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Mushal’s AP Test Hints

Mushal’s AP Test Hints. Test Hints. Get plenty of sleep over the weekend. No extra studying will benefit you more than good sleep on Saturday and Sunday nights. Eat breakfast on Monday. Anything is better than nothing. If you want the physiological reason behind this, ask me Tuesday.

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Mushal’s AP Test Hints

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  1. Mushal’sAP Test Hints

  2. Test Hints • Get plenty of sleep over the weekend. No extra studying will benefit you more than good sleep on Saturday and Sunday nights. • Eat breakfast on Monday. Anything is better than nothing. If you want the physiological reason behind this, ask me Tuesday. • Bring a #2 pencil for the multiple choice and a pen for the FRQ. If you’re unsure about your choice of pen, check out this thread: http://www.amazon.com/forum/pen?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=FxD8OZ2L05QBBJ&cdThread=Tx1B8MCGK9V8DBY • The test is in portable room 702, and starts at 8 AM. Arrive long before then to get yourself settled and calm. I advise you not to have a freak-out session before the test; read a book, chat with friends, or something similar prior to starting. • Absolutely do not have a phone on you during testing time. • Have fun, and good luck.

  3. Multiple Choice Hints: Make sure you read ALL the answer choices before you answer. You should plan on guessing on approximately 15-20 questions. I don’t know all the answers. The test is designed that way. There will be questions on the test that I never taught you and others that you just can’t remember. The test gets easier as you go. The last 50 should be easier than the first 50.

  4. More Multiple Choice Hints: • Go through the entire test booklet first. • Circle all the questions you find the easiest. • Star any questions that you think you know but that you need to go back and spend some time thinking about. • After you have done all the ones that you find easiest, then go back to the ones that you had starred. • Last, fill out your scantron with the answers you have. • With any leftover time, you can go back to the ones that were really hard – usually ones that require some calculation. • Check to make sure that you haven’t blindly guessed on more than 20. • You can write all over the test booklet, so underline key words. Words like “EXCEPT” or “which is not the correct answer”. This will help you to focus on what the question is asking you. • Don’t rush too much! You have 90 minutes to take the test.

  5. FRQ Hints: • The maximum number of points you can get on each FRQ is 10 points, although 11-14 points are available. • I recommend answering the FRQ’s in this order: 4, 2, 1, 3. • Question 1 will most likely be a DBQ. • Question 2 will probably be the math question. • Question 3 and 4 are usually “typical” FRQ’s. • Show all your work on any math questions…even if that work could be done in your head. No work= no credit. • Make sure all your answers are on the answer document and not the test booklet. • Use the test booklet to brainstorm, then answer on the answer document. • All answers must be in complete sentences. No credit for incomplete sentences.

  6. More FRQ Hints: “Identify”= one sentence. “Describe”, “discuss” or “explain” = 3 sentences for each answer. “Identify and describe” = 4 sentences. “TWO” reasons = the first two things you write down count. “Identify and describe TWO reasons…” = 4 sentences for the first reason and another 4 sentences for the second reason (8 sentences all together). Do not restate the question or give an opening paragraph and conclusion. Keep short, complete answers with complete sentences. For example, 2013 #1a: Building dams on the Mississippi would alter the natural flow of sediments. Dams block the flow of sediments from upstream. When water is impounded behind a dam, the sediment settles to the bottom of the reservoir. This means that the nutrients within the sediment will not reach the Gulf Coast ecosystems. Destroying existing dams would also alter the natural flow of sediments. Without dams on the Mississippi, the sediment is not blocked from flowing downstream. The nutrients within the sediment will then reach the coast, instead of sitting in reservoirs. This will nourish the ecosystems found there.

  7. Even More FRQ Hints: • “Environmental” benefit or cost = animals, plants, soil, air, etc. Do not talk about humans! • “Societal” benefit or cost = people, cities, crops, etc. • “What could the government do?” = something about writing a law or educating the public. • “Human health” effects = asthma, emphysema, nervous systems issues like birth defects, brain damage, or cancer. These cover most environmental health hazards. If you know the effect, write the correct effect…otherwise guess! • “Economic” benefits or costs = money and jobs.

  8. Dear Lord, This Is Getting Ridiculous: • Do not skip any parts of the FRQ. This is different than multiple choice. If you don’t know, put something down that you think might be right. • Pace yourself. You have 22.5 minutes for each FRQ. If you go over that time, it’s lost. • On all of them, answer the easy, straightforward sub-questions first, then fill in the more complex bits. • You are not allowed a calculator on this exam so show all your work

  9. Finally, the last page: Do not answer a question with “it is bad for the environment” or it will “harm biodiversity”. These are too vague. You need to explain HOW it is bad for the environment or HOW it will harm biodiversity. Also, don’t say it will cause “pollution”. Any third-grader can say that. Be specific, name a particular chemical, etc. Show the grader that you know some actual science facts. Do not answer the FRQs with one giant “super paragraph”. Label your answers with 1a., 2c., etc. That way the grader knows exactly what you are trying to say! Remember that there are environmentalists grading your response…always go with the answer that is best for the environment unless it asks you to do otherwise. Sometimes they want you to show “both sides of an argument”. An example of this is “describe on incentive that the government of a country could offer its citizens that would favor a reduction in the growth rate of its population. Explain how this incentive would work, and describe one possible drawback.” They are looking for you to play Devil’s advocate. Go with the most obvious answer. The grader doesn’t give you “extra” points because you know some obscure fact or law that you learned about on Discovery Channel. Try to give the answer that MOST of the nation will give. If you don’t know a law, always fall back on the Endangered Species Act, The Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act. These usually work if you can support your answer.

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