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Model Checking Lecture 3. Model-Checking Algorithms = Graph Algorithms. Safety: -solve: STL ( U model checking), finite monitors ( emptiness) -algorithm: reachability (linear) Response under weak fairness:
Model Checking Lecture 3
Safety: • -solve: STL (U model checking), finite monitors ( emptiness) • -algorithm: reachability (linear) • Response under weak fairness: • -solve: weakly fair CTL ( model checking), Buchi monitors ( emptiness) • -algorithm: strongly connected components (linear) • Liveness: • -solve: strongly fair CTL, Streett monitors ( () emptiness) • -algorithm: recursively nested SCCs (quadratic)
From specification automata to monitor automata: determinization (exponential) + complementation (easy) From LTL to monitor automata: complementation (easy) + tableau construction (exponential) Simulation automata: preorder refinement (quadratic)
Five Algorithms • Reachability • Strongly connected components • Recursively nested SCCs • Tableau construction • Preorder refinement • Streett determinization
Finite Emptiness Given: finite automaton (S, S0, , , FA) Find: is there a path from a state in S0 to a state in FA ? Solution: depth-first or breadth-first search
Application 1: STL model checking Application 2: finite monitors
Buchi Emptiness Given: Buchi automaton (S, S0, , , BA) Find: is there an infinite path from a state in S0 that visits some state in BA infinitely often ? Solution: 1. Compute SCC graph by depth-first search 2. Mark SCC C as fair iff C BA 3. Check if some fair SCC is reachable from S0
Application 1: CTL model checking over weakly-fair transition graphs (note: really need multiBuchi) Application 2: Buchi monitors
Streett Emptiness Given: Streett automaton (S, S0, , , SA) Find: is there an infinite path from a state in S0 that satisfies all Streett conditions (l,r) in SA ? Solution: check if S0 RecSCC (S, , SA)
function RecSCC (S, , SA) : X := for each C SCC (S, ) do F := if C then for each (l,r) SA do if C r then F := F (l,r) else C := C \ l if F = SA then X := X pre*(C) else X := X RecSCC (C, C, F) return X
Complexity n number of states m number of transitions s number of Streett pairs Reachability: O(n+m) SCC: O(n+m) RecSCC: O((n+m) · s2)
Application 1: CTL model checking over strongly-fair transition graphs Application 2: Streett monitors
Tableau Construction Given: LTL formula Find: Buchi automaton M such that L(M) = L() [Fischer & Ladner 1975; Manna & Wolper 1982]
Fischer-Ladner Closure of a Formula Sub (a) = { a } Sub () = { } Sub () Sub () Sub () = { } Sub () Sub () = { } Sub () Sub (U) = { U, (U) } Sub () Sub () | Sub () | = O(||)
s Sub () is consistent iff -if () Sub () then () s iff s and s -if () Sub () then () s iff s -if (U) Sub () then (U) s iff either s or s and (U) s
Tableau M = (S, S0, , , BA) S ... set of consistent subsets of Sub () s S0 iff s s t iff for all () Sub (), () s iff t (s) ... conjunction of atomic observations in s and negated atomic observations not in s For each (U) Sub (), BA contains { s | s or (U) s }
Size of M is O(2||). CTL model checking: linear / quadratic LTL model checking: PSPACE-complete
Model checking:the idea • Let be an LTL formula and B be a transition system specifying the behavior of a system • L(A) corresponds to all allowable behavior of the system • L(B) corresponds to all possible behavior of the system To check whether a system satisfies a specification we check if L(B) L(A)
Model checking LTL • Checking language containment is difficult! • But … L(B) L(A) is equivalent to L(B) L(A) = where L(A) is the set-complement of L(A). Since L(A) = L(A) we have L(B) L(A) iff L(B) L(A) =
The method • We now have the following model checking method 1. Find an automaton A representing the negation of the desired LTL specification 2. Model a system by a transition system B 3. Construct an automaton Csuch that L(C) = L(B) L(A) 4. Check if L(C) = Yes, but how?
Synchronizing automata To construct an automaton Csuch that L(C) = L(B) L(A) we synchronize B and A considering only transitions <s,r> <s’,r’> where • s s’ in B • r r’ in A, and • the valuation u holds in the state s. t u tu
r1 Example (1) • Specification: = G(p XFq) Any occurrence of p must be followed (later) by an occurrence of q • = F(p XGq) there exist an occurrence of p after which q will never be encountered again • A = p,q p,q p,q p,q u1: u2: r0 p,q p,q p,q p,q u0:
Example (2) • The system: B = p q t1 t4 p q p q t5 t2 t3 p q
Example: (3) • The synchronized product C = B A t4u0 p q p q t1u0 t4u0 t1u2 p q p q p q t5u2 p q t5u0 t2u0 t3u0 t2u2 t3u2 p q p q p,q p,q p,q p,q p,q p,q p,q p,q u0: u1: u2:
Example: (4) There is an execution accepted by B A t4u0 p q p q t1u0 t4u0 t1u2 p q p q p q t5u2 p q t5u0 t2u0 t3u0 t2u2 t3u2 p q p q • The language of B A is non-empty, and hence B [with = G(p XFq)]
Complexity • A has size O(2||) in the worst case • The product B A has size O(|B|x|A|) • We can determine if the language of BAis empty in O(|B A|) time • Model checking B,s0 can be done in time O(|B|x 2||)
Symbolic Model-Checking Algorithms Given: a “symbolic theory”, that is, an abstract data type called region with the following operations pre, pre, post, post : region region , , \ : region region region , = : region region bool < >, > < : A region , Q : region
Intended Meaning of Symbolic Theories region ... set of states , , \, , =, ... set operations <a> = { q Q | [q] = a } >a< = { q Q | [q] a } pre (R) = { q Q | ( r R) q r } pre (R) = { q Q | ( r)( q r r R )} post (R) = { q Q | ( r R) r q } post (R) = { q Q | ( r)( r q r R )}
If the state of a system is given by variables of type Vals, and the transitions of the system can be described by operations Ops on Vals, then the first-order theoryFO(Vals, Ops) is an adequate symbolic theory: region ... formula of FO (Vals, Ops) , , \, , =, , Q ... , , , validity, validity, f, t pre (R(X)) = ( X’)( Trans(X,X’) R(X’) ) pre (R(X)) = ( X’)( Trans(X,X’) R(X’) ) post (R(X)) = ( X”)( R(X”) Trans(X”,X) ) post (R(X)) = ( X”)( Trans(X”,X) R(X’’) )
If FO (Vals, Ops) admits quantifier elimination, then the propositional theory ZO (Vals, Ops) is an adequate symbolic theory: each pre/post operation is a quantifier elimination
Example: Boolean Systems -all system variables X are boolean -region: quantifier-free boolean formula over X -pre, post: boolean quantifier elimination Complexity: PSPACE
Example: Presburger Systems -all system variables X are integers -the transition relation Trans(X,X’) is defined using only and -region: quantifier-free formula of (Z, , ) -pre, post: quantifier elimination
An iterative language for writing symbolic model-checking algorithms -only data type is region -expressions: pre, post, , , \ , , =, < >, , Q -assignment, sequencing, while-do, if-then-else
Example: Reachability a S := R := <a> while R S do S := S R R := pre(R)
A recursive language for writing symbolic model-checking algorithms: The Mu-Calculus a = ( R) (a pre(R)) a = ( R) (a pre(R))
Syntax of the Mu-Calculus • ::= a | a | | | pre() | pre() | (R) | (R) | R pre = pre = R ... region variable
Semantics of the Mu-Calculus [[ a ]]E := <a> [[ a ]]E := >a< [[ ]]E := [[ ]]E [[ ]]E [[ ]]E := [[ ]]E [[ ]]E [[ pre() ]]E := pre( [[ ]]E ) [[ pre() ]]E:= pre( [[ ]]E ) E maps each region variable to a region.
Operational Semantics of the Mu-Calculus [[ (R) ]]E := S’ := ; repeat S := S’; S’ := [[]]E(RS) until S’=S; return S [[ (R) ]]E := S’ := Q; repeat S := S’; S’ := [[]]E(RS) until S’=S; return S
Denotational Semantics of the Mu-Calculus [[ (R) ]]E := smallest region S such that S = [[]]E(RS) [[ (R) ]]E := largest region S such that S = [[]]E(RS) These regions are unique because all operators on regions (, , pre, pre) are monotonic.
a = ( R) (a pre(R)) a = ( R) (a pre(R)) a = ( R) (a pre(R)) a = ( R) (a pre(R)) b U a = ( R) (a (b pre(R))) a = ( R) (a pre( R )) = ( R) (a pre( ( S) (R pre(S)) ))
Temporal Properties Fixpoints EF p p (EX p) EX (EX p) … 1 2 3
Temporal Properties Fixpoints • Note that • AG p EF( p ) • Other temporal operators can also be represented as fixpoints • AF p , EG p , p AU q , p EU q
-every / alternation adds expressiveness -all omega-regular languages in alternation depth 2 -model checking complexity: O( (|| (m+n)) d ) for formulas of alternation depth d -most common implementation (SMV, Mocha): use BDDs to represent boolean regions