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Air Quality Action Plan Steering Group Meeting Wednesday 18 th June 2014

The Land, Air, and Water Quality Team meetings aim to establish a plan of action, CBA process, and sub-groups responsible for solving poor air quality through cooperative partnerships. The Action Plan covers all AQMAs in Worcestershire, linking policies and actions to enhance air quality. It involves generic and specific actions tailored to each AQMA, with a focus on feasibility, cost, and support. The Cost-Benefit Analysis identifies weaknesses and stumbling blocks, with emphasis on availability of information, costs, timeline, and feasibility. The Way Forward involves forming sub-groups, allocating roles, and setting a timeline to progress actions. Expressions of interest in sub-group involvement are encouraged for the next meeting in six months.

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Air Quality Action Plan Steering Group Meeting Wednesday 18 th June 2014

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  1. Air Quality Action Plan Steering Group Meeting Wednesday 18th June 2014 Land, Air and Water Quality Team

  2. Introductions – • WRS; • Everyone else; • Aim of tonight’s meeting • Establish a plan of action • Discuss CBA process/outcomes/additions • Establish sub-groups 3. Ownership/responsibility • Solving poor air quality requires partnership working and co-operation between a number of individuals and organisations. Each of us has an interest and a portion of the responsibility. 4. Finish time

  3. Local Air Quality Management • LAQM work has been carried out, under the Environment Act 1995, since the late 1990s. • It aims to protect public health by: • Monitoring air quality • Identifying areas of poor air quality • Working towards improving identified poor air quality • Where a breach of air quality standards is identified an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) must be declared. • There are currently 9 AQMAs across Worcestershire.

  4. Air Quality Action Plan for Worcestershire All of the identified AQMAs are covered by the Air Quality Action Plan for Worcestershire. The Action Plan links national, regional and local policy to present potential actions that may be taken to improve air quality. The Action Plan aims to include and consider all types of action that may improve air quality in the AQMAs.

  5. Types of Action • There are two types of action: • Generic Actions • Applicable to a number of AQMAs in County • Examples include freight quality partnership, promoting flexible working • arrangements, variable message signage etc. • Specific Actions • Applicable to specific circumstances or characteristics in individual AQMAs. • Examples include traffic light phasing, junction review, bus stop location • etc.

  6. Air Quality Action Plan - Actions Deciding which actions are the best ones to take forward – it’s difficult! The aim is to take forward the actions which give the greatest improvement in air quality. In a small number of cases determining which actions these are is straightforward. For example: Action 5.1.10 Pedestrianisation of streets within affected area If we remove all the traffic from the affected area it is easy to conclude that we will significantly reduce traffic based emissions and improve air quality. However, in most cases it is much more difficult. For example: Action 5.1.1 Alteration to phasing of traffic light systems in affected area How do we estimate how much this will improve congestion? And in turn reduce emissions? And in turn improve NO2 levels? It is a complex and multifaceated process.

  7. Air Quality Action Plan - Actions Deciding which actions are the best ones to take forward In addition to considering the potential improvement in air quality it is necessary to consider the following: • Feasibility • Cost • Timescale • Support To try and address all these points we developed the basic cost-benefit analysis that was provided to you prior to this meeting. We also provided you with an explanation of the process of the cost benefit analysis.

  8. Air Quality Action Plan - Actions Cost Benefit Analysis - Weaknesses or Stumbling Blocks? Weaknesses - Generally relate to lack of availability of information or data Degree – Difficult to predict with lack of information so consideration was given to the type of action vs source apportionment, amount of NO2 reduction required and the AQMA characteristics. Cost – Most actual costs are unknown so actions have been costed relative to each other. Timeline – Can vary according to uptake and implementation Feasibility – some actions may become unfeasible when more information is available

  9. Air Quality Action Plan - Actions Cost Benefit Analysis – Critique • County Council Comments received • Copy provided as a hand out. • Major criticisms or objections? 3. Insights into assumptions/factors being considered?

  10. Air Quality Action Plan - Actions Way Forward • Proposed sub-groups • Split by AQMA; allocation of members and identification of lead • Roles of facilitation, funding, technical competency and power • Comments or requests to lead • Where would Public Health Consultant and Act on Energy like to appear • Working together • Identify roles and tasks amongst group • Facilitated by WRS • Set timeline to progress actions

  11. Air Quality Action Plan - Actions Next Expressions of interest in being involved in sub-groups/requests to lead sub-groups to be sent to WRS. Sub-groups to meet/teleconference and progress actions Next Meeting ~ proposed 6 months to report back on progress made by sub-groups

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