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Vacuum system upgrade

Vacuum system upgrade. Vacuum probe installed Spectrometer sealed – vacuum improved from 300 Pa to 7 Pa. We have to change a hoose for further improvement . Efect on spectra is significant. Electronics upgrade.

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Vacuum system upgrade

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Presentation Transcript

  1. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Vacuumsystem upgrade • Vacuumprobeinstalled • Spectrometersealed – vacuumimprovedfrom 300 Pa to 7 Pa. • Wehave to change a hooseforfurtherimprovement. • Efect on spectraissignificant

  2. Electronics upgrade V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois • PC controlleddisriminator CAEN installedin VME – simplificationofelectronics, welldefinedand stablethreshold, no possible interference betweencrates • Independent HV sourcesfordifferentPMTs – to equilibratedifferences in gains. We are waitingfordeliveryof VME PC controlled HV modules. • Cablesfixation • Waitingfornew PC controled HV modules and repaired VME doesn‘tpreventmeasurement.

  3. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Magnetichistory influence • Doestheelectronbeamenergydepend on thepreviously set energydue to themagnetichysteresis? • 1) Ifwekeepthe rule – first go up to magneticsaturationthen go down to thedesiredenergy • 2) Ifwekeepthe rule – don‘tkeep 1) ifthedesiredenergy < theoriginalenergy

  4. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Swappingmeasurement • Doesthepeakpositiondepend on themeasurementposition in the Black-Box due to magneticfieldvariations?

  5. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Magneticshielding upgrade • 4 m-metal cylindersinternalf133mm,length 305mm, thickness 1mm for PMT shieldinginsteadofthelow C steelcylinderswhichwereused up to now • plan to make a m-metal box (thickness 1mm) to coverthespectrometercompletly

  6. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Magneticshieldingmeasurement • Magnetic sensor placedinsteadof PMT in measurementpossition 1. • B-fieldmeasured in 3 directions in 3 shieldingconfigurations (no shield, low C steel, m-metal) forcurrents in thecoilcorresponding to theelectronbeamenergies 0-1600keV, saturation.

  7. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois PMT HV optimization

  8. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois DE detectorsettingoptimization

  9. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois DE detectorsettingoptimization

  10. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois DE detectorsettingoptimization

  11. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois DE detectorsettingoptimization • PMT HV 1300 V • DE HV 1200 V • Vacuum 6.4 Pa • E=1000 keV • R=13.6 %

  12. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap DE left scint. block DE right

  13. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Observedspectra • PMT HV 1300 V • DE HV 1200 V • DE threshold 15 mV • Vacuum7 Pa

  14. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Conclusions

  15. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Backup

  16. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Magneticshieldingmeasurement

  17. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Electronicsview

  18. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Testing station setup

  19. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Routinemeasurementsetupview

  20. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 1 DE left scint. block DE right

  21. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 2 DE left scint. block DE right

  22. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 3 DE left scint. block DE right

  23. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 4 DE left scint. block DE right

  24. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 5 DE left scint. block DE right

  25. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 6 DE left scint. block DE right

  26. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 7 DE left scint. block DE right

  27. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 8 DE left scint. block DE right

  28. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 9 DE left scint. block DE right

  29. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 10 DE left scint. block DE right

  30. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 11 DE left scint. block DE right

  31. V. Vorobel, SuperNEMO meeting, Aussois Oscilloscopesnap 12 DE left scint. block DE right

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