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CATESOL. California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages CATESOL represents teachers of English language learners throughout California and Nevada, promoting excellence in education and providing high-quality professional development. Founded: 1969
CATESOL California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages CATESOL represents teachers of English language learners throughout California and Nevada, promoting excellence in education and providing high-quality professional development
Founded: 1969 Location: California and Nevada 2011 Membership: 1,800 (800+ also in TESOL) Governance: Elected Board of Directors meets 4 times per year.
Members • Teachers • Teacher trainers • Graduate students in TESOL & Linguistics • Authors of ESL materials • Tutors and aides • Program administrators
Levels: Interest Groups: Intercultural Communication Non-Native Language Educators’ Issues Teaching English in the Workplace Technology Enhanced Language Learning • Primary • Secondary • Adult Education • Community College • University/College • IEP (Intensive Eng. Program)
Events Manychapter conferences & workshops all year long – under 150 people Threeregional conferences in the fall – 300-500 people Oneannual conference in the spring – approx. 1,200-1,500 people
CATESOL Education Foundation (a 501-c-3 public charity) • Projects include • Sponsoring outstanding speakersat chapter, regional, and state conferences • Supporting Pre Conference Institutesat the CATESOL annual conference • Funding workshops and trainingon cultural diversity, instructional strategies for teaching English learners, and other professional development needs • Supporting special training on SDAIE/SIOP methodologies and second language acquisition theory and strategies • Providing financial support for the publication of the annual CATESOL Journal, a publication that showcases research in the field of language teaching
Why People Join • To get teaching ideas at conferences • To network with other professionals • To get discounts for CATESOL events • To share info with our legislative advocates in California and Nevada, who make our positions known to the state governments • To join the listserv discussions & job board • To receive the CATESOL News & Journal
Benefits for K-12 Teachers • They get new ideas for classroom instruction, including CAHSEE prep and SDAIE, SIOP & GLAD techniques • They can review materials by multiple publishers at state, regional AND some many chapter events • They have opportunities to network and meet other K-12 from all over the state, and participate in discussions and workshops that address K-12 issues • The can attend plenaries by leaders in our field such as Cummins, Kagan, Krashen, Kinsella, and Zimmermann • They are encouraged to present at conferences and take on leadership roles • They can bring all this back to their colleagues & schools
We hope you will encourage your teachers to join CATESOL today!