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Discover valuable lessons, key characters, sin cycles, and salvation themes in the Book of Judges. Dive into the historical background of Israel during this period, understanding the importance of faithfulness and the consequences of disobedience. Access the full downloadable Judges lessons on Bible.Classes at TheGoodTeacher.com.
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Judges Among the Twelve Joshua = the possession of a nation Judges and Ruth = the oppression of a nation 1 and 2 Samuel = the stabilization and expansion of a nation 1 and 2 Kings = the glorification and deterioration of a nation
Judges Among the Twelve 1 and 2 Chronicles = the preparation and destruction of the temple Ezra = the reconstruction of the temple Nehemiah = the reconstruction of the city Esther = the protection of the people
Time Period in OT History Creation The Flood Patriarchs Bondage in Egypt Wilderness Wanderings Conquest of Canaan (1390 – 1090 B.C.) Period of the Judges (Judges – Ruth) United Kingdom Divided Kingdom Captivity and Exile Return and Restoration
Book Background Title: “Judges” (Heb. shophetim) means a ruler who is a “deliverer” or “savior” (2:16) Authorship: Anonymous. Jewish tradition assigns the book to Samuel or one of his prophetic students (1 Sam. 10:5) Date: Written sometime around the time of Samuel (see Judges 1:21; 2:7; 11:26; 17:6; 18:1,31; 19:1; 20:27; 21:25)
Book Background Audience: Israel in the land of Canaan under a united monarchy is reminded of their immediate past idolatry and forsaking of the Lord. Time: About 300 years (1390 – 1090 B.C.) Location: Israel in the land of Canaan for approximately 300 years (11:26)
Keys to the Book Key verses: 2:11-23; 21:25 Key theme: “sin cycles” of Israel (2:11-23) Key characters: Judges (2:16; Heb. 11:32-33)
Outline of the Book • The Deterioration of Israel (Judges 1-2) • Living with the Canaanites • The Deliverance of Israel (Judges 3-16) • Living under the Canaanites • The Depravity of Israel (Judges 17-21) • Living like the Canaanites
Outline of the Book • The Deterioration of Israel (Judges 1-2) • Failure to Complete the Conquest (Judges 1) • Judgment for Failure to Complete the Conquest (Judges 2)
Outline of the Book • The Deliverance of Israel (Judges 3-16) • Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar (Judges 3) • Deborah (Judges 4-5) • Gideon (Judges 6-8) • Abimelech (Judges 9) • Tola, Jair (Judges 10) • Jephthah (Judges 11) • Ibzan, Elon, Abdon (Judge 12) • Samson (Judges 13-16) [ Note: Last two judges: Eli and Samuel, 1 Samuel 1-8 ]
Outline of the Book • The Depravity of Israel (Judges 17-21) • Idolatry (17-18) • Immorality (19) • Infighting (20-21)
Judges 1Lessons for Today It is good to go to the Lord for advice on what to do in life and let him give the answer (1:1-2; Jas. 1:5). It is good to join hands with our brethren in our spiritual fight against the Devil (1:3,17; 1 Tim. 6:12; 2 Tim. 2:3-4). The Lord is with those who faithfully serve him (1:19; Mt. 28:20; Heb. 13:5-6).
Judges 1Lessons for Today Worldly influences left unconquered in our life will cause us problems (1:21,27-36; Jas. 4:4). The failure to conquer the land was not the Lord’s fault, but was caused by the sin of the people (1:27-36; Prov. 14:34).
The Book of Judges 1. Silence Sin Cycles of Israel (Judges 2:11-23) 5. Salvation 2. Sin 4. Supplication 3. Servitude
Judges 2Lessons for Today The Lord does not break his covenants with his people (2:1; 2 Tim. 2:13). The Lord’s people must not make covenants with the people of the world (2:2; Jas. 4:4). There is no good reason to disobey the Lord (2:2; Tit. 1:16). The evil influences of the world are like a snare to God’s people (2:3; 2 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pet. 2:20).
Judges 2Lessons for Today Sin and its punishment bring sorrow (2:4; 2 Cor. 2:5,7; 7:10; 1 Tim. 6:10). It is important to have strong leadership over God’s people (2:6-9; Heb. 13:7,17). The Lord has done great works for his people (2:7,10; Eph. 1:3ff). It is important to teach future generations about the Lord (2:10; Eph. 6:4; 2 Tim. 2:2).
Judges 2Lessons for Today The Lord’s people must guard against idolatry or anything and anyone that would take the place of God (2:11-13; 1 Jn. 5:21). The hand of the Lord is against his people when they disobey and the anger of the Lord is against his people when they disobey (2:14,20; Heb. 10:30-31; 12:29). The Lord is full of mercy (2:18; Eph. 2:4-8; Tit. 3:5). Some people will enter right back into sin when times are good (2:16-19; 2 Pet. 2:14).
The Book of Judges 1. Silence Sin Cycles of Israel (Judges 2:11-23) 5. Salvation 2. Sin 4. Supplication 3. Servitude
Cushanrishathaim King of Mesopotamia oppressed Israel Judges 3:8 Philistines oppressed Israel Judges 3:31 Philistia Eglon King of Moab oppressed Israel Judges 3:12
Judges 3Lessons for Today God’s people went through a period of war before they could experience a period of peace (3:1-2; Isa. 2:4; Rev. 14:13). Living in the world provides opportunity for God’s people to be proved regarding their obedience to God (3:4; Rom. 12:1-2).
Judges 3Lessons for Today Living with the world often leads to living like the world. If God’s people live among worldly influences and marry into worldly influences, they may soon be engaging in worldliness themselves (3:5-6; 1 Jn. 2:15-17). If God’s people are not careful, they will forget the Lord and serve the world (3:7; Jas. 4:1-4). Make sure that our remorse and repentance for sin is genuine and lasting (3:9,15; 2 Cor. 7:9-11).
Judges 3Lessons for Today Sin brings servitude, but salvation brings rest (3:8,11,14,30; Prov. 13:15; Jn. 8:32-36). Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it. Sin will repeat itself over and over again without true repentance and mature obedience (3:12; Heb. 3:12-13). Jesus Christ will save anyone today from the oppression of sin (3:9,15,31; Mt. 1:21).
The Book of Judges 1. Silence Sin Cycles of Israel (Judges 2:11-23) 5. Salvation 2. Sin 4. Supplication 3. Servitude
Deborah ( 4:1 – 5:31 ) Deborah fought Sisera at Mt. Tabor (4:12) Deborah judged Israel in Ephraim (4:4-5)
Judges 4Lessons for Today A worthy woman like Deborah who has courage and conviction is hard to find and is much needed today (4:4-10; Prov. 31:10; 1 Tim. 2:9-15; Tit. 2:3-5; 1 Pet. 3:1-6). Some need to be roused from their lethargy to obey the Lord and get busy battling for the Lord (4:6,14; 2 Cor. 6:2; Eph. 6:10ff). The Lord will lead his people to victory over the enemy (4:14; Rev. 19:11-21).
Judges 5Lessons for Today Let us all willingly join in the fight against the enemy (5:2,9; Eph. 6:10ff). Let us rise up in a wicked society and be a beacon of light for good (5:7; Phil. 2:15). The righteous acts from the Lord in heaven must be matched with righteous acts from his people on earth (5:11; Rev. 19:8).
Judges 5Lessons for Today There is a moment when we all must decide if we will fight or if we will fail (5:15-16; Eph. 6:10ff). The strong and courageous will jeopardize their own lives for the Lord’s service (5:18; Acts 15:26; Phil. 2:30). Brethren who are fearful and cowardly are cursed (5:23; Rev. 21:8).
Judges 5Lessons for Today The enemies of the Lord will not get what they want in the end (5:28-30; Rev. 19:11-21; 21:10). Those who love the Lord will shine as the sun (5:31; Dan. 12:3).
The Book of Judges 1. Silence Sin Cycles of Israel (Judges 2:11-23) 5. Salvation 2. Sin 4. Supplication 3. Servitude