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Building a Responsive Classroom Environment for Effective Learning

Learn strategies for creating a warm, safe, and challenging classroom. Explore how to integrate social and academic curriculum, build community, and address individual student needs. Enhance teaching with interactive modeling, structured discussions, and teacher language techniques. Establish and reinforce positive behavior and rules, and effectively respond to misbehavior using logical consequences.

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Building a Responsive Classroom Environment for Effective Learning

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  1. Responsive Classroom Creating a Warm, Safe, and Challenging Environment

  2. Responsive Classroom Creating a Warm, Safe, and Challenging Environment 1. Integrating the Social and Academic Curriculum 2. Building Community 3. Knowing Students: Individually, Culturally, and Developmentally

  3. Responsive Classroom Main Components

  4. Problem Romeo and Juliet have trouble sharing markers during highlighting time Can only use pencils during activity Greeting, Activity, and Message that deals with cooperation Model how to share materials Structured Discussion: “How can we follow the rule “be nice…” in this activity Reinforce before, Remind & Redirect during “Be nice to one another”

  5. RC Teacher Role “…teachers hold authority even though they are part of the circle.” - Solving Thorny Behavior Problems p. 276

  6. RC Discipline

  7. Interactive Modeling Teaching Specific Behaviors Children need to be taught expectations: -Responding to signal for quiet -Lining up -Using the water fountain -Walking Down the hall -Carrying Scissors -Listening to a speaker -And many more(I have a suggested list if needed)

  8. Interactive Modeling 1) Reminding Language: “Who can show me…” Model again and again Only demonstrate positive

  9. Interactive Modeling Your Turn 1.Responding to signal for quiet 2.Lining up 3.Using the water fountain 4.Walking Down the hall 5.Carrying Scissors 6.Listening to a speaker 7. Transitions in room 8. Bathroom procedure 9. Work Sharing

  10. Teacher Language Overview “Rememberto raise your hand to speak.” “Time to finish cleaning up and get in line. 1 min to go” “No, you may not use the materials in that closet” “I’d rather you didn’t use the materials in that closet, okay?” “I see Josh has cleaned his table” “Remember when we discussed..”

  11. Teacher Language 3 Types Reinforcing Reminding Redirecting

  12. Teacher Language Reinforcing Language Reinforcing Positive Behavior Name concrete and specific behaviors - Instead of “Good Work” - Try “ You’re really catching on to reading large numbers” -Instead of “I loved how you checked your answers before turning your work in” -Try “You really took your time and made sure to check your work before handing it in.” Focus on behavior, not approval

  13. Teacher Language Reinforcing Language Reinforcing Positive Behavior Find positives to name in all students; not just those who excel - The point is to reinforce something good, so it’s not only for the best students Avoid naming individuals as examples

  14. Rule Creation Teachers and Students share Hopes and Dreams Students name positive rules to accomplish Hopes and dreams 3-5 simple rules are created Structured discussion by all teachers How will rules look like in each area?

  15. Let’s Get Together RC @ HHAI Interactive modeling • General and Judaic Studies teachers split up common procedures • General and Judaic studies teachers do together • “Traveling rules” Rule Creation

  16. Let’s go to the videotape

  17. Energizers Clap Clap Cross Cross Side Side Stomp Stomp Time fora short break

  18. Teacher Language Reminding Language -Based on previously established expectations “Thank you” -Interactive Modeling: “Who would like to show us what a respectful listener looks like?” -Structured Discussion: “Our rules say ‘respect one another.’ What can we do with our scissors during this activity to demonstrate that?” “Please” -Question or statement -”What could you do if you have a question” -”Show me a safe way to do that” -May be proactive or reactive

  19. Responding to Misbehavior There’s more

  20. Teacher Language Redirecting Language Giving Clear Non-Negotiable Instruction When? • Student is doing something dangerous • - Student is too off track What? 1. Be direct and Specific - “David, hands in your lap” 2.Names desired behavior -Instead of: “Do you want me to take those toys away?” -Try: “Put those toys away” 3. Keep it brief -”Books closed. Eyes and ears on me.” 4. Set firm limits and take action if not followed -Time out or other Logical Consequence

  21. LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES My struggle with 4th grade



  24. LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES Articles on 2 types

  25. LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES Scenario #1 Miranda shared her favorite doll during Morning Meeting. When she asked for questions and Comments, the teacher raised her hand and Miranda called on her. "You've taken such care with dressing your doll, Miranda. The clothes go together really nicely," she commended. "Thank you," Miranda said and then called on Anise. Anise said, "Dolls are for babies. I cant believe you still play with dolls!" TeacherResponse The teacher looked at Anise and said, “Take a break.” Anise went to a chair placed away from the meeting circle and the students’ desks. The chair was labeled, “Take a break.”

  26. LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES Scenario #2 Brian returns to his desk after taking a bathroom break to find his math paper gone. He immediately begins to complain, "My paper's gone." "What can you do about that, Brian?" asks the teacher. Brian carefully looks all around his desk for the math paper while Andy, who sits next to him , watches and grins. Finally, Andy smirks and says, "Why don't you look in the trash can? That's where all the other garbage is!" Brian looks and finds his work in the trash. "You put it there!" he accuses Andy. TeacherResponse “Andy, you need to take the page you threw in the trash and copy it over on a clean piece of paper for Brian,” the teacher tells Andy.

  27. LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES Scenario #3 Students were playing on the playground at recess. When their teacher gave the signal for them to line up to come in, most of the group lined up quickly. Three children ignored the signal and continued to play. The teacher warmly said to those who were in line, "You lined up really quickly today! I can tell you were really listening for the signal. Go on in and get your reading books." What would you do to the 3 children who ignored the signal? TeacherResponse As the children walked into the building, the teacher rounded up the three stragglers and spoke to them. “Seems like you’re having a hard time stopping your play to line up when I give the signal,” she said calmly. “For the next couple of days, you will play only near a teacher so we can make sure you are ready to come in when it’s time.”

  28. LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES Scenario #4 Students are working on projects using crayons. Liza picks up a crayon and begins to make random marks on Thomas's project. Thomas shrieks, "Stop it!" and pushes Liza's hand away. The teacher quickly walks over to the pair. "Liza, put the crayon down," he says, and Liza slowly puts the crayon on the table. He then asks, "Thomas, how can you let Liza know in a respectful way that you don't like it when she colors on your paper?" "Stop it. I don't like it when you color on my paper," Thomas responds. How would you deal with Liza? TeacherResponse “Liza, that messed up Thomas’s work when you colored on it,” the teacher then says. “It needs to get fixed somehow. Thomas, would you rather have Liza help you make a new drawing or just do your clean up job for you so that you’ll have time to make a new drawing on your own?”

  29. First Six Weeks of School Create a climate and tone of warmth and safety Teach schedule and routines of the school day and our expectations for behavior in each of them Introduce students to the physical environment and materials of the classroom and the school, and teach students how to use and care for them Generate excitement and enthusiasm for this year’s curriculum

  30. Thank you for listening

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