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Enteral Nutrition. EasySafeLess expensive. Delivery Options. Continuous via pumpIntermittent by gravityIntermittent by bolus with syringeCyclic feedings via pump. Nasointestinal/Nasogastric. PolyurethaneSmall diameterFlexibleRadiopaqueWeighted tipIntestineStylet. CloggedResidualObstructionDislodgedKinked.
1. ENTERAL NUTRITION Delivery of nutrients directly into the GI tract
Functioning GI tract
2. Enteral Nutrition Easy
Less expensive
3. Delivery Options Continuous via pump
Intermittent by gravity
Intermittent by bolus with syringe
Cyclic feedings via pump
4. Nasointestinal/Nasogastric Polyurethane
Small diameter
Weighted tip
5. Gastrostomy/Jejunostomy Long term
Placed surgically, radiologically, or endoscopically
6. (PEG)-Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy No general anesthetic
Minimal sedation
Tube marked at exit site
Before initial feeding- tube placement checked by radiography
7. Basic Patient Care Principles Position
Tube position
Residual volumes
General considerations
8. Position HOB elevated 30-45 degrees at ALL TIMES
HOB elevated for 30-60 minutes after feeding
9. Patency Intermittent
10. Tube Position Check before each intermittent feeding or every 4 hours with continuous
1. Aspiration (gastric pH)
2. Air
3. X-ray
11. Tube Position Methods Aspiration of stomach contents for pH
0-4 stomach
6 or higher check with X-ray
Small intestine about 6
Respiratory 7 or lower
12. Position Methods Auscultate air
X-ray most accurate
Before initial feeding and if any questions regarding placement
13. Residual Volume Delayed gastric emptying
Increased residual volumes-Increased risk for aspiration
14. Formula Osmolality
Room or body temperature
15. Administration Rate is gradually increased and signs of intolerance are assessed
16. General Considerations Daily weight
Blood glucose
HCT, Platelets, BUN/Cr and Na
17. General Considerations Supplies are good for 24 hours
Label everything
Hang only 4 hours of feeding
Large bottles are good for 24 hours
Never add meds to bag
Clean technique, not sterile
18. Actual Procedure Doctors order 8 Rs
Check allergies
Assess for bowel sounds, abdominal distention, palpate
Respiratory baseline
19. Procedure Check tube placement
Check residual
If greater than 100ml or more than the last hours feeding
Re-instill residual by gravity
Flush with 30-50ml water
Administer or restart feeding Label everything
20. Nursing Diagnoses Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
Impaired skin integrity R/T enzymatic action of gastric juices, diarrhea
Risk for deficient fluid volume R/T diarrhea or inadequate intake of water with concentrated feeding
21. Nursing Diagnoses Ineffective therapeutic regimen management R/T care required for.
Risk for aspiration R/T enteral tube with tube feedings
22. ComplicationsVomiting/Aspiration Improper tube placement
Increased residual
23. ComplicationsDiarrhea Too fast
Lactose intolerant
Low fiber formula
24. ComplicationsConstipation Formula
Poor fluid intake
25. ComplicationsFluid Volume Deficient Diarrhea
Poor fluid intake
High protein formula
Hyperosmolar formula
26. ComplicationsDumping Syndrome J-tube
Rapidly distended jejunum with hypertonic food
Fluid shift rapidly from vascular system to make it isotonic
N/V, diarrhea, cramps, pallor, sweating, heart palpitations, fainting feeling