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Norwegian delegation Chamber of Commerce

Norwegian delegation Chamber of Commerce. Philippe MARCUS Wednesday September 26th PARIS La Défense. Training & Well being at work. Training & Development. Legal context :

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Norwegian delegation Chamber of Commerce

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  1. Norwegian delegation Chamber of Commerce Philippe MARCUS Wednesday September 26thPARIS La Défense

  2. Training & Wellbeingatwork

  3. Training & Development Legalcontext : • All French companies of more than 20 employees have to spent minimum of 1,6% of theirannualwage bill on Training & Development of theiremployees. • Controled by tax and public authorities. • Companiesfinaceeithertotallyeitherpartially the following training programs : - Technical and managerial trainings - Language classes - IT trainings - Security trainings

  4. Training & Development • Furthermoreeachemployeewith regard to his/herprofessionaldevelopment has the right to do an assessment of his/hercompetenciesduringhisworking time whichwillbefinanced by the employer • Assessmentallows to open up new professional perspectives • Since 2005 additionalmeasures : Individual right to training (Droit individuel à la formation = DIF) – additional training in order to develop new competenciesnecessary for the employeeand the company in the context of a professionalproject • Salarywillbemaintainedduringthis training period • Eachemployee has the right to 20 hours/years : canbe « stored » to achieve 120 hours maximum

  5. Training & Development • Since 2005 as well possible to take « Individual training vacation » (Congés individuels de formation = CIF) financed by external public organisations • Trainings taken in the context of a CIF are not necessarily in line with the interest of a company – canbeused for a professionalre-orientation • Salarycanbemaintainedduringthatperiodedepending on the type of training course

  6. Training & Development • In GDF SUEZ EPI relations withmany training providers as IFP school, Cegos, Petroskills etc. • Corporate University GDF SUEZ University providingmanagerial trainings to all managers of the group • Training needsassessedduring the annual interview between the manager and the employee • Sanctioned by the annual training plan • To have an annual training plan is a legal obligation

  7. Annual training plan • Summarizes the totality of all trainings planned for the employees of a company. • Usuallyestablished in Q3 to bepresented to the Trade Unions Committee before the end of the year. • All employees of a company are part of the training plan nonwithstanding the duration of theircontract and the time they have spent in the company. • Implementation of the Annual training plan has to bepresentedtwice a year to the Trade Unions Committee. • Special regard to training attended by women, employees of more than 45 years, disabledemployees and people not havingattendedany training since 4 years. • Some figures : in EPI in 2011 7006 hours of training weregiven to the 250 employees = 28 hours of training/employeerepresenting 643.000 €.

  8. «Wellbeingatwork » • After a serie of suicides in big French companies GDF SUEZ concluded in February 2010 a Company agreement with the Trade Unions to preventpsychlogicalrisksatwork (Burnout, moral harassement, suicide) • Company agreement implemented all Branches of the Groupe : creation of SteeringCommittes in charge of the implementation of this agreement composed of members of Trade Unions, OccupationalHealthDoctor and HR • In B3G diagonisis in 2011 by an externalconsultancyagencyspecialised in the prevention of theserisk • Questionnaire answered by 56% of B3G employeesidentifiedseveral « highrisk groups » amongemployees • Risklinked to employment conditions – eitherovercharge of theirworkload or highdemotivitation due to severalreorganisations • Action plan has been presented last week to the ExecutiveCommittee of the Branche • At the same time sinceFebruary 2011 existence of a « hotline » for psychologicalurgenciesatwork • Workpsychologistswilltreatanonymously calls fromemployeesencountering a psychologicalurgency • Possibility to call the psychologist 4 times – after the 4 call orientation towardsexternalpsychologicaltreatement or counselling • HR departmentwillbealerted in case of any moral harassement

  9. «Wellbeingatwork » • Severalothermeasuresorganized by OccupationalHealthDoctor and the HSE department : prevention of shoulder and back problems, prevention of sleepproblems • Legal obligation for eachemployee to have a medical check-up by the OccupationalHealthDoctorevery second year • OHD first interface in case of work-relatedpsychologicalproblems • HSE departmentsplay an important role in the prevention of securityrisksatwork • Organisation of training sessions in order to sensibilizeemployeestowardseveryday life risks to avoidworkrelated accidents • Legal obligation of having a Committee of Hygiena, Safety and Healthatworkcomposed of members of management and Trade Unions

  10. Pour info : Gestion du PLAN de FORMATION • « Accord de la Branche des Industries Electriques et Gazières du 16 septembre 2005 ». Un projet d’avenant est en cours qui permettra d’intégrer les apports de la loi de Novembre 2009 et de la loi Cherpion. • « Accord sur l’organisation générale, les conditions de mise en œuvre et le dialogue social relatifs à la formation tout au long de la vie professionnelle à Gaz de France SA et GRT gaz SA ». • Compte tenu du passage en filiale au 01/04/2012, un Accord sur la formation devra être négocié dans les prochains mois au périmètre de GDF SUEZ EPI.

  11. Ethics & Compliance

  12. Ethics & Compliance • Requirement from Corporate to report all Ethics incidents - Network of E&C correspondents + Ethical Officer - UK Bribery Act (June 2011): the failure to prevent corruption is considered a criminal offence. • GDF SUEZ Ethics reference documents : - Ethics Policy - Ethics Charter (defines the 4 ethics principles)* - Guidelines "Ethics in Practices“ - Operational documentation (commercial, suppliers & financial) • Training & awareness-raising - “Business Ethics” - “Fraud and Corruption” (aiming for over 50% EPI TOPEX trained within 2 years) - E-learning (approx. 30 min/session) * 4 EthicsPrinciples: 1/Acting in accordance with laws and regulations – 2/Establishing a culture of integrity - 3/Behaving fairly and honestly – 4/Respecting others

  13. Ethics & Compliance • Extractive IndustryTransparencyInitaitive (EITI) • The EITI is a coalition founded in 2002. It brings together nations, companies, civil society organizations, investors and international organizations. • Objective: to establish an international standard that requires companies to publish what they pay and governments to disclose what they receive. • GDF SUEZ EPI is member since 2009. • All revenue generated from EITI-compliant countries* is published on the GDF SUEZ website*. - Being member builds up on GDF SUEZ’s commitment to transparency and the fight against corruption. • Film EITI Global Conference 2011 • *Germany; United Kingdom; Norway, the Netherlands and Mauritania. • **http://www.gdfsuez.com/en/group/ethics-compliance/benchmarks-affiliations/

  14. CHSCT

  15. Whatisit and doesitwork ? • A committeewhichisconsultedon health and safety issues before the employer's decisions in this area. - Committee members are elected by workcouncilmembers and « delegues du personnel » every 3 years. - EPI CHSCT has 6 memberselected. The occupational doctor and safety engineer also attend the meetings. The chairman is the employer. - The size of this committee directlydepends on the numbers of employees. - The CHSCT meets at least every 3 months, more often if necessary.

  16. Missions • The committee's mission is to contribute to the protection of the physical and mental health workers of the company and those who are working for the company from another company like contractors. This committee also ensures compliance with legal requirements. • It is also consulted on all measures likely to affect physical working conditions. • For instance, the CHSCT discusses the results of work accidents, moves within offices, security measures taken for employees working in Algeria, the use of defibrillators within offices….

  17. CHSCT means • In addition of the 4 meetings per year as a minimum, members have time for working on the subjectsabove to betaken on the working time to prepare the meetings, for meeting employees… • They can appeal to experts inside and outside the company.

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