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Trudy Ludwig: Visiting Author, Thursday, January 6 th !

Trudy Ludwig: Visiting Author, Thursday, January 6 th !. Bullying: What is it? What do we do about it?. True or False?. Only boys can be bullies?. False. Boys and girls can choose to be bullies. True or False?. Bullying is only hurting someone’s body, like hitting or kicking. False.

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Trudy Ludwig: Visiting Author, Thursday, January 6 th !

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trudy Ludwig: Visiting Author, Thursday, January 6th!

  2. Bullying:What is it?What do we do about it?

  3. True or False? Only boys can be bullies?

  4. False.Boys and girls can choose to be bullies.

  5. True or False? Bullying is only hurting someone’s body, like hitting or kicking.

  6. False. Bullying involves many different choices, such as name calling, teasing, exclusion, gossip, threats, cyber-bullying and others…

  7. True or False? If you tell an adult about being bullied you are tattling and being a baby…

  8. False. Reporting bullying is a good way to be safe and help yourself and someone who is bullying you.

  9. True or False? If I am bullied or if I see bullying happening to someone else, there are things I can do to help stop it.

  10. True Bullying is very hurtful and there are many ways that targets and bystanders can deal with bullying so that it stops.

  11. True or False? 8 out of 10 (80%) acts of Bullying are observed by Bystanders .

  12. True! …and…. When Bystanders or Adults get involved, Bullying can be stopped in less than 10 seconds!

  13. True or False? Some forms of teasing are not bad and are not bullying…

  14. True! • When two friends tease back and forth and it is in a friendly, fun tone of voice, it can be a good way to make a friendship playful.

  15. True or False? • A child, by age 8, who chooses to bully, has the same chance of a normal life as non-bullies? ?

  16. False! • 8 year old bullies have six times the chance of committing crimes and being arrested as non-bullies.

  17. True or False? There’s a difference between tattling and reporting?

  18. True! Tattling is….trying to get somebody in trouble when no one is hurt. Reporting is letting a grown up know that someone is in trouble and is being hurt.

  19. Bullying is a choice someone makes.Bullying is a choice to…. • …Hurt someone • …On purpose (intentionally) • …When You have more Power than your target has

  20. Three Roles in Bullying • Bully: Hurts someone on purpose • Target: The person hurt by the bully • Bystander: The person near the bullying • Adult: The grown-up there to support all three roles. Adult

  21. Trudy’s Tool Kit

  22. Aggressive Behavior……seeks to… • Relieve (lessen) Anger • Express Anger • Control Others/Situations • Gain Respect (get someone to look up to you) • Gain Freedom (get someone to leave you alone) • Have Fun/Entertainment

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