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Scaffolds to Success: TRiO Learning Communities for Underprepared Students

Scaffolds to Success: TRiO Learning Communities for Underprepared Students. Yakima Valley Community College Kerrie Abb, Dean of Arts and Sciences Marc Coomer, Asst Dean for Student Support Wilma Dulin, SD Instructor/Faculty Director OIE Gordon Koestler, English Instructor.

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Scaffolds to Success: TRiO Learning Communities for Underprepared Students

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  1. Scaffolds to Success: TRiO Learning Communities for Underprepared Students Yakima Valley Community College Kerrie Abb, Dean of Arts and Sciences Marc Coomer, Asst Dean for Student Support Wilma Dulin, SD Instructor/Faculty Director OIE Gordon Koestler, English Instructor

  2. YVCC’s Student Population • About 11,000 students a year for 4400 FTE • 60% students of color • 2/3 female • 2/3 transfer/workforce students (~6,500) • 95% required to take at least one dev. ed. course • 85% must take two or more dev. ed. courses • 85% report being first generation* • 57% receive Pell grants* • 3% identify as having disabilities* *these are optional reporting items, so % reflect of those who provide this data

  3. YVCC’s SSS Target Population • First Generation AND • Low Income AND • Under-prepared in both English and Math • May have disabilities Each Fall Quarter, this is about 170 of the 550 incoming first time college student cohort - about 30% SSS serves about 75 new, incoming students each year - 40% of so of eligible

  4. Elements of the SSS program for incoming students Proactive recruitment Relationship-Focused Orientation Guided First Year Schedule Academic Support

  5. Proactive Recruitment

  6. Relationship-Focused Orientation • Run by TRiO Faculty, Staff, and Students • Small groups & introductions • College information & Tours • Advising & Early Registration • Book loans • Financial aid support • Welcome Event

  7. Guided First Year Schedule

  8. Why Learning Communities?

  9. Integrated Focus on Critical Thinking Critical thinking about • Self • Academic skills • College readiness Using a recursive teaching style that has students • Reflecting • Responding • Reviewing • Revising

  10. Key Content Becoming a Critical Thinker! • Who am I? • What do I want to do with my life? • What education is needed to do this? • How will I pay for this education? • Am I college-ready?

  11. Common Elements • All instructors are academic advisors for SSS • Use common texts and, whenever possible, open source materials • Collaborative learning and team assignments • Study skills integrated in the classroom • Weekly seminars

  12. Example: How to Seminar Lesson • Think and Brainstorm: Quality discussions • Set up note taking for video • Show Video • Compare notes • Add to brainstorm • Share rubric • Assign seminar topic • Seminar

  13. Integrated Assignment:Career Presentations & Essays SD 075 Assignments English 095 Assignments Summarize and respond to assessment results Create a works cited page in MLA style for resources Utilize word processing software Write an essay on their career choice, integrating at least four resources, interviews, and personal assessments • Identify personal attributes • Research chosen career • WOIS + 3 resources • Career interviews • Create a presentation outline • Create a poster • Participate in a “poster session”

  14. Integrated Assignment Example:

  15. Additional Support provided by TRiO SSS • Math support groups • Financial workshops • Cultural events & Campus visits • Student club • Book loans • Scholarship opportunities • Online Canvas TRiO Toolkit

  16. How do we know this is working? • We use a matched-cohort protocol for analyzing quantitative outcomes • All students in the cohorts are 1st gen, low-income and enrolled in English 095 Fall Quarter • SSS Cohort enrolled in the learning communities • SSS eligible enrolled in ENGL 095 but not in LC • We use pre-/post efficacy surveys, focus groups, and student interviews for gathering qualitative data

  17. 2010-2012 three-year averages

  18. SAI Points per student and Highest Momentum Earned

  19. Qualitative Data • College and English Efficacy Surveys: Statistically significant increases • Focus groups: SGID model; ATD coaches • Interviews with students: TRiO staff Bottom line: Students think this works!

  20. Data shows us this program works! • Higher course completion rates • Higher retention rates • More persistence in Math • Developmental work before college-level work • Strong student support

  21. Collaborations are integral • Arts and Sciences Division Funding • Identifying faculty • Scheduling – courses, rooms, computer labs • Writing and Math Center • Student Services • Admissions and Registration • Financial Aid • Counseling, Advising and Disability Support • Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE)

  22. What would it take to take this to scale? • Currently serving about 25% of eligible • Increase the number of sections from the current two to eight • Train English instructors to integrate the SD content into existing English courses and/or teach the SD course • Add counselors to teach the SD course • Guarantee students an annual schedule of sequenced courses to help us plan

  23. To recap…

  24. To contact us… • Kerrie Abb kabb@yvcc.edu 509-574-4871 • Marc Coomer mcoomer@yvcc.edu 509-574-4960 • Wilma Dulin wdulin@yvcc.edu 509-574-6832 • Gordon Koestler gkoestler@yvcc.edu 509-574-4828

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