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SPINAL CORD. Vertebrae epidural space dura mater Arachnoid subarachnoid space pia mater Spinal cord extends from : medulla to 2 nd Lumbar (L2) –adults 16-18 in. long, ¾ in. wide. Landmark areas. Cervical enlargement : C4 – T1
SPINAL CORD Vertebraeepidural space dura mater Arachnoid subarachnoid space pia mater • Spinal cord extends from : medulla to 2nd Lumbar (L2) –adults 16-18 in. long, ¾ in. wide
Landmark areas Cervical enlargement: C4 – T1 nerves to arms Lumbar enlargement: T9 – T12 nerves to legs Conusmedullaris: between L1/L2 tip of spinal cord
Filumterminale: pia strand from conusmedullaris to coccyx Caudaequina: spinal nerves continue to emerge beyond conusmedullaris Anterior median fissure: ventral groove (wide)
Posterior median sulcus: dorsal, shallow Gray matter ( H ) : contains somas, neuroglia, some unmyelinated axons, dendrites of interneurons/efferent neurons White matter : mostly myelinated axons
Gray commissure : crossbar of (H)- contains central canal Central canal : arises from 4th ventricle Anterior white commissure: connects anterior white columns
GRAY Horns • a) anterior (ventral) horns: somas of somatic, motor (efferent) neurons voluntary muscle contractions • b) posterior (dorsal) horns: somatic, autonomic sensory (afferent) somas all sensory information • c) lateral horns: (T,L only) autonomic motor (efferent) somas involuntary muscle contractions
WHITE columns • a) posterior (dorsal) white columns • b) anterior (ventral ) white columns • c) lateral white columns
R O O T S • A) posterior (dorsal ) root: somas of sensory(afferent) neurons (PNS, unipolar ganglia) • B) anterior (ventral) root: motor (efferent) axons (CNS, multipolar)
SPINAL NERVES 31 pairs cervical (8 pairs) thoracic (12 pairs) lumbar (5 pairs) sacrum ( 5 pairs) coccyx ( 1 pair)
Assorted Spinal terminology • A ) Poliomyelitis –(polio) destruction of ventral horn motor neurons. • B) neuritis inflammation of a nerve • C) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) progressive destruction of ventral motor horn neurons. Cause unknown?
D) Shingles herpes zoster virus retreats to posterior root ganglia. Uses fast axonal transport to cause blisters.