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Siegel and Pratt Family History | Explore Generational Stories

Discover the fascinating stories and legacies of the Siegel and Pratt families across generations, from Indianapolis to Pennsylvania. Follow their passions, professions, and connections in this rich tapestry of lives well-lived.

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Siegel and Pratt Family History | Explore Generational Stories

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  1. Isaac Siegel Amanda Pratt Miles Siegel Elizabeth Stratton Truxton Pratt jr. Dorothy Goodman Paul Siegel Dorothy Spivak Jack Stratton Truxton Pratt I Fanny Rose David Goodman Max Siegel June Love Phyllis Shaw

  2. Isaac Siegel Born on November 16, 1999 in Indianapolis, Indiana Goes to school at the Hasten Hebrew Academy Likes watching and playing Football, Ping Pong, and basketball

  3. Miles Siegel Born October 3, 1963 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Works at Eli Lilly Married to Amanda Pratt June 13, 1993 in Waitsfield, Vermont Likes playing tennis and reading.

  4. Amanda Pratt Born June 9, 1963 in Greenwich, Connecticut Works in the IU School of Medicine Married to Miles Siegel on June 13, 1993 in Waitsfield Vermont Likes listening to books on tape, skiing and hiking

  5. Elizabeth Stratton Born on March 12, 1928 in Portchester, New York Married to Truxton Pratt Jr. October 2, 1954 in Greenwhich, Connecticut She likes to play golf

  6. Truxton Pratt Jr. He was born on August 31, 1925 in Passaic, New Jersey He died July 5, 1975 Married to Elizabeth Stratton October 2, 1954 at Greenwhich, Connecticut Served in the US army during WWII

  7. Paul Siegel Born on January 19, 1930, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Married to Dorothy Goodman June 20, 1954 in Philadelphia he likes to play tennis, listen to music, and he likes to watch sports (He is on the right)

  8. Dorothy Goodman Born April 12 or 13 depending who you ask 1929, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Died on November 1, 2011 in Philadelphia Married to Paul Siegel on June 20, 1954 (she is on the left)

  9. Max Siegel Born on November 17, 1905 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Died May 14, 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania married to Dorothy Spivak September 2, 1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  10. Dorothy Spivak Went by the name Dora Born February 22, 1908 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Died March 4, 1990 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  11. Jack Stratton Born May, 24 1893 in Denver, Colorado Married June Love September 27, 1923 Died November 15, 1979 worked as a lawyer Loved traveling, and taking photographs

  12. June Love Born May 27, 1896 in Chicago Illinois Married to Jack Stratton on September 27, 1923 Died February 16, 1981 She liked Embroidery, and she liked to give big partys

  13. Fanny Rose Born in Zhitomir, Russia (Now in Ukraine) in 1898 Died 1970 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 72 years old Married David Goodman 1923, In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Liked watching movies and plays with her husband

  14. David Goodman • Born 1889 in Ukraine • Died 1975 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Married to Fanny Rose 1923, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Liked watching movies and plays with his wife • Liked playing and teaching chess

  15. Truxton Pratt I • Born June 30, 1894 In Bolton Landing, New York • Married to Phyllis Shaw December 29, 1917 in Passaic, New Jersey • He worked as an engineer • Died March 28, 1967

  16. Phyllis Shaw • Born on July 3, 1896, in Brookland, New York • Married Truxton Pratt I December 29, 1917 in Passaic, New York • Died April 5, 1967, in Danville, Virginia • Liked running the house

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