered System Representing Systems with Models – Sandy Models for different system types Systems Approach – Scott Approach to problem resolution Systems Engineering Challenges – Cihan Systemic Challenges to SE Part 2 Glossary – Nicole System Terms relevant to whole SEBOK
Knowledge Areas Each author to produce following for their KA: An Introduction to the KA (section n.1) A set of topics, for each topic brief description of each sub topic (key issues, links, risks, questions) Key reference sources and critical terms for sub topic (if appropriate) Candidate content (from 0.25 or else where if available) Topics will be expanded into sub topics as needed down to single WIKI articles e.g. 3-5 pages, a single digestible bites of info.
KA 1: Overview of Systems 1.1Introduction 1.2What is a System? a collection of elements (Product) a means to achieve an outcome (Service) everything related to a purpose (Enterprise) 1.3System Context System of Interest/wider system System of Systems 1.4Overview of System Science Key Authors and references 1.5System Perspectives System metaphors Complexity/chaos People in systems
KA 2: Systems Principles 2.1Introduction A set of key system principles of value to Systems Engineering 2.2The Principle of Holism 2.3The Principle of Grouping 2.4The Principle of Functions 2.5The Principle of Interactions 2.6The Principle of Boundaries 2.7The Principle of Cohesion 2.8The Principle of Emergence 2.9Additional Principles
KA 3: Types of System 3.1Introduction 3.2Classifications of Systems Classification Methods Man-made versus Natural Systems 3.3Engineered Systems Product Systems and Service Systems Dynamic and Static Systems Simple and Complicated Systems System Hierarchies 3.4Groupings of Systems Systems of Systems (SOS) Federation of Systems Families of Systems Enterprise Systems 3.5System Domains Types of Domains – by environment, by technology, by area of application
KA 4: Representing Systems with Models 4.1Introduction 4.2What is a model Definitions, Syntax, semantics, well formed models 4.3Why model Different purposes and uses of a model Measuring the goodness of a model 4.4Types of models Taxonomy of models Relationship among models (or integrating models) 4.5Representing Systems with a System Model Views and viewpoints Typical system views (behaviour, structure, properties, ..) Model abstractions 4.6Modelling Standards
KA 5: Systems Approach 5.1Overview 5.2 Establishing Stakeholder value 5.3 Identification of the Elements of a System 5.4Grouping of Elements 5.5Identification of the Boundary of a System 5.6Identification of the Function of Each Element 5.7Identification of the Interactions among the Element 5.8Synthesis of the System 5.9Proving the System 5.10 Incremental Problem Resolution
KA6: System Engineering Challenges 6.1Introduction 6.2 Complex System Architecting Challenges 6.3 Attributes of Complex Systems Architectures 6.4 Dynamically Changing Meta-Architectures 6.5 Interoperability and Network Centric Architectures 6.7 Evolutionary System Architecting 6.8 Executable Architectures
Potential “Primary References” (Top 5) Ackoff, R. L. 1971. Towards a system of systems concept. Management Science 17 (11): 671. Aslaksen, E.W. 1996. The changing nature of engineering. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Blanchard, B. S., and W. J. Fabrycky. 2005. Systems engineering and analysis. Prentice-hall international series in industrial and systems engineering. 4th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall. (Key-sf) Boardman, J., and B. Sauser. 2008. Systems thinking: Coping with 21st century problems. 1st ed. Boca Raton, FL, USA: Taylor & Francis. Checkland, P. B. 1999. Systems thinking, systems practice. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Flood, R. L., and E. R. Carson. 1993. Dealing with complexity: An introduction to the theory and application of systems science. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Plenum Press. Forrester, J. W. 1975. Collected papers of Jay W. Forrester. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Pegasus Communications. Hitchins, D. 2009. What are the General Principles Applicable to Systems? Insight. International Council on Systems Engineering. Giachetti, R. E. 2009. Design of enterprise systems: Theory, architectures, and methods. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press. Kasser, J. 2010. Holistic thinking and how it can produce innovative solutions to difficult problems. Paper presented at 7th Bi-annual European Systems Engineering Conference (EuSEC), 24-27 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden. Senge, P. M. 1990. The fifth discipline: The art & practice of the learning organization. Edson, R. 2008. Systems thinking. applied.: A primer. Arlington, VA: Applied Systems Thinking (ASysT) Institute, 2008. von Bertalanffy, L. 1968. General system theory: Foundations, development, applications. Revised ed. New York, NY: Braziller. Wasson, C. S. 2006. System analysis, design and development. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Glossary abstraction behavior boundary chaos closed system complexity complicated system dynamic system emergence enterprise system Environment emergence function family of systems (FoS) hard system hierarchy model natural systems network open system product system Properties reductionism resilience semantics service service system soft system structure sub-system syntax system model system purpose system type (system) classification (system) context (system) model (system) perspective system-of-interest (SOI) system-of-systems (SOS) systemic challenges systems principle systems thinking topology view viewpoint
Questions Where are following: Relationship to other disciplines? Systems Engineering standards? How are Product, Service and Enterprise issues split across parts? Which terms does Part 2 need to define? How to link Systems Approach to Systems Engineering lifecycle and process?