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AMT Academy

AMT Academy. The Local FAME Chapter The Foundational Unit in the FAME World. What is FAME?. F ederation for A dvanced M anufacturing E ducation

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AMT Academy

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  1. AMT Academy The Local FAME Chapter The Foundational Unit in the FAME World

  2. What is FAME? Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education • FAME is the collective group of employers that collaborate together to develop and implement a new career pathway to develop people for key positions in the manufacturing and technical operations sectors.

  3. FAME Elements: Chapter • The FAME Chapter is composed of the various members of a local organization which offers and conducts the FAME Career Pathway. It includes: • FAME employers • The College Partner • Other organizations/individuals with reason to be part of the chapter. Examples include: • STEM organizations and programs • Manufacturers associations/Chambers of Commerce • Economic/Workforce development organizations • Workforce Investment Board

  4. FAME Elements: Pathway • The FAME Career Pathway is the integrated pathway which creates a STEM talent pipeline from the PreK-12 education system to higher education to careers with FAME employers and with additional educational continuations to higher levels that mutually benefit both individuals and their employers. In essence, the FAME Chapter provides and manages the FAME Career Pathway.

  5. FAME Elements: Programs • The career pathway system, known as the FAME Career Pathway, has these programs: • AMT: Advanced Manufacturing Technician • AMB: Advanced Manufacturing Business • AME: Advanced Manufacturing Engineer

  6. The FAME Career Pathway

  7. FAME Elements: Programs • AMT: Advanced Manufacturing TechnicianIt is the hub program in FAME. • Its goal is to develop global-best entry level technicians. • The target of global-best entry level technicians is to provide FAME employers with a talent competitive advantage in the business world. • It is associate degree level.

  8. FAME Elements: Programs • AMB: Advanced Manufacturing BusinessA business-based, bachelor’s level continuation that is a seamless continuation beyond AMT • It is designed to: • be completed while working full-time • have high impact for the employer of the AMB student • have high value for the student by strengthening personal capability, provide continuous learning, etc.

  9. FAME Elements: Programs • AME: Advanced Manufacturing EngineerA bachelor’s level 4-year technical continuation beyond AMT. • It can generally be in one of two areas: • Traditional engineering degree • Bachelors level technology degree • The goal is to produce global-best entry level engineering graduates.

  10. The AMT Program • The AMT Program is the core/hub program in the FAME Career Pathway. • The AMT Program resolves the most challenging problems facing manufacturers and other employers of technical talent: • Numbers: Not enough technicians to fill all openings • Quality: new graduates are not work ready, are not global best • Age Distribution: Disproportionately older, creating a retirement crisis.

  11. The AMT Pathway (Single Line) Technician The Core Pathway

  12. The FAME Chapter • The local FAME chapter is an organized, active collaboration of employers. There is a set of by-laws which govern its purpose, membership, and operation. • Chapter Officers • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer

  13. Membership • Three types of Membership: • Core Members – Employers who sponsor AMT students. They have “skin in the game.” Core members are the only group that has voting privileges. • Supporting Members – Members who have key services or other meaningful contributions to make the chapter successful. The College Partner, for example, is a Supporting Member. • Associate Members – Others who have a meaningful interest in being a member of the chapter. A employer who is exploring sponsoring a student, wishes to attend and learn and perhaps even contribute in some ways, but has not yet sponsored is an example of a supporting member.

  14. What is FAME? More Reflections • FAME is the owning entity of the FAME Career Pathway. • By extension, it makes employers the owning entity. In a paradigm change for education, owners become primarily responsible for finding, developing, and hiring their own talent. • FAME does this by managing and operating the FAME Career Pathway. • FAME brings other partners to the table to accomplish their goals and outcomes, and to provide a continuous pipeline of global-best talent.

  15. FAME Chapter Structure

  16. How Local FAME Operates • Starting a FAME Chapter • Change agent introduces and leads initiative to adopt and implement the FAME model • Employers and others pursue further learning, attend learning events, and discuss and then come to an actionable consensus to start the program • FAME chapter is officially started on an informal vote or other consensus of the initial membership.

  17. How FAME Operates • FAME chapter elects officers. • FAME chapter partners with 1 community college, selected by the chapter. • Can be chosen and then directly approached with a proposal to join the FAME chapter and provide the academic side of the program • Can be done through an RFP (request for proposals) to local colleges. This is the highly recommended option. • Chapter sends appropriate representatives to the AMT Academy in the summer one year before starting first students.

  18. How FAME Operates • The chapter spends the next year after the Academy: • Establishing key partnerships • Setting up the learning space at the school • Recruiting the first class • Chapter and college leadership, and college faculty that have not attended the AMT Academy attend during the summer that the program enrolls the first class.

  19. Starting FAME: Core Track

  20. How FAME Operates • Through the first three years the chapter establishes guidelines, process, activities, and structure • When the first AMT class graduates: • The chapter considers start of the AMB Program • The chapter considers start of the AME Program

  21. How FAME Operates On-Going Operations • The chapter operates on a steady and continuous 1-year cycle of operations. • One AMT class starts each August • NOTE: AMT class starts of more than once each year have been tried and have proven to be highly problematic.

  22. How FAME Operates On-Going Operations • The number of students started each year is based on a 3-years into the future needs projection. • Employers use their own internal methods to determine this (attrition rate, anticipated retirements, anticipated expansions, etc.). • Student numbers are based on a “pull system.” The chapter identifies the need/number, then spends the next year recruiting that number of AMT students. • 1 year recruiting + 2 years AMT Program = 3 year span

  23. How FAME Operates On-Going Operations • Employers should be able to select the number of AMT students needed. Some employers may need several new AMT students every year. Others may need 1 every 3 years. The ideal is to meet need on time. • An AMT Recruiting model provides effective methods for obtaining the high performing students needed for the AMT Program. • An AMT Student Recruiting Workshop (1 day) is available to provide deeper training.

  24. How FAME Operates On-Going Operations • The chapter continuously recruits other employers as needed. • The chapter should have enough employers to ensure that a minimum of 16 new AMT students start annually. • NOTE: Many chapters start with less and build up to 16. • An AMT Employer Recruiting model provides effective methods for obtaining the high performing students needed for the AMT Program. • An AMT Employer Recruiting Workshop (1 day) is available to provide deeper training.

  25. How FAME Operates On-Going Operations • The chapter engages in the various activities necessary to effectively execute: • The AMT program and other career pathways on an ongoing basis • Changes in leadership and membership • Operations for the benefit of all members • Students enroll in AMB as individually desired. • AME starts can have some variance from chapter to chapter – should be individually discussed.

  26. How FAME Operates • The chapter connects and aligns with the state FAME organization (if one exists) and with the national FAME USA. • The chapter attends state and national core FAME events: • State annual summit (if it exists) • North American FAME Conference • National Career Pathways Network Conference

  27. How FAME Operates • The chapter ensures that employer and college leadership and program providers are trained and prepared to execute the program: • Leadership: FAME President and vice president. College dean, asst. dean, program chair. • Providers: AMT-designated faculty, MCE instructors, chapter success coach/program coordinator.

  28. Training for Start-up • FAME Chapter Start-up Training • 1 day • The Leadership Fast Track • AMT Academy/2 days • AMT Basic Operations • AMT Academy 1st week/5 days • Manufacturing Core Exercises No.’s 1-4 • AMT Academy 2nd week/5 days • Manufacturing Core Exercise No. 5 • In December, 2 days • AMT Student Recruiting Workshop • As scheduled – 1 day • FAME Employer Recruiting Workshop • As scheduled – 1 day

  29. How FAME Operates

  30. Back to Starting

  31. Important Observations • It’s key that employers embrace and take ownership of he program and activity. This is a paradigm change for employers. • Meetings are recommended to be conducted every 2 weeks, with alternate call-in/in-person meetings. A meeting once each month is mandatory for the effective leadership of the FAME activity. • Important to have strategic and operational plans. • Work with your local and state workforce/economic development organizations and other key workforce entities to also establish state level FAME. This becomes especially important to fit into the national network. • Program standardization from one local program to another, and from state to state is a fundamental key to success. Aligning to a standardized program is a paradigm change for most colleges.

  32. Important Observations • The on-going relationship between employers will yield additional benefits: • Over time it should reduce the severe local competition for talent among one another. • Companies will start to consult and dialogue with one another about other problems and issues. • Companies will be able to more readily engage with other employers on key local initiatives. • Local companies will carry a stronger voice at the state level. • An Employer Agreement form for new members that clearly notes the conditions of membership should be signed by each new company.

  33. Future Considerations • A national FAME USA organization will be starting in 2019. • The strong success of the talent pipeline recruiting model with the AMT Program demonstrates that it can be utilized for other key occupational needs for employers. Anticipate a broader benefit for additional staffing needs.

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