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Limited vs. Unlimited Governments: Know the Differences

Explore the characteristics of limited and unlimited governments through a comparison chart and critical thinking questions to understand the impact on citizens' freedoms. Discover the key features that differentiate these governance systems.

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Limited vs. Unlimited Governments: Know the Differences

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  1. POWER PLAY A Look at Limited and Unlimited Governments

  2. Agree or Disagree? • The president of the United States has complete control of the U.S. government. • The governor of Texas must drive the speed limit when driving in Texas. • President Obama does not have the to follow the same laws as you and me. • In a dictatorship, the leader does not have to follow the same laws as its citizens. • The United States has a limited government.

  3. Lesson Objective • Today you will learn about two types of governments; limited and unlimited

  4. Draw a T-Chart Limited Unlimited

  5. Limited Government A type of government where the leaders have limited power and must follow the same laws all citizens follow .

  6. Unlimited Government • A type of government where the leaders have no limits to their power.

  7. Characteristics of Limited Government • Power of government has a constitution or other written law - LIMITED power • Leader follows same laws as all citizens. • Courts treat everyone as equal • Peaceful change of leaders • Free and open media • Regular elections and majority rules • Individuals have basic rights such as freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion. • Usually a well educated population

  8. Characteristics of Unlimited Government • Control is completely with the ruler(s). They have UNLIMITED powers • Government leaders do not have to follow the same rules as regular citizens • Courts do not treat everyone as equal • People who disagree with the government are arrested • Military is very powerful • Poor education for some or most of the population • Citizens do not have basic political rights, such as freedom of religion, or freedom to travel

  9. Card Sort Answers Limited Governments Unlimited Governments People who disagree with the government are arrested. The military shuts down newspapers and decides who can run in an election. Totalitarian government Low literacy rate Citizens must have permission from the government to leave the country Citizens have few individual rights • Citizens or their elected representatives can remove elected officials from office. • The media, newspaper, magazines and television can freely report news from around the world. • A national constitution limits the power of government. • Individuals have basic rights such as freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion. • Democratic-republic government • Well-educated population

  10. Critical Thinking Questions • What are reasons citizens would want to limit the power of their government? • If you were a citizen of an unlimited government, describe your freedoms? • If you were a citizen of a limited government, describe your freedoms?

  11. Agree or Disagree? • The president of the United States has complete control of the U.S. government. • The governor of Texas must drive the speed limit when driving in Texas. • President Obama does not have the to follow the same laws as you and me. • In a dictatorship, the leader does not have to follow the same laws as its citizens. • The United States has a limited government.

  12. Role Play - Assessment • In groups of 3-5, create a role play of a limited or unlimited government. • Have your classmates determine which type of government your perform?

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